Status: Active :)

Can't Be Without You

You Were Practically on Top of Me!

I snuggled up closer to the warm body next to me. Arms tightened around my waist. Whoa! Wait a minute. Stop. Rewind. Something is not right with this picture.
I slowly opened my eyes. My head was on Alex's chest. His arms were around my waist. Oh God... oh no. I sat up quickly and used my feet to push him out the bed. I panicked.
"Ow, shit! Fuck, Saylor! What the hell is your problem?!" Alex yelled from the floor. He sat up slowly and glared at me.
"I said no cuddling!" I squeaked, "And to stay on your side!" Alex stood up and crossed his arms.
"I did, you dork," he stated, "Look at where you're sitting. You clearly came to me!" I looked at my current spot on the bed. I was a little over our imaginary mid-line.
"You still touched me!" I said. Alex shook his head in disbelief, "You were practically on top of me!"
"Bullshit!" Alex placed both his hands on either side of me and leaned in so close, our noses almost touched. I couldn't breathe. He was too close.
"I think someone likes me," he said softly. He glanced down at my lips, then bit his. Oh God...
"No!" I said pushing him away and rolling off the bed. He looked at me, still smiling. It was seriously weirding me out. I quickly turned around and went downstairs. MY dad was sitting at the island sipping a cup of coffee and reading the paper.
"Good morning dear," he chuckled.
"Daddy," I nodded. He had probably heard everything that transpired this morning. I wen to the cabinet and pulled down a bowl. I grabbed a box of cereal and got ready to pour it into my bowl.
"Put down the box, Saylor," Alex said coming into the kitchen. He was wearing a shirt now, thankfully.
"Why would I do that, Gaskarth? I'm hungry. I need food. Cereal is food."
"How did you two sleep?" my dad asked. Alex and I looked at him then at each other. I pointed at Alex, "He tried to molest me in my sleep."
"Bullshit! You came to me!" Alex protested, "God, you are much more tolerable when you're sleeping."
"You watched me sleep?! You creep!" My dad chuckled again. The old bastard was enjoying this. Alex blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Not... purposely," he said slowly, "You woke me up and... you know what, forget it! I don't have to explain myself to you. I was gonna treat you to breakfast, but you can just forget that. The deal is off! I'm getting my stuff and leaving."
"Good riddance!" I said to his retreating back. He came back not even five seconds later.
"Thank you Mr. S for letting me stay the night," he said to my dad, "And you, I'm going to McDonald's without you, so ha!" With that, he turned around again and headed upstairs. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my cereal. He's such a drama queen, I swear.
"You two bicker like an old married couple," my dad stated.
"You take that back, old man."
"I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up dating."
"Okay... you've obviously gone mad. I'll call the neurologist to get your brain checked out. There is no way in hell that would ever happen."


"Where's Alex?" Jasper asked Jack at lunch Monday. Jack sat down next to me and shrugged.
"He's been real quiet all day," Rian added. That comment made me think back to Friday night. He did warn me, but he seemed fine Saturday morning. I thought he was fine. Guess not.
"He didn't answer any of my calls over the weekend either," Jack said sadly, "You don't think I did something, do you?" I shrank back a little. Jasper, of course, noticed the slight gesture. He looked at me oddly. I smiled back slightly. I patted Jack's back. If they found out Alex was with me last, I wouldn't hear the end of it. Plus then I'd have to explain why he was there, and I sure as hell am not going down that road alone.
"I'm sure it's nothing you did, Jack Jack." I said.
"There he... goes," Rian said suddenly. We all looked up. We watched as Alex silently walked past our table and to the cheerleaders'. Lisa smiled and pulled him in a hug, which he returned weakly.
"He's not even talking to Lisa," Jack noted, "So it's not just us. What's going on?"
"Rikki knows," Jasper stated. My eyes went wide.
"W-what are you talking about, Jazz?" I played the clueless card. Pathetic, I know. Jack poked me with a plastic fork.
"Talk, woman."
"I know nothing! Why would I know something about Alex that Jack doesn't know? We don't even like each other!" I laughed nervously. The guys just stared at me. I blushed under their attentive gaze. I had to get out of there. Now.
"I-I've got somewhere to be," I mumbled. I quickly gathered my things together. I quickly stood up and---
My half-eaten pizza, along with someone else's lunch ended up all over me. The person I'd ran into was frantically apologizing. I was dumbstruck. Was this really happening? I'm pretty sure I don't have a change of clothes either.
"Fuck!" I exclaimed. It was even better that I could feel every eye on me.
"Uh oh, looks like the freak had an accident," a voice said. I looked over at the cheerleaders' table. They were all laughing hysterically. At me. I locked eyes with Alex. He had a strange look on his face. Probably disgusted. I mean, look at me!
"Rik---" I ran out of the cafteria. I went straight to my locker. Praying the whole way for something to change into. Please, please, please let there be a hoodie or something in here. I opened my locker and frowned. books, books, and more books. Why? Why is this happening? Why can't I be a normal girl and have a closet in my locker?! I slid down the lockers and collapsed on the ground. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I felt so damn gross. I'm pretty sure this school chili was trying to eat through to my skin. That'd be a way to go. Death by mystery meat. I could always just walk home. Skip the rest of the day. That option was sounding better and better.
"Hey," I heard a few minutes later, interrupting my 'woe is me time.' I opened one eye. Alex was standing in front of me. I heard more footsteps slow down. I looked over and noticed Jasper, Jack and Rian a few feet away.
"You hear to make fun of me too?" I glared. Alex stared at me for a minute before taking his hoodie off and holding it out for me.
"Here," he said. He dropped it by my feet and walked away. I watched him walk down the hallway.
"Want to explain to us why you're the only person he's talked to all day?" Rian asked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guess what guys! I'm legally an adult! My 18th birthday was last Thursday (the 23rd). So I'm pretty stoked :)

Anywho, hope you like the chapter. My favorite part was the first half. To be exact, when Alex leans over Rikki and bites his lip. I saw that in my head, and started fangirling, cause it's quite possibly the sexiest thing ever.

Leave me love!!! Or hate. I welcome it all (;

Lots of new readers on those last two chapters :)