who knew you could be mine


It was a dark summer. no coming,no going,no nothing. Just sitting under a hot window. drawing stuff in my journal. no really understands me,except me. the only way i CAN express something is threw art. oh, by the way,my name is punk Mitchell. yeah, i know its a weird name,but i kinda like it. its a weird story.

When my mom was pregnant with me(she was only 16) my so to be called 'dad' left. at the hospital,my grandfather was going crazy. he was yelling out "i cant believe that son of a bitch!! he is a true punk!! not taking his own responsibility. "that's it....i will name her punk....after her farther..." my mom suggested.

And there you have it. my name. i kinda like it like i said. including I'm emo and all. my family does not care where i am and what i do as long as i am alive and well.

"punk!!! get your emo ass down here!!!"my grandfather yelled. "coming.." i yelled back sarcastically. i got up and ran to my grandfathers calling.

"yes.." i muttered. "why aren't you in school?" he yelled in my face. "2 words....summer....break..."i said softly. he looked at me in an angry way. he slapped me to the ground."don't you EVER talk to me like that again" he yelled standing over top of me,waiting for me to get up.

i just laid there in pain ignoring what he said. when i didn't get up,he grabbed me by my hair and threw me to the stairs. i hit my lip in the process. i went running up the stairs to my room.

i darted in. i locked my door and backed away. i sat on my widow. i started to cry. he has been abusing me since 5. i knew i had to get away. i grabbed an empty back pack from my closet. i started to pack it. i pack some important things and threw in anything after.

when i was done packing, i looked around for an escape exit. i noticed the window. i ran to it. i opened it as wide so i can fit through it. all i needed was a rope or something.

i noticed my sheets. i ran to them. i started tying them together long enough to climb down. i tied on of the sheets to my head board and threw the rest out the window. i started to climb down.

"punk!! open this damn door!!" he yelled banging on the door. i jumped the rest of the way down and i started to run. i could here the door slam open. i turned back for a minute. i can see him with a gun.

i ran even faster. i saw him cock the gun. then BANG! direct hit in my arm. "AAA!!" i yelled. i kept running even though i was in pain.

i turned back around. he was gone. i ran past the corner. then i could not take it anymore. i dropped to my knees. i curled in a ball holding my arm. the blood was running down my arm like a foist of water.

my heart started beating faster. my vain felt tense. my chest felt like it was going to close up.

i knew i had to get help.

then i saw to feet in my face. i looked up. it was some guy.

he had black cut hair,snake bits,nice tan skin,brown black eyes and all black clothing. he dropped to his knee's. "are you ok?" he asked.

i looked in his eyes. i didn't speak. then i collapsed in his arms.

i remember nothing from that point on.

i woke up in a hospital bed.