She's Addicted (Heroin Love Story)

She's Addicted Chapter 2: your wrecking my life

(ines's POV)

"where's my stuff!!" where'd you put it. i pratically screamed. "what stuff Janna said. if looks could kill Janna would be dead by now.

i ran back to my room hoping that i just misplaced it heart was racing i could fell it pounding in my chest. "where is it, Where is it!!" ughhhhh i swear i mumbled to my self.

"talking to yourself again i see." i turned to see who said it. "Zane i managed to mouth"

(Zane's POV)

poor girl she looks so lost. i wish i could help her.. I've helped her before so why is today gonna be any different.i walked over to her, she tried to calm down. i could see she was stressed. oh no she's gonna faint. Ines hold on! i caught her in my arms oh oh oh what do i do, what do i do ( way to keep your cool Zane)

(end of Zane's POV)

(ines's dream)

i walked completely dazed to an opening in the forest, i wasn't sure where i was going but soon my walk turned into a run. i ran towards a light, it was so warm and it embraced me willingly. i let the warmth take me away. "ines, ines wake up, hey are you awake yet" my dream was ruined. thanks for nothing.

(end of dream)

i tried opening my eyes but yet again i failed because the light seemed so bright. i closed my eyes again. i could still feel Zane's arms around me. i felt safe, i grinned to myself he was soo warm. i buried my head in his chest. ughh Janna and nadiah wouldn't shut up. Ines, Ines get up! hey you up yet. i counted to 10 it really didn't help.

i was so fed up "stfu!" i screamed.

"Can you leave" i managed to choke the words out to them. they didn't say a word, they walked out the room and closed the door.

I heard the click of the lock and breathed a sigh ofrelief.

"Thank You" i mumble. "for what" Zane said. " just for being here" i said while glancing up at him.

"Hey what was that? why did you faint?" i didn't have the guts to tell him what was really going on. so i told him this... i came back home and felt really sick but i was also looking for something and then you came, i fainted, so thats how we got where we are now.

I looked up at Zane he had worry lines from stressing over me again. i reached up and smoothed the lines away, Don't worry about me i whispered.

(Zane's POV)

she looks so fragile. i don't want to let her go. she's so sweet but i wish i could take the pain out of her eyes i wish we could be more then friends. i wish she knew how much i loved her.

(end of Zane's POV)

Let me see your hand. uhh why? i asked curious to know why he wanted to see it. "pleaseee" zane whined. i grinned, he took my hand in his. AWWW!! he shouted. "SHUSH" i said laughing they're gonna hear. he smiled down at me.

May i ask why you smiled like that at me?

Your hands are soo small like baby hands.

i frowned so i muttered. he pulled me closer to him. i think they're adorable he said. i blushed bright red. thanks i said.

"Someones' shy today."Zane said grinning at me. "quit messing with me Zane." i squirmed trying to get out of his arms.

My heart caught in my throat at what he did next. he hugged me tight and whispered in my ear, stop struggling i'll only hold tighter. he leaned down and gently kissed me on my forehead. i stopped and looked up at him. i felt so little now.


i can't believe he kissed my forehead thats so cute! i love him so much but who could ever love an addict like me?

(end of pov)

"hey Ines!" "yeah Zane" close your eyes. i shut them. i could feel the warmth of his breath on my face. the door slammed open and again one of my perfect moments were ruined. i almost burst into tears this time.

AWWW Ines has a bf!!Janna screamed. AWWW there gonna have beautiful babies together. My world was crashing down and i could do nothing about it. Zane whispered in my ear "text me" he picked me up and gently sat me down on the bed he gave me a quick hug and left.

(Zane's POV)

Why don't they ever leave her alone, Can't they see they make her life hell. i seen the look in her eyes when i was holding her and when i kissed her forehead there was no pain in her eyes. all of it was gone until they came in. i'll take her somewhere and make it up to her, i know it's not my fault but i still feel like i'm the one that needs to help her. i feel like i should be t he one to fix her troubles. i'll get hr smiling again. one thing for sure that ima do is i'll be the one to keep her heart forever.

(end of Zane's POV)

I stormed out the room. i was beyond pissed and hurt, they've done this before but i could ignore it then but the fact Zane was there and he had to witness how they act makes it so much worse.

"ines whats wrong" nadiah asked. i gave her the evil eye. i mean you could've told me you had a bf!

I was about to cry, i could already feel the warm water flowing down my face. i ran out the house. i ran as fast and as far as i could. Trying to get away before they found me.

I didn't realize i ran so far, i was in an old park. i shrugged my shoulders and ran over to the body tube slide. i let my legs hang out, and drifted away for aLilwhile.

i came back to reality with tears streaming down my face again. "your wrecking my life!!!" i screamed to the cold night air.