Status: Active :)

Can't Be Without You

She Wasn't One For Heels Anyway

{Alex's PoV}

Naked with my head in my hands. what a perfect way to end a shitty day.
I'm currently sitting in Troy Parker's bedroom. Naked. as I mentioned earlier. Seriously hating myself. How could I let this happen? How did I let it get this far? I looked at the unconscious girl next to me. She was going to fucking kill me.
Fuck," i sighed. I stood up and went to Troy's dresser. I took out some shorts and a shirt and put them on. He wouldn't miss them. I sighed heavily again as I turned back to the unconscious girl. Caught up in the moment. Isn't that how it always happens? I picked her dress up of the floor. Her panties had somehow ended up on the doorknob. I got her dressed, grabbed her phone from where it had fallen, then noticed she was missing her shoes. Not that she'd miss them. She wasn't one for heels anyway. I picked up my discarded costume then took the girl in my arms. I walked out the bedroom. Feeling even more guilty with each step. I ran into Jasper.
"Oh thank God!" he exclaimed, "You found her."
"Yea.. H-have you seen Lisa? I'm just uh... just uh... gonna take Rikki home."
"Kitchen with Jack. Oh, and.. thanks man. I nodded quickly and walked away. Lisa and Jack were refilling their cups with who knows what.
"Oh Lexi! I was wondering where you were," Lisa smiled.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO KIKI?" Jack screamed. I shushed him as she stirred in my arms.
"Lisa," I said, avoiding Jack's question, "Can I have my keys and phone? I'm gonna take her home." Lisa dug in her little wrist purse and pulled out my things.
"Are these hers?" She held up some white heels.
"Probably. Thanks," I smiled.

Thank God her dad wasn't home. Didn't know where he was, but it was good he wasn't here. They keep a spare key in the porch light. Don't ask me how I know that. I burned myself quite a bit trying to get the little bastard. it was mainly hard since she was in my arms and I didn't want to put her down. I finally got us both is, and headed up the stairs to her room. I laid her gently on her bed. I ran back down the stairs to the kitchen. I fixed a glass of water and grabbed two aspirin. She was definitely going to need it. I put them on her bedside table. I looked down at her sleeping body. I smoothed the hair out of her face. I backed up and took refuge in her beanbag chair.
"I'm sorry... I can't believe I let this happen."
♠ ♠ ♠

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