Price of Company


Matthew Charles Sanders had a good life.

He had a caring family and amazing friends, but it always seemed like something was missing.

Matt sat on the edge of his bed, listening to Metallica when he phone rang.

"Hey man, what's going on?"

"Natalie and I are getting ready to watch a movie, want to come over?"

"Yeah, I'll be right over."

"Zacky might be coming over as well.. but he didn't give me a definite answer."


"We'll see you soon."

Matt hung up and grabbed his keys off the desk.

"Mom, I'm going over to Brian's. I shouldn't be home too late."

"Alright, have fun."

Matt quickly exited the house and jogged across the lawn to a car parked on the side of the street.


Growling at the mid summer humidity, Matt jumped into the car and quickly turned on the AC.

Five minutes later, he pulled infront of a blue house with white trim, simply accented by brightly colored flowers in the flower boxes.

As Matt got out of his car, a small Golden Retriever puppy made it's way across the lawn towards him. He smooched to the puppy to get her attention, and when she came bounding over, Matt gently picked her up and carried her to the door.

As he reached the patio, he could feel her tail wagging against his side, and he set the puppy on the ground and she began pawing at the door.

A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal a slim brunette.

"Hi Connie!"

The puppy took a few steps towards her owner, and started licking her face.

While she bent over, the girl noticed a pair of black and white Converse's standing slightly behind the dog.

She quickly looked up and smiled, "Hi Matt."

He smiled back at her, "Hey Natalie."

"Sorry to keep you outside in the heat. Come on in, Brian's about to start the movie." She grabbed the puppies collar and led her into the house.

Natalie made her way into the living room and plopped down in the loveseat, and tucked her legs in under her.

Matt took the seat on the couch next to Brian, who tossed him a soda.

"So, what are we watching?" Natalie asked, catching the soda Brian tossed to her.

Brian shot her a sly grin, "Friday the 13th."

She groaned, "You would."

"Come on man, we always watch this movie." Matt groaned, trying to make Natalie more comfortable.

Brian shrugged, and pushed play on the remote.

The movie began and Natalie immediately covered her face with a pillow.

Through the course of the movie, Matt watched Natalie cringe and squirm in her seat. Once, she caught him looking and she pouted, causing him to pout back to her. Natalie smiled and turned back to the movie.

Soon, the movie was over and Brian was grinning at Natalie.

"Oh my god, that was horrible."

Brian grinned, "You know deep down you enjoyed it."

She grimaced, and stood from the couch.

"Come on Connie, want to go outside?"

The puppy bounded down the stairs towards the backdoor.

Natalie slid the door, open and stepped outside.

Matt watched as she took a seat in one of the deck chairs, and he too stood and made his way outside.

Finding an empty chair, Matt took the seat across from her.

She smiled at him, "How are you?"

He shrugged, "Not too bad. You know.."

Natalie nodded, "Brian tells me you have a show coming up?"

Matt's expression brightened, "Yeah, it's only in the community center though."

Natalie laughed, causing him to smile, "So? It's a show and definitely a way to get yourselves out there."

Matt nodded.

Conversation quickly died, and they sat there watching Connie chase a butterfly around the large backyard.

The silence was broken by Natalie's phone ringing.

"I have to take this," she said smiling at Matt and opened her phone, "Hey, what's up?"

Matt watched her grimace.

"Um, yeah. I guess I could come over. I don't have a ride though."

"Alright, I'll see you then."

She hung up and looked at Matt, sighing but not before giving him a big smile, which her returned.

"Sorry Matt, but I have to get going. Shane wants to hang out."

Matt nodded, ".. Do you need a ride?"

She glanced up at him, "Um, if you're willing to give me a ride. I know you aren't too fond of him."

"Yeah, well.."

Natalie smiled at him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Thanks Matt, I really appreciate it."

He nodded, watching her walk into the house over his shoulder.

A few seconds later, the sliding door opened.

"Hey man. What are you doing out here?"

Brian asked as he took the empty seat.

"Thinking and semi-consciously watching Connie."

Brian nodded, "So, you're taking Nat to Shane's?"

"Yeah.. I need to head home anyways."

He stared at Matt, "Alright. We have practice tomorrow."

Matt nodded, "I remember."

They smiled and made their way back into the house with Connie on their heels.

Matt grabbed his keys and phone off the coffee table just as Natalie came down the stairs.

"You ready?" He asked.

She checked her pockets, "Yeah, I'm all set."

Matt nodded, and gave Brian a bro-hug.

"Natalie, call me when you're coming home, alright?"

She nodded and stepped out the door.

Matt followed her down the driveway, and unlocked his car doors.

Natalie slid into the car and waited for Matt to get in.

He turned the key, and the car roared to life.

Pulling away from the curb, he headed towards the end of the block.

"I appreciate the ride, Matt." Natalie said, smiling at him.

He nodded and pulled onto the main road.

The ride became silent, except for Natalie's frequent directions.

"Here you are." Matt said, coming to a stop infront of a red house.

"Thanks Matt.."

He nodded, "Are his parent's home?"

She rolled her eyes, "Come on Matt.."

Matt turned to her, "I'm serious Nat. I don't trust this guy."

"I know Matt, but I can take care of myself. Promise."

He stared at her for a few seconds, then slowly nodded.

"Alright, well I better go. I will see you tomorrow." Natalie said, opening the door.

"Natalie, please be careful." Matt said, gazing at her.

She gave him a small smile, waved, and walk into Shane's house.

Matt idled in the road for a few second, before turning around and heading home.