Status: Active :)

Can't Be Without You

You Had Your Way With Me

{Alex's PoV}

"Damn it, Rikki. Why'd you stop?!" Jasper demanded. Instead of answering, Rikki turned around and ran.
"Rikki!" Jasper called. We were all confused. That is, until I spotted what she had seen.
Her boyfriend.
He was at a table making out with some red head. I was furious. How could he do that to her?
"That fucking bastard," I growled. Jack glanced at me. I started making my way to the asshole.
"No fucking way," I heard Jasper say. The others soon followed behind me.
"Hey Asshole," I said once I was close enough to Aiden. He pulled away from the girl and looked up at me. His eyes widened in recognition. The girl slid off his lap and into the chair next to him. Good. I won't risk hurting her.
"Oh Alex. Hey," Aiden smiled. He smiled. The bastard had the nerve to fucking smile. I snapped. My attempt to keep my cool was gone.
"Fuck you, bitch." I punched him. He was knocked backwards out of his chair. I was quick to straddle him and continued punching him.
"Alex, no!" I heard one of my friends yell.
"Fucking. Asshole. How. Could you. Do that. To her. Bastard!" I emphasized each word with a punch. I soon felt arms lifting me off of him. I resorted to kicking him in his ribs. Whoever was holding me, Matt and Zack I later found out, dragged me away.
"No!" I screamed, "I'm not finished with him!" The guys dropped me on the pavement outside the club. I tried to get up, but Zack pushed me back down. I heard a sniffle to my right. Jasper was sitting on the curb holding a crying Rikki. I'd only seen her cry once before. When we were talking about the deaths in our families. Just like me, she wears a constant tough exterior. Keep everyone out. But every now and then, someone slips through the cracks.
I looked away from her sadly. For me, that someone was her.


"Hey Mr. S. Is Rikki home?"
"Oh hi Alex. She, uh..." Mr. Saylor paused and looked back into his house.
"NO!" I faintly heard Rikki yell.
"" Mr. Saylor tried unconvincingly.
"You're a lawyer, sir. I would think you could do better than that," I smirked. He sighed in defeat and reluctantly let me pass. I saluted him and made my way up to Rikki's room. The door was already opened. Rikki was on her bed laying on her stomach. She glanced up from the magazine she'd been flipping through. She rolled her eyes.
"Go away, Alex. I really don't need to hear you say 'I told you so.'"
"That's not why I'm here," I stated/ I brought the ups from behind my back.
"I brought Starbucks." She reluctantly looked up at me. She made grabby hands towards the cups. It was probably the most adorable thing I'd seen her do. I smiled at her and stepped inside the room. She sat up and made room for me on the bed. She crossed her legs and made grabby hands at me again. We settled into a comfortable silence.
"So why are you really here?" she asked, tossing her empty cup in a garbage can.
"I wanted to make sure you were okay." She gave me an unconvincing smile.
"I'm fine. He was just a stupid boy. No big deal." She looked back down at the magazine in her lap.
"So..." I said awkwardly.
"Can I...can I ask you a favor?" she asked quietly.
"Shoot," I shrugged. She didn't say anything for a while. When she finally looked at me, she had this vulnerable look in her eye.
"You can't question it," she said quickly, "You just have to do it."
"Oh...kay?" She blushed bright red and looked down again. I was really confused now. What kind of favor would get her so flustered. She looked up at me through her lashes.
"Kiss me."
"WHAT?!" I exclaimed.
"You promised not to question it!" I swallowed hard. Was she serious? She seemed serious. This all could be a joke. As soon as I lean in, she could smack me. Might as well take my chances.
I scooted over and closed the space between us. I gulped back my nervousness and fear that she'd hit me. I lifted my hand to caress her cheek. She leaned into my touch. I licked my lips and took a deep breath. I'd never been so nervous to kiss someone. It was way easier the first time I kissed her. I leaned in close to her until the tips of our noses just barely touched.
"You sure?" I asked quietly.
"Question it. Yea, sorry." I mustered up my courage and finally closed the space between our lips. My lips tingled against hers. She then grabbed my face with both her hands and bit my bottom lip. I opened my mouth to allow her entrance. If I had to let her take the lead to keep kissing her, I'd do it. She explored my mouth with her tongue. My hands moved down to her waist. Our tongues danced together. I felt my pants tighten slightly. Rikki pulled away slowly. That's when I noticed she was n my lap. How did that happen? Well...this is awkward.
"I said kiss me, not have your way with me," she smirked.
"Y-you're the one that's on top. You had your way with me." With the smirk still on her face, she glanced down. I swallowed. I lied. I don't like when she's in control. She leaned into my ear.
"Do I turn you on, Alex?" she whispered huskily. My pants tightened a little more.
"N-n-no," I stuttered, "Why would you think that?" She sat back with a satisfied smile. She trailed a hand slowly down my chest. Then she pushed me back and jumped off my lap. I was now staring at the ceiling, dumbfounded. And very much aware that my package was just displaying itself to the world.
"What was that?" I asked. Rikki spun around in her swivel chair. She played the dumb card, "What was what?"
"That!" I sat up. I was annoyed and frustrated.
"Come on now, Gaskarth," she smirked, "You can't possibly be that stupid." My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. She had just said what I told her the first time we kissed. However, I doubt we had the same reasons.
"Of course I'm not fine, Alex. I watched my boyfriend make out with another girl."
"So... you used me," I said with a hint of hurt. She nodded her head thoughtfully.
"If that's what you want to call it." Annoyed. Frustrated. Hurt.
"Wow, Saylor. I didn't realize just how much of a bitch you are." My fists clenched. I hissed in pain, and quickly unclenched them.
"What's wrong with your hands?" she asked. Wouldn't you like to know?
"Bruised knuckles," I mumbled. She frowned in thought. I stood up. I couldn't stay here any longer. You punch out the guy that cheated on her, and how does she repay you? She uses you as closure for the guy you punched out! I need a drink.
"Bruised knu---wait! Where are you going?" she demanded. I whirled around. I was pissed. Did she really think she had me wrapped around her finger?
"I'm going home, Saylor. What? Did you want me to fuck you too? I always knew you wanted a piece of this. Unfortunately for you, I'm in high demand. There's a waiting list." I smirked at her, cause I knew it would piss her off.
"Don't worry. You'll get your turn. See you at the party tonight. Wear something sexy and I might bump you up on the list." I left quickly after that.
"You asshole!" I heard her call as I headed down the stairs. I was still pretty pissed. How dare she play me. I sat in the front seat of my car and rubbed my temples. A headache was coming on. I swear, that girl will be the death of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did anyone see that coming?
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