Status: Fin.


Well you see

"Were you ever going to fill me in on how rich your parents are?" I ask Iseult and she smiles at me.

"I didn't think it mattered?" she asks and I smile.

"It doesn't, it just wouldn't have been such a massive shock is all, I mean two limos, first class and a mansion is a bit much all in one day," I sit down and immediately feel myself sink into her fluffy doona, "Is this duck feathers or something?"

"Its duck down, the pillows are made of the same thing, the sheets are pure egyptian cotton and my bed is over 200 years old, my parent's paid for my bike, I paid for my own car, everything in my room at home was bought with the money I earned from work, I will pay half of my uni bill and my parents will pay the other half, once I marry I will have an entire trust fund available to me and one will be automatically set up for each of my children, technically I can get away with never working a day in my entire life, but I want to go to university and I want to get a degree in forensic science and work for the police as a crime scene specialist. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I didn't want you thinking I was some sort of trust fund brat, no one in Australia knows exactly how much money my parents have, not even I do, it increases hourly," Iseult smiles and I nod.

"Money or no money, I will always love you, I'll even sign a pre-nup to prove it," I smile at her and she lies down on her bed with her head on my chest.

"You'd marry me?" she whispers and I smile up at the roof.

"Maybe, if you don't turn into a complete trust fund brat and run off to marry a millionaire's son or a prince because I don't have enough money to satisfy your needs," I grin and then chuckle when she lightly punches my chest.

"You wouldn't dare give up the chance to stay at home and look after our children," Iseult whispers and I smile.

"What was that my love?"

"Nothing, lets go play with Link and Zelda," Iseult gets off of the bed and dashes down the stairs to go play with her German Shepard puppies.