Status: Active :)

Can't Be Without You

Wanna See What's Underneath The Sheet?

"Put on the fucking costume," Jasper demanded.
"No. I'm not in a partying mood, Jasper." I put a pillow over my face.
"So help me God, I will put it on you myself," he threatened. I sat up quickly and eyed him. I couldn't take him seriously in his red devil costume.
"you wouldn't dare."
"Try me, bitch." We had a mini-glare-off. I sighed heavily in defeat.
"Fine!I'll wear the damn angel costume. Why do I have to go? I don't like any of those people!"
"That's cause you're anti-social. The Halloween party at the Parker twins' house is the biggest social event of the year. We have cool creds this year. We have to go if we want to keep them!" I rolled my eyes at him. I picked up the hanger with the costume and headed to the bathroom. My best friend was turning into a preppy drone.
"I don't want cool creds," I whined.
"Maybe I should've been the angel and made you the devil. You're being a real pain in the ass right now."
"Har de har har." I put on the dress. It was way too short for my liking. Guess I won't be bending over looking for pennies.. And it was strapless. I barely had the boobs to hold this thing up! Tonight was gonna be just miserable. I fluffed my hair out before exiting the bathroom.
"Damn girl! You look hot!" Jasper exclaimed, slightly shocked.
"Jazz! Do you see how fucking short this is?"
"You're not five anymore, Rik. Once you hit 12, every costume looks slutty."
"But I don't wanna be a slut! I feel like I should be on Charlie's Angels right now." Jasper just chuckled and tossed me some white, strappy heels.
I went to sit down.
"Don't look up my skirt. My vag is off limits to you."
"As if I wanted to look up your skirt," he rolled his eyes, "Can we go now?" I slipped my phone into my cleavage and followed him to his car.

