Status: Active :)

Can't Be Without You

You'll Be Next

Jasper flew into the lockers. The older boys walked away laughing. I rushed to my best friend's side. I was livid. This was getting ridiculous.
"Way to be a fucking douche, Gaskarth!" I yelled. No one bullies my best friend and gets away with it. No one. Not even Alex Gaskarth.
"You better watch what you say, Saylor," he said, turning around, "You'll be next." I glared at him. I helped Jasper up.
"Are you okay, JAzz?" I asked concerned. Those assholes had pushed him pretty hard.
"Yea... I'm fine. I've gotten used to it," he winced. He's such a bad liar.
"You don't have to stick up for me."
"If I don't who will?" I smiled, "Who gives a shit if we're not popular. I'm not about to bow down and kiss the ground they walk on." Jasper smiled. His hazel eye were shining once again. Good. No one brings my best friend down.
"That's why I love you," he sighed, "You go against all the norms." I gave him a playful shove as we walked out Dulaney High's front doors. We started the walk to my house. Jasper had a car, but he got one F on a test and his dad flipped a shit and put it on lockdown. I'm a little less fortunate. I have my license, but no car. My family's money currently goes to more important matters. Walking everywhere is a bitch, but I'm at least glad I don't live that far from the school.
"It's only been a month," Jasper sighed. He pushed his honey-blonde hair out his face.
"We've been in school for a month and I'm already getting thrown into lockers. We're in high school for Pete's sake. Aren't we more mature than that?"
"Alas my dear Jasper. Those assholes will never mature," I chuckled. Jasper frowned slightly. The conversation dropped as we stepped onto my porch. I took my key off the chain on my pants and unlocked the door. Jasper and I walked in, dropped our bags in the living room, then headed straight for the kitchen.
"I still don't understand," Jasper said.
"I've known Gaskarth for years, and I still don't understand why he suddenly turned into an asshole. I blame him for why I'm failing Algebra II."
"Bullshit!" Jasper laughed, "You don't do anything in there but draw." He had me there. Math bored me. Actually, school in general bored me. Having Alex in 4 out of 7 of my classes was a blessing and a curse. He kept me on my toes since he was so annoying, but because he was so annoying, I wanted to strangle him.
"It's not my fault," I pouted. Jasper laughed harder. Oh yea... laugh it up. I heard the front door open and shut. My dad soon appeared in the kitchen.
"Hey Dad," I smiled, "You're home early."
"It was a pretty easy day. I didn't get many cases. I'm going to take a nap. Jasper, make sure Rikki does her homework."
"Hey!" I said to my father's retreating back. Jasper's laughter continued. As you see, I live with my dad. My mom died about 5 years ago. It still holds a big impact on the both of us, but it's also what brought us closer together. My dad's a lawyer. Most of his income goes to the funeral and hospital bills. Hence my lack of a car.
I''m just a kid
And life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid
I know that it's not fair

I pulled my phone out my pocket.
"Hey Zack," I greeted.
"Hey Rik! You busy?"
"I'm supposed to be doing homework," I glanced over at Jasper. He rolled his eyes at me and nodded.
"But Jazz agrees that we both could use a break," I smiled.
"Great! I've got something to tell you and you've gotta meet someone. Well, multiple someones actually. Meet me at Rita's in 10?"
"Sure sure. I'll grab the car from my dad. See you in 10, Merrick." I hung up. I turned and smiled at my best friend.
"You're paying for my ice cream, right?" Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story! Whooo!
Let me know what you think. I'm really reluctant to post more. I'll only post more if you guys like this, so let me know!


PS. Check out my other All Time Low fanfic :3