Status: Active :)

Can't Be Without You

Get Me Out Of This Place

"Why am I here again?" Aiden asked. I dragged him further into the dank, dark club.
"Because they're my friends and it's their first show," I answered. Aiden rolled his eyes.
"I thought you and Alex hated each other." I froze. Did he really have to mention him?
"Uhm... Well... he's not my favorite person in the band..." I shrugged and led him to an empty table.

I should probably stop and explain where I've been for the past day and a half. Well, let's just say that kiss more than freaked me out. I couldn't possibly go to school the next day and see him. So what did I do? I hid out in my basement... yes. Yes, I did. I camped out on the couch with some pizza, chips, and soda, and watched movies. That's right, folks! I was the epitome of pathetic. Oh, and I didn't intentionally ignore everyone. I kinda left my phone in my room... I looked at the messages, called Aiden, took a shower and here we are!
I couldn't miss their first show. I'd watched them from the ground up. Now I watch how others react to them.
"When do they go on?" Aiden asked, slightly bored. I checked my phone.
"Ten minutes." He sighed deeply and looked around. I rolled my eyes at my boyfriend. Did he really have to act like this?
"I'm gonna get a drink," I mumbled. I stood up and headed for the bar.
"Can I get a Coke, please?" I asked the bartender. I pulled out some money to pay. A hand covered mine as I slid the money across the counter. I looked up into the eyes of a guy with short black hair, brown eyes and a lip ring.
"Let me get this for you," he said.
"That's really not necessary," I replied, peeling my hand away. He smiled, "Fine. Fine. Just trying to do something nice. I'm Matt, by the way."
"Rikki." I took a sip of my Coke.
"Are you in a band?" I asked, "You look like you're in a band."
"Yea, I am," he chuckled, "Underscore. We just played. I take it you missed our set." I blushed, "I, uh... just got here not too long ago actually. My friends are playing tonight. I came just in time to watch their set." Matt nodded thoughtfully. I finished my drink and threw the empty cup away.
"Uhm...testing 1...2...3...test...test...toast...toast," a voice sounded through the speakers.
"Uhhh... hi everyone.We're All Time Low. This is our first shoe, so if we suck, it's Jack's fault."
"I take it they're your friends?" Matt asked, "I think I might know them from somewhere."
"Minus the idiot talking into the mic, yes."
"Well, you weren't planning on watching from back here, were you?"
"Actually---whoa!" Matt grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the stage. As he dragged me along, I didn't notice that the table I left Aiden at was now empty. That's not important right now. What is important is that Matt had dragged me all the way to the stage. Front and center. Since All Time Low was unknown, like no one was standing around the stage. So guess what that meant. I was right in front of Alex's damn mic.The guys all kinda froze when they saw me. Then they all broke into wide grins.
"This first song's called Running From Lions," Alex said, "I hope you like it."

Get me out of this place
Before I cause more damage
A small price to pay
For building houses out of matchsticks
And when things get too hot
You've got me to blame
For every fire that breaks out
In every lover's name

Don't forget we've got unfinished business
Stories yet to unfold
Tales that must be retold
And I regret not knowing when to
Put an end to all this madness
Keeps me wanting
Keeps me wanting more

Sell me out, I'm yesterday's old news
Phrases left on paper
Black in bleeding through the pages
Where we made our history
Call me foolish
I feel hopeless

Like a deer in headlights
I won't know what hit me

Running from lions
Never felt like such a mistake

After Running From Lions, the boys played The Party Scene, We All Fall Down, Last Flight Home, a couple Blink and Fall Out Boy covers, and finished with Hometown Heroes, National Nobodies. I brought my camera and made sure to get lots of shots of them. I couldn't resist the urge to sing-along to the lyrics I knew by heart. I felt like a proud parent when I heard other people cheer for them. Matt and I were the loudest of course.
"Wow. That's definitely a better response than we expected," Alex chuckled.
"Way better," Jack added, "We had our money on getting beer bottles thrown at us."
As soon as the guys got offstage, I waited for them by the backstage door. Jasper was the first one out. He literally tackled me when he saw me!
"Oh my God! You're okay!" he cried. He released me from his death grip to look in my eyes,
"Don't ever do that to me again, Rikki Blaise Saylor. I will kill you."
"KIKI!" Jack came barreling out the door. I was tackled yet again. This time we all ended up on the floor.
"I'm so happy!" Jack exclaimed.
"Jack!" I gasped out, "Having...trouble... breathing!" Jack sat up. He was looking at me with the saddest puppy dog eyes ever.
"I was beginning to think you weren't coming."
"We all were beginning to think that," Zack added, as he, Rian and Alex emerged.
"I wouldn't miss your first show," I argued, "What kind of person do you think I am?"
"The kind that doesn't answer her fucking phone," Jasper said. I looked down sadly. I was filled with so much guilt.
"I'm sorry," I tried. Jasper rolled his eyes. He picked himself off the floor, then helped me up.
"Just buy me some pizza and we'll call it even," he said. He started to walk away.
"Oh, and," he turned back around, "Just ignore your last voicemail. I was just a tad bit angry. I promise I didn't mean any of it." I hugged my best friend tightly.
"I love you, Jazz."
We headed for the bar. I bought Jasper his pizza. He then insisted that he needed something to wash it down with. He's making me go broke, I swear.

Compose New Message: Aiden
Text: Babe, where r u?

"Hey guys. Good show." Matt was sitting at the bar.
"I know you," Rian said.
"Oh yea," Alex nodded, "You were at a party we crashed. People called you..."
"Flyzik? Wasn't that it?" Matt chuckled, :Yup. That's my last name. You can call me Matt or Flyzik. I don't mind either." I checked my phone. No messages. I frowned. Aiden always texted right back. I hope everything's okay.
"I say we grab an empty booth and relax," Alex suggested.
"Agreed!" Jasper said. Jack and I led the way to a corner of the club. Jack and I were talking about what songs they should cover next. A shrill giggle cut through my senses. I instinctively looked toward it. I stopped in my tracks. Jasper ran into me, but I stayed frozen.
"Damn it, Rikki. Why'd you stop?!" Jasper demanded. Instead of answering, I turned and ran out the club.
I seem to be running away from my problems a lot lately.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!
Of course, I made her go to the show. What do you take me for?! I seriously thought about naming this chapter Toast, just to completely throw you all off.
I'm currently just staring at pics of RK Follese. He's so damn attractive. And he has a lovely voice. GAH! Anywho... I don't really have anything to talk about.
Let me know what you think :) I love reading your comments. Especially when you guys get all flustered and emotional. It's hilarious reading your reactions.
Love you guys. You give me hope.
