Status: In progress

Unforgettable Love

Chapter 5: transfer student to class

Anne’s POV

For the rest of the day yesterday and half of the next day, I ignore Zane. I pretended I didn’t see him once I truly did. If I run to him in the hall, I look the other way pretending to be interested in something else but once he pass me by I always found myself turning around and stared at him walking away. Not once looking at me. he clearly was pretending that I didn’t existed at all and I didn’t know why.

I breathed out as I stared out the window of my art classes which the office of the school said that I could take since I already have all the courses requirements for college in all of my AP classes.

I heard the door of the room swung open and my heart started beating faster at the sight of Zane walking in, his eyes scan the room and I notice that I wasn’t the only girl staring at him.

All the girls of the classroom were. His eyes locked on mine as I continue to look at him and he looked away.

“It’s there something that I can help you with?” the teacher Mr. Gallegos said to Zane.

Zane looked at the slip paper that he was holding on his left hand and walked toward him and handed it to him.

“Transfer student, huh?”

Zane nodded his head as he reached out with his right hand and run his fingers through his hair. I could have sworn I even heard saying “Aww.”

“Okay, then find a sit.” The teacher said and Zane turned to face the class head on.

As he looked around as I did too then find a shocking a surprise, all the chairs were taken expect the one next to mine.

I looked back at him and he was staring at me in disappointment.

Why was he disappointment? It wasn’t my fault that the only chair that was available was the one next to mine?

I looked away from him as he started to walked toward my table then sit down. I tried my best to keep ignoring him but the fact that I could feel him and even breathed in his manly yet sweet breathtaking cologne was too hard to ignore.

Hesitating a little bit, I move my head slowly toward him and looked at him; he was half leaning and half sitting himself on the chair. His face expression told me at once that he was avoiding the stares of half the girls of the classroom.

I couldn’t see what the big deal was staring at him, Zane was just like any other guy at school. Why were they staring at him in a dreamy way?
I looked back at Zane, and found him staring at openly at me. I didn’t know how long did pass before I look away from him then back again.

He grin as soon our eyes meet, “Seeing anything you like too, Anne?”

I smile at that. He pretended not to know me but still manage to call me by my name.

“I thought you said you didn’t know me, Zane.” I said while looking back at him without a smile.

He frowned at that as he continues to stare at me. He bit his lower tip by trying to keep quite that expression I knew too well.

“You said you didn’t know me which means you don’t want to be friends with me, right?” I asked whispering as lean toward him so the teacher couldn’t hear us.

“I never said that.”

“Yes, you did because it’s what you want isn’t it?” I asked back.

He shook his head and breathed out, “Yeah, it’s what I want.” He said then added with annoyance expression, “I’m glad that we got that out of the way.”

“Why don’t want to be my friend, Zane? I don’t understand.” I asked giving up already on trying figuring why was he doing this? I lay my hand on top of his and I was shock to feel him stiffen underneath my arm knowing very well that it was a common gesture between us. Well at least it used to be a common gesture.

He removes his hand from underneath me.

“What that I do, Zane?”

“Let’s one thing straight,” he said angrily toward me as he leaned toward me closely. His eyes were reflecting anger as well. “I don’t want you in my life. I don’t need you. So as far as this goes we don’t look and say anything to each other, understand.” He added whispering still angrily.

Why was he angry? Why was angry with me? I couldn’t help but wonder over and over again.

I clear my throat and did my best to hold back the tears, “I understand.”

His eyes search mine and nodded, “Good.”

“Fine.” I said as the bell ring loudly.

He stand up from the chair so fast that the chair fell to the floor, he pick it up and place it back still looking away from me.

“Zane…” I said standing up from my chair and followed him out of the classroom.

I manage to catch him and took a hold of his arm which he stop and turned his head slowly to face me but then pulled his hand away from mine rejecting my touch and walked away.

“You are the new girl, right?” a voice asked me from behind me and I turned around and found a girl from my art class standing there with her arms cross looking at me.

I nodded, “I’m Anne.”

“Well, Anne, let me give you a little bit of advice about Zane?” she said with a smirk as she took a few steps toward me.

I bit my tongue in order not to tell her that I didn’t any advice about Zane but then again there was no reason to argue the matter.

“Zane does not like clingy girls,” she started to said looking into my eyes directly. “he is also not the type to not show any kind of emotions toward them not matter how hard they tried. If I were you, I’ll give up.”

I shook my head breaking our eye contact then smile as the Zane I knew before I felt appear on my mind with a smile, I looked up and met her eyes once more, “I think you are wrong. I know Zane more than you’ll ever know.” I said as hold the cross around my neck.

She looked at me in shock and confusion but I ignore it and walked by her.

That night as I looked out the window after eating dinner and taking a shower, I was wearing grey pants and a white tank top. The stars were filling the dark sky like a beautiful diamond.

“I don’t want you in my life. I don’t need you.” His voice said echoing inside my head and I took a hold of it not wanting to hear it. The tears that I was holding deep down inside were now flowing out of my eyes at the reminder of his words this afternoon.

“What did I do?” I said whispering to myself still feeling the hurt of his rejection. “Please god, I need an answer.” I added as I feel myself falling down to the floor feeling broken.

A part of told me that I will never get an answer about what happened to Zane? The other part was telling that I needed to find out and not give up. Not if I truly wanted Zane back in my life.

Zane’s POV

I lay down on my bed that night looking out the window; I could still feel her touch and hold of me. This wasn’t going to be easy but I had to try my best to getting closer to her or involving her anymore in life.

I looked down at the picture of my nightstand in front of me. It was the both of us as kids celebrating my 8th birthday. She was kissing on me on the cheek as I rolled my eyes helplessly to the camera.

“Please god, tell me this is going to work.” I whisper as I prayers in the darkness emptiness of my room. But all I could feel and hear was the deep quite silence around me.
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Yay new chapter. Sorry so short but if you like you can still comment. yay :D