Status: Active :)

Can't Be Without You

The Feeling's Mutual

We drove up to Rita's. Zack was sitting at one of the picnic tables. He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and some shirts, and he looked a little tired. My guess is he must have been skating earlier. I waved at him, then Jasper and I went inside to get our ice cream. We came back outside afterwards and joined Zack.
"Hey guys," he smiled. Jasper and I sat across from him.
"Hello my curly-haired friend," I smirked. He hated it when I made fun of his curls. He scowled at me, "shut up, Blaise." I glared at him for referring to me by my middle name. He was the only one that could get away with it. Zack and I had known each other for forever. We weren't as close as Jasper and I, but we were closer than most. That's also cause he doesn't go to Dulaney.
"So what's the big news?" Jasper asked.
"I got asked to be in a band," Zack beamed.
"Since when can you do anything besides skate?" I chuckled. Zack stuck his tongue out at me. How childish.
"I play bass for your information, and acoustic."
"Ooh! Fanceh!" I laughed.
"You're such a jerk," he laughed with me, " Anyway, I wanted you to meet my band mates. They should be here so---"
"Hey Zack!" Jasper and I froze. Our spoonfuls of ice cream were suspended in mid air. I knew that voice. I'd know that voice anywhere. I dropped my spoon back into my cup and whirled around.
"Gaskarth?!" I gaped. Alex's and the two other guy's eyes widened.
"Saylor?" Alex asked incredulously, "What the fuck are you doing here?!"
"It's a free country! I go where I damn well please."
"You two, uh, know each other?" Zack asked.
"Unfortunately," Jasper sighed. Zack got up and moved next to me so the three intruders could sit together on the other side. This had to be a joke.
"So..." Jack Barakat, the youngest of the trio, said.
"S-so you're in a band?" Jasper stuttered. The three boys nodded. Zack nudged me. His eyes flicked from me to the three assholes across the table.
"We go to school together," I said, answering his unspoken question, "Unfortunately."
"Well it's not too pleasant seeing your face everyday either," Alex mumbled.
"You are such an ass!"
"Just drop the tough girl act, Saylor. We all know you'll just run home and cry to daddy afterwards." I was going to kill him. I was going to bash his mother fucking brains out on this table. I glared at him. He sent his own back my way.
"Okay, look," Rian Dawson, the nicