Status: Active !

Country Bumpkin

Set in the late 1800's early 1900's.

Isabelle is brought up in a very tight fit farm community where it's expected to be married by seventeen and have children before the age of twenty.
This thought alone scares her.
She feels that she is caged in from the world that she desperately seeks to explore.
After thinking she would never marry, some city folk come to help out on her father's farm. Will she give one of these men a chance? Or will she be too stubborn to realize that she can do both, explore the world and find the love of her life..
  1. Chapter One
    1154 words;
  2. Chapter Two
    865 words;
  3. Chapter Three
    1387 words;
  4. Chapter Four
    1226 words;
    1165 words ;