Status: Fin.



I can't believe it, the words I have wanted to say to her but have been too scared to, just fell out of her mouth. With tears welling up in my eyes I smile.

"Well I know that I'm in love with you Iseult Elva Talley, you are my everything," I smile and a few stray tears fall from her eyes, she kisses me and then sits herself in my lap, clinging to me, as I hold her, wishing there was a way to show her exactly how hard I've fallen for her.

I sat down with her and helped her study for her exams, the grade 12 syllabus is a bit much for me, especially seeing that she's in advanced classes for all of her subjects, so I just start making flash cards to quiz her with. We sit together working for a few hours until her parents knock on her door to tell us that dinner is ready. Iseult frowns and puts her pen down and we walk together down to the dining table.

"I hope you aren't a vegetarian Dante," Mr Talley smiles as he places a plate of food in front of me.

"I'm not Mr Talley, thank you for this though," I smile up at him and wait until everyone is seated before I begin eating.

"So Iseult, will we be seeing more of Dante?" her mother asks her.

"He's my boyfriend Ma, we've been together for almost 8 months now, so yeah, I'd safely say that you will," she smiles at me and continues to eat her dinner.

"Why haven't we met him before now?" her father asks.

"You've been off at work every time he's been round, plus we normally just go hang out at his place or eat dinner together when we finish work, his parents don't seem to like me much and there isn't much to do here at home so we just go driving to find something to do together," Iseult explains and I awkwardly look down at my food.

"That's fair enough, why haven't you had him over for Sunday dinner before?" her mother asks.

"His family are strict catholic, I'm amazed he's not at home having dinner with them," she replies, "Why aren't you at home Danny?"

"Mum and Dad are with my Gran again, my brother is off at a friend's place, I'm not grounded anymore so I decided to come see you, in all honesty I didn't expect your whole family to be home," I murmur and she smiles, "Its a lovely surprise though, I'm glad we have finally had the opportunity to meet."

"And its a pleasure to meet you Dante, how old are you though? I'm sorry to ask but you just don't seem as old as Iseult's other friends, I mean she's taking off next year to go off with a bunch of people in their mid-twenties, you don't even look 18," Iseult's mother asks with her eyebrows knit together.

"I'm 16 and a half," I tell them quietly and they look first at Iseult then at Colleen who is only 6 months younger than me.

"Are you coming with us to Ireland for Christmas?" Blair asks trying to break through the silence.

"If we can convince my parents then yeah," I smile and then the family begin telling me how beautiful their country is.