"Kill me," I mumbled as we pulled up to the house. This was so not my scene. I would totally bail right now if I could.
"Shut up. It's gonna be fun. Let's go." The Parkers had a pretty big place. They needed it since I'm pretty sure the whole school and then some was here. A few guys walked past me and either winked or whistled. I'm beginning to feel really uncomfortable.
"Well! We came, we saw, let's go!"
"Rikki!" Jasper exclaimed as he caught me, "Loosen up. Tonight's supposed to be fun. I know you're uncomfortable, and I'm sorry. But damn, at least try to have a good time." He grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen. I'd never seen so much alcohol in one place. Jasper grabbed a beer for himself and handed me a can of coke. He grabbed my hand again (damn him) and we went to the game room.
"BOOYAH BITCH!" I looked towards the pool tables and saw Jack. He had condoms taped all over him. He looked ridiculous, but it put me in a better mood. He tends to have that effect on people.
"Jack.. you just lost bro," the guy he was playing said.
"Nuh-uh! I sank the 8-ball!"
"You're supposed to sink it last.."
"FUCK!" I surveyed the rest of the room. I ended up locking eyes with none other than Alex Gaskarth. He had already been staring at me. His eyes went cold and he looked away. I looked away sadly. Yes, this is totally my fault. But damn, I couldn't have him knowing I was starting to like him. Or... something along those lines.
"Hey Jazz," I tugged on his red bodysuit, "What happened to Alex's hands?" Jasper looked at me like I had grown two heads.
"Are you being serious right now?" I just stared at him, "He beat the shit out of Aiden, Rik."
"He did what?!"
"Hey Saylor." Speak of the devil.
"I didn't think you'd take what I said earlier seriously,"he winked.
"Aww cute!" I just now noticed Lisa attached to his side. And that they were both wearing togas. I doubt Alex had anything under his.
"You two match!" Lisa smiled, "Like me and Lexi."
"i think Saylor should've been the devil," Alex smirked. I glared at him. Second time I'd heard that tonight.
"Who are you guys supposed to be?" Jasper asked, attempting to lighten the tension.
"I'm Apollo. Greek god of the sun, aka the hottest god. Lis is Aphrodite."
"Cute..." I mumbled, "An excuse for you to wear a toga."
"Wanna see what's underneath the sheet?" Alex asked me.
"Alex," Lisa giggled. Oh God... I think I may throw up. I pressed my fingers to my temples.
"Fuck it. I need some vodka," I said. I really wanted to get shit-faced. So fucking wasted, I wouldn't remember a damn thing.
"You what?!" Jasper choked on his beer, "Since when do you drink?"
"Since right fucking now." I pushed past him and made my way back to the kitchen. I rummaged through the contents on the counter. I finally found my prize. It was a full bottle too. I took the top off and drank straight from the bottle. Classy. it burned as it went down my throat. Perfect. It was just what I needed.
"what the hell is wrong with you?" Jasper asked.
"Wasn't it you that told me to loosen up? i figured this would help." I drank more from the bottle then headed out to the living room to dance.
I don't know how many guys I dance with, nor do I care. i do, however, know I drained a bottle and a half of vodka, may or may not have down a few body shots, and was not nearly as drunk as I wanted to be.Jasper grabbed my arm as I headed back for more alcohol.
"No. You've had enough."
"Fuck you man. I'm juss gettin shtarted," I slurred. I grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels and headed outside. I took my shoes off and sat down by the pool. I let my toes dangle in the cool water. Not long after, a guy came and sat by me.
"Hi there." I don't know who he was. In my current state not many people looked familiar.
"Hi," I smiled. Before I knew it, we were back in the house, making our way up the stairs. I had managed to drink the rest of the JD on the way.He pushed me up against the wall and started to kiss my neck. His hands were all over me, but I didn't care.
"Get your filthy fucking hands off her." someone said. I looked behind my new playmate.
"Alex, man," my new friend said, "What gives."
Off. Her. Now." My new friend chuckled and moved back towards me. Alex grabbed his shoulder and swung him around. He punched him in his face, then yelled at him to go. My new friend unfortunately obeyed. Pussy.[/i}
"Whass your problem!" i yelled.
"You," Alex growled. He grabbed my arm and threw me into the nearest bedroom. I ended up falling onto the bed. I'd never felt so turned on. Alex closed the door and glared at me.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? You're being real classy right now, let me tell ya."
"God, you're hot," I said. i stood up and walked over to Alex.
"Jasper is fucking freaking out and--- excuse me?!" I pressed my lips to his. He jerked away like I was the fucking plague.
"Wh-what are you doing?!"
"Kiss meeee," I whined.
"No, Rikki. You're drunk." I tried to kiss him again. But this time, I reached under his toga.
"WHOA!" I knew he wasn't wearing anything underneath. Easy access.
"Rikki! Stop!" I gripped his member in my hand.
"St-oo-op..." I pumped him with my hand. His breathing got heavier and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
"R...Rik... p-please..." i dropped to my knees. I surprised him by taking him into my mouth. He moaned deeply.
"Shit... f-fu-fuck...Rikki..." Moments later, he came, I swallowed.
"Sounds like a great idea," I smirked. I grabbed him and pulled him to the bed. I pushed him down and crawled on top of him. I connected our lips again. His hands slowly trailed up my legs and rested on my hips. He broke the kiss again.
"W-we can't," he stuttered, "This isn't r-right." i kissed along his jawline, down to his neck. Chuckled when his breathing hitched as I nibbled his neck. I massaged his still slightly swollen crotch. He was muttering incoherently now. I reconnected our lips and---

What happened next?
Let's just say I'm glad I don't fucking remember it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I. Am. Pissed. I had this whole thing typed up yesterday, and the bitch didn't go through! Mibba logged me out and didn't save what I typed. BITCH! SLUT! HO BAG!

Anywhore, I am so sorry I've been slacking on the updates. I got a new job, that drains the life out of me. I have to get my shit settled for when I start my college classes next month. Not to mention I'm having boy troubles. I just have not been in the right state of mind to write. OH AND! I had temporarily lost my notebook... It's my mom's fault! She told me to clean my room!

So yea..
Here's your long awaited update. Hope you enjoys.

I may post ch. 18 too since its a short mother fucker.
And I'm sooo sorry for all the profanity. I've been watching Jenna Marbles youtube vids all day, she's infectious xD

Chloe ~