She's Addicted (Heroin Love Story)

She's Addicted Chapter 3: i've got this feeling

i didn't remember leaving the park last night, but i vividly remembered someone came and got me.

i woke up in a room, it was dimly lit but it was huge. i tried sitting up but was gently pushed back down. someone turned the lights on. i grimaced and covered my eyes. i really hated the light.

i sat up but peaked through my fingers, i let the light hit my eyes full force. i looked over to see Zane sitting next to me. i should've guessed that this was his room.

"Zane how did I get here?" he looked worried. "you mean you don't remember" i shook my head. "you ran off last night i had a feeling something was wrong so i went to look for you, and thats when i found you at the old park." i was quiet for a few minutes.

Zane scooted closer to me, "you wanna tell me what happened."

i nodded and began telling him.

well you know how Janna and Nadiah are always bothering me no matter what, well right after you left they got so much worse. they kept saying how cute it was that i had a bf but i told them you weren't my bf. i looked up to see if he was listening and i seen the flash of hurt on his face, iimmediatelyregrettedwhat i said.

And then i just couldn't take it anymore so i ran away and stayed at the park, i know it was a dumb idea. Zane looked over at me and smirked.

"why are you smiling" i just spilled what was wrong and your smiling! "its because you forgot the part where i saved you" he said smiling. i could feel a blush coming on. if he could tease me i would do the same back.

"what if i wanted to forget you saving me" his jaw dropped. igiggled"its rude to keep your mouth open like that."

(Ines's POV)

i wish you could know how much better you make me feel inside. But i haven't used in 2 days my insides feel like a ticking time bomb. what am i gonna do. Zane i can't lose you..

(end of POV)

"hey Zane" Yess?" "could you walk me home?" "Awwwleaving so soon?" ya i don't feel like cops coming to find me. "ok" he said just let me get dressed. he had on sweatpants and a black wife beater. Dork i thought to myself.

Two minutes later we were walking out the door.

"Zane STOP IT" i shrieked, trying to hold in my laughter. He kept running into me when cars were coming and making me run out into the street.

i almost got hit. i shut my eyes and waited for the car to hit me, one was zooming down the street, Zane pulled me to him. my heart beat frantically in my chest. he held me close. "i hate you" i said looking up at him. i had the biggest smile on my face i probably looked like theCherisecat. "lets do it again"

he laughed. "your such a weirdo" "AND i said, quit stating the obvious" He hugged me tight lifting me off the ground. "you better be up at midnight cuz i'm coming to get you." i nodded he set me back down on my feet. we said our goodbyes. i slowly walked into the house.

(ines's POV)

Hmm. wonder where they are? as if i care. nope. better to know where they are then to be sorry in the end.

(end of POV)

i walked into the bathroom, i locked the door. i opened the medicinecabinetand pulled out a syringe i always had one ready and it was made just the way i liked it, i pulled the rope out from my pocket. i fastened it around my arm and look for an unused vein. found one. i put the syringe in. i looked up into the mirror i could see my eyes they held a sadness so deep. i pressed down on the plunger i felt my self let go.

i decided not to bother getting up i was so tired. i was sprawled already on the bathroom floor i checked my phone i had at least a couple of hours to sleep.

(Nadiah and Janna's POV)

i wonder where Ines is? she'sprobablywith her boyfriend. ya maybe. we could both hear faint snoring coming from the bathroom. oh well lets just leave her alone for once.

(end of POV)

AHHH! stupid phone i threw it before thinking. i was drowsy but i felt much better. i stood up and picked up the phone. throwing it was a bad idea obviously. there was a text fromZane. it said "hey shorty its kinda chilly outside you better be ready :)"

i dashed out the bathroom when irealized what time it was. it was 11:40 i tip-toed into my room on black sweatpants and a green thermal. i had stepped outside to check if it was cold it wasn't that bad i would survive. i walked out the door shutting it gently making sure i hadn't work anyone up yet. i sat calmly on the porch waiting. i looked at my phone it was midnight.

"Whatcha Doin" someone said next to my ear i couldn't see it was dark but i hid my face in my kneessuppressinga scream. i stood up, have i mentioned that i hate you, once or twice he said grinning. "shall we." he said. "we shall" i mocked.

"so where exactly are youtaking me?" that my dear is a secret "fine then i'll remember that"

Zane chuckled.

"can i open my eyes now," i whined in his ear no he said firmly. how out now. nope. i was about to ask again but was rudelyinterrupted. "Ines i swear if you ask one more time i will throw you over my shoulder and drop you in a river." i laughed so hard. ok.. haha..i'll..haha..shut..haha..up..haha. "you better" he said poking me in the ribs

we walked a Lil farther, Zane walked ahead of me "open your eyes" he called out. i was standing in a meadow, the moon was out and it shined down on the river. i smiled the fireflies flew aroundlazily. i was in heaven. i looked over at where zane was.

He winked at me . "come sit down" i walked over to him. he was sitting on a blanket and he had a pillow against a tree his back was against it too. he smirked "would you care to share the pillow or my arms?"

Hmm.. Both are such tempting offers. before i knew itZanewas up and he swiftly pulled me down onto his lap and put his arms around me. "Zane what if i wanted to lay against the pillow instead of you?" "that sucks" he said in a teasing tone. i layed my head down on his chest and murmured "you suck" he laughed. "is it funny?" yep he smirked. Zanne i whined. "Yess?" thank you, your welcome he said. he kissed me softly on the forehead.

I giggled. Ew Zane kisses. "fine" he said. since i'm Ew i will never kiss you again. But-But Zane i didn't mean it like that. Yes Yes you did. he said looking away and smiling to himself.

i hit him on the chest with my fists lightly, Zannne I'm sorry. he hugged me bone crushing intended, its ok.

Umph. God Zane! you got strong. "so your saying i was weak before" no but you almost crushed me. he tried putting on asympatheticface but ended up smiling at me.

i relaxed against him. i let out a sigh i looked out towards the river and cuddled with him. Comfy? he asked. i blushed you know it. "Ines?" ya? i looked up and zane's face was centimeters away from mine. he leaned in a little more and kissed me sweetly. i melted against him. we broke apart minutes later.

i was blushing madly, "Zane" ya Hun, I've got this feeling, Really what is it? I think i'm falling for you. Thats great because I've already fallen for you. <3