Paint Me an Image

Oh.. shit.

"Well, don't you just look stunning," Matty joked as I emerged from my room in a pair of Andre's boxers and a tank-top.

I shrugged with a laugh. "It's a movie, not the damn Grammy Awards."

Matty chuckled and pulled me into his arms. I was resting against his chest as we laid on the couch, watching the new Pirates of the Caribbean off of OnDemand. I was drooling over Johnny Depp when the buzzer sounded from down stairs.

Matty grinned at me excitedly as I paused the movie. "I'll get it!" he shouted as he jumped up and over to the button on the wall that would allow the delivery guy to head up.

"Food!" I cheered happily as he held down the button long enough to unlock the door and let the person in.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. Matty swung it open happily and pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. "How much was it, again?"

"$37.56," the guy answered in a bored tone.

"Thanks," Matty said as he handed the guy the money and pulled the bags out of his hands.

"No problem, have fun with your girl tonight. She ain't bad." The guy winked and Matty rolled his eyes and slammed the door in his face.

I laughed when I noticed how one little compliment angered Matty.

"What a jerk," I laughed, "I'm pretty sure I'm more than just 'not bad'."

Matty nodded as he set the bags down on the coffee table and began to administer food to each of us. I grinned and sat down on the couch, waiting happily. Matty handed me a tray with some kind of chicken, rice, and noodles in it.

"Thank you," I smiled as he sat down and clicked Play on the remote. Off and on Matty would steal glances at me while we were eating. He should blush deeply when I caught him doing it, as well. "Something I can help you with, Matthew?"

He just shook his head as he popped another bite of chicken into his mouth and directed his attention back to Johnny Depp. I smiled to myself because of his behavior.

"You're so hot, Image," Matty told me in the middle of a make-out session later that night.

I chuckled and pushed my lips back against his. I slid my finger tips under his shirt and ran them over his stomach. When I tried to pull his shirt over his head, he spoke up. "I thought you said no sex?"

"Maybe I changed my mind?"

He chuckled huskily and let me yank his shirt off. I grinned at him before kissing him again softly. "You're so amazing," I told him as he slipped my shirt off and unclasped my bra. He just nodded and slipped out of his jeans, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth as he concentrated on getting his belt buckle undone.

I laughed and helped him, watching as he slid out of his jeans and then boxers. I grabbed a blanket off of the back of the couch and pulled it over us, shielding our bare bodies from the nippy air conditioning.

"You ready?" Matty asked softly, looking straight into my eyes.

I leaned up and kissed the side of his mouth. "Yeah."

For the rest of the night we just laid on the couch watching random movies, cuddled up in each other's arms as we dosed off, feeling incredibly tired.

It was about two in the morning when I was woken up by the sound of my cellphone ringing from the kitchen counter. I shimmied out of Matty's arms, pulled on his t'shirt and boxers and rushed to the kitchen to answer it before it could wake Matty up.

"You home, Dre?" I questioned into the phone.

"Yeah, be pulling up in a minute."

"Alright," I replied, "I'll buzz you up in about 30 seconds. Don't ring the bell, Matty's sleeping."

We hung up and I walked over to the button on the wall and held it down, waiting for him to hurry up and grab it. I then walked over and unlocked the living room door. I walked towards the bathroom, keeping my eye on Matty, who was sprawled out on the couch, the blanket resting against his hips, exposing his chest.

When I was washing my hands in the bathroom, I heard the front door creak open and then lock and I assumed it was Andre, coming home smashed.

"Alright," I murmured as I exited the bathroom, "Lets get you to bed."

Andre's dark, sober laugh, erupted next. "I'm not drunk, Im. Don't think you can get out of telling me what happened at the club."

My heart skipped a beat and I looked to Matty quickly, hoping to god that they hadn't woken up and heard Dre. When he was still asleep, I hissed and reached out to yank on Dre's arm, pulling him into the bedroom.

"Will you shut the hell up? Matty was right there sleeping!"

Dre looked confused. "It's something you don't want your boyfriend to know? That's not good."

I sighed. "No it's not, actually."


I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling ashamed with myself already. "You know how you left so that Matt and I could dance. So he could have his dance?"

Andre nodded slowly.

"Well, I was pretty far gone by then, seeing as he'd bought me a bunch of drinks... And things got a little carried away between us."

Andre shrugged, "So you made out with the guy. That's not too bad, it doesn't mean you like him or anything. He's attractive, so what."

I shook my head while biting my lip. "I had sex with him, Andre."

Dre's eyes grew wide as he stared at me. Then, at once, we both looked at the door of my room at lead to the living room. There was a crash that sounded like Matty had rolled right off of the couch.

I hurried out of my bedroom door and my eyes grew to the size of saucers. "Matty! What's wrong?" I questioned as he pulled on his jeans.

"You slept with Matt?"

My heart dropped into my toes. "M-Matty! I can explain, please!"

He shook his head angrily and tossed my owns shirt at me. "You slept with Matt and then you slept with me to cover it up. What the hell, Image?"

I couldn't feel any air in my lungs, therefore; I had no way to reply to him.

"Well, give me my fucking shirt back."

I saw Andre turn away from me for a moment so I pulled Matty's shirt over my head, exposing myself to him, and then pulled my, Andre's, shirt on instead. I tossed Matty's over to him.

"I'm leaving. Don't bother calling, I'm done with you." He slipped his shirt on, then his jacket, then his shoes that were by the door. He glared at me as he pulled the door open and disappeared into the hallway.

"I-" I stuttered, unsure of what just happened.

"Oh Image," Andre stuttered as he walked over my and wrapped his arms around my shoulder, "I'm so sorry."
♠ ♠ ♠
I have to be to softball practice in 20 minutes and I'm still in my clothes from school!

Update later! Thanks for all the comments, I love them! :D