Becoming Wolf

The Run

After the first initial steps, the glass in my paws no longer hurt and the cuts along my sides and face no longer burned with such intensity. Where I was going, I had no idea. I just wanted to be as far away from that house, from him, as I could be.

I ran until the lights and sounds of the city faded from the background and only the sound of the wind rushing past my ears filled my mind. The longer I ran, the thicker the trees became. After awhile the vegetation thinned some and a river appeared before me. The current was strong with the recent rain, but I felt that I wouldn't be far enough away unless I crossed it. It was suicidal with how weak my body had become, but I had to risk it any way. Any scent that I had left behind that could be tracked would be lost the moment I hit the water. So far, the benefits outweighed the risks. With one final glance behind me, I launched myself into the freezing water.

The current was much stronger then I had anticipated and I struggled to keep my head above the water. The power and bitter coldness of the water quickly sapped any strength or energy that I had left. Kicking as hard as I could, I fought my way to the opposite bank. With one last surge energy, I lunged at the bank. My paws struggled to find footing along the steep bank and my wet coat kept dragging me down. Weak and not wanting to carry on much longer, I howled. I don't know why I did, but I did. I put every ounce of strength and emotion into that howl in hopes that maybe someone would hear me. I waited. No one came. Just as I was about to give myself to the watery grave, a strong pair of jaws attached themselves to the scruff of my neck and pulled me up. Exhaustion took over and as the darkness of sleep creeped into my body; I caught the scent of autumn leaves and cinnamon, and a flash of rust colored fur.

"What are we going to do with her?” the rust colored wolf asked the larger brown wolf beside him as he stared down at the unconscious wolf in front of him.

"We're going to help her," the brown wolf responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Help her? She's an outsider! And you want to welcome her into the pack? She could be a spy for them for all we know!" the rust wolf said, clearly agitated.

"Does she smell like them?"

"No, but the river could have washed away the scent!"

"You and I both know that that can't happen. Their scent is imbedded into them. Unless she gives us a reason to believe other wise, she will be welcomed into the pack." The rust colored wolf snarled at this. "I'm assigning her to you. Her life is now your responsibility, Cedar. I think that she could very well be the one to bring us out of this darkness the Pure Ones have created."
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Sorry this one is short, the next one will be longer