She's Addicted (Heroin Love Story)

She's Addicted Intro (Heroin Love Story)

The bathroom door was locked, All you could here was a occasional gasp. "Ines get out!!" nadiah screamed. Dude get out what are you doing?!? I couldn't even reply i was so lost in my own world.

To me the world had faded but to everyone else the world seemed normal. "F***" i screamed. i was sitting on the bathroom floor needle in hand i missed the frickin vein no thanks to nadiah.

i quickly ripped off the rope that i had tied to my arm, hid the needle, and tryed unlocking the door i wasn't succesful at first, and almost fell."Ines get out now! or i'm getting Janna to pick the lock." I opened the door pissed off at them both "What, What do you want?! i can't even frickin use the bathroom without you guys tellin me to get out dmn go away i yelled." i was already pissed from this morning with them arguing all the time.

God my head was pounding i needed to get out of here. i got dressed and as soon as i walked to the front door "Where ya goin" i slowly turned around to see who it was, the look in my eyes was enough to kill but it was Janna standing there. "going for a walk whats it to ya" i said. She just gave me the look, i shrugged my shoulders and walked out the house.

i didn't know where i was going and i didn't really care. i had my hood on and i just kept going. i had been shooting up for a few months now and i was already addicted. i walked across the street and got like a million dirty looks, Gee Thankz: confidence boost 101.I had been lost in thought and BAM! i ran into some random guy. "watch where your going" i said.

i looked at him and stopped...I-I-I'm sorry i managed to stammer. "It's fine" he grinned at me. we were both still sitting on the ground. i blushed and he helped me up. "thanks" imumbled. no problem he said winking at me.My hood had fell and he could see my face clearly. i feel like an uber dork i saidout loud. he smiled at me. "why?" cuz i ran into you and just cuz. your not a dork he said. thankx i replyed. My names ines and my names zane he said grinning. awesome :) .....UNTIL NEXT TIME
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i know its weird ^^