Status: Active :)

Can't Be Without You

Not In This Lifetime

"Babe, pick a movie," Aiden was starting to get irritated. He was already pissed I wanted to go to the movies instead of staying in.
"Let's watch this scary one," I suggested. Aiden looked at me weird, "Seriously?" I smiled and nodded. I liked scary movies. I'd take a thriller over a chick flick any day. Add this to the list of why I'm not a typical girl.
"Alright," he shrugged. He bought our tickets and we went inside. You all, just like Aiden, are probably wondering why I suddenly wanted to go to the movies. I blame Alex Gaskarth. He asked me out earlier today, which I assumed to be a joke. Then he goes and asks out Lisa. She was a cheerleader for God's sake. Besides Alex and his crew, the cheerleaders always gave me hell. I admit, Lisa was probably the nicest out of all of them, but still. It's the nice ones that are secretly the most evil.
That didn't really explain why I wanted to go to the movies. Well, obviously I'm still trying to figure that out. It's not like I care who he goes out with.
"Popcorn, Rikki?" Aiden asked.
"Sure, and a slushie." Aiden chuckled at my childishness. Things had been going great with him. My dad even gave his approval. I waited outside the theater while Aiden got the snacks.
"Saylor?" I froze. I didn't expect to actually see him here. I glanced up. Alex was, of course, smirking at me and Lisa was clinging to his arm.
"Why do you look like a lost puppy?" he chuckled.
"Just waiting for my boyfriend," I shrugged. Alex frowned. For whatever reason, he just hated Aiden with a passion.
"Here you go, babe," Aiden said, suddenly appearing at my side, "Oh hey Alex. Fancy seeing you here."
"Yea," Alex mumbled, "Come on Lisa. Movie should be starting soon." The four of us walked into the same room. Aiden and I headed for the top row, while Lisa dragged Alex to the middle. We were about 7 rows directly behind them.
"What was with Gaskarth?" Aiden asked. I shrugged, "Who knows."
Throughout the whole movie, I could feel Aiden looking at me. I hope he knows I'm not gonna make out with him in the theater. I glanced down at Alex and Lisa. Alex had his tongue shoved down Lisa's throat. We're not gonna be that couple. I also think Aiden was expecting me to scream. Sorry bro, not gonna happen. I have yet to find a scary movie that actually makes me scream. Not to mention this movie is pretty horrible.
"You were pretty into that movie," Aiden pointed out.
"Not really," I admitted, "It was pretty bad. I've seen tons of scary movies and this might be the worse one yet."
"You should've let me entertain you," Aiden said seductively.
"I would've," I sighed; Alex and Lisa walked past, "But it's trashy to make out in movie theaters." I made sure to say it loud enough so they could hear me. Alex stopped and turned around.
"Is someone jealous?" he asked, "Does someone want a little Gaskarth lovin'?"
"Not in this lifetime," I scoffed.
"Alex, baby, leave the reject alone," Lisa tried to say quietly. I linked my arm with Aiden's.
"Yes, Aiden. Let's leave these two rejects alone." I started to pull him away. Alex grabbed my free arm. We stared at each other for a minute, then he smiled.
"Goodnight, Saylor." I jerked my arm free. I don't know why, but I felt myself blush. I turned quickly hoping no one noticed.
"Babe, you okay?" Aiden asked once we got to his car, "Your face is all red."
"H-he just made me mad," I said, "Gaskarth really knows how to push my buttons." Aiden pulled me close .He kissed me deeply. He rested his head on mine and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back.
We drove to the nearest diner and had a late dinner. We fought over the bill. Aiden eventually won though. One of these days I will pay. 'm not one for being spoiled on the whole date. I mean, he bought the tickets, the snacks, now this. It's a nice gesture, but completely unnecessary and makes me feel useless. Aiden dropped me off at home. He did not walk me to my door. However, he managed to get one last kiss in before I got out the car. He's such a gentleman. My dad was in the living room watching Law&Order: SVU when I walked in. I sat on the arm of his favorite chair and gave him a hug.
"Hi daddy."
"Hello sweetheart. How was your date?"
"He didn't let me pay for anything."
"That's called being chivalrous," my dad chuckled.
"Chivalry is dead!" I said getting up. I kissed my dad's cheek and headed upstairs. I tossed my purse on my desk and threw my hoodie across the chair. I gathered up my toiletries and pajamas and went to take a shower. Hot showers are the best. I am guilty of singing in the shower too.
Now I"m heels over head
I'm hanging upside down

I've been on a Boys Like Girls kick for the past two days. I put my pajamas on and threw my wet hair into a messy bun. I gathered up the rest of my stuff and went back across the hallway to my bedroom. I did not notice the figure on my bed until it spoke.
"Those are some sexy PJs you got there, Saylor." I jumped so high, and screamed so loud. My heart stopped. Alex sat on my bed chuckling.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I screamed once I composed myself.
"You can't just randomly appear in someone's bedroom. What the fuck are you even doing here?!"
"Calm your tits, Saylor. Your dad let me in." Remind me to kill my father later.
"That doesn't explain why you're here... I thought you'd be with Lisa or something."
"We need to talk," he said. His smirk disappeared and he was no longer looking at me.
"Our current project topic. I'd like to get this out the way. You first."
"What?! Why?" I sat on the edge of the bed.
"Because I plan on leaving right after I tell mine. Also, I probably won't talk to anyone for a few days." Now I was interested. What could've happened to him? Whatever it was, it was bad.
"Okay... Well, my traumatic experience is obviously my mom's death." I took a deep breath and started my story.
"She died when I was in 5th grade. For the most part, she was a stay-at-home mom. I could always count on her to be waiting with open arms for me when I got home from school. She was sick, but no one knew about it. Not even my dad. My mom had been struggling with cancer for three years and never told anyone. She went to all her appointments secretly and hid all the bills. One day..." I held back a sob. Tears were flowing down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away. I told myself I wouldn't cry over this anymore.
"One day, she collapsed. Luckily, my neighbor was over having coffee with her. She called an ambulance and my mom was brought to the hospital. She was there for three days. The second day, my dad let me visit her. He lied and told me she'd be fine. She died the next day in the hospital. While I was at school. I never got to say goodbye. She left me and I never said bye. I miss her so much." I wiped my eyes again and brought my knees to my chest. I laid m head down. I was having flashbacks of that day. I did what I could to stop crying and steady my breathing. Alex moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around me. He ran his fingers down my arm to calm me.
"You don't know how embarrassed I am right now," I mumbled. Alex stayed quiet. I had finally stopped crying. I wiped my face again and looked up at him. He had a distant look on his face.
"So what's your story?" i asked.
"My brother committed suicide," he said with absolutely no emotion.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys :) Ya miss me? Haha, well I already have chapter 11 written up. I'm gonna be nice and type that up right quick.
Anywho, I'm like super sor today. I played an epic game of dodgeball yesterday.
Let me know what you think of this chapter. Check back soon for chapter 11!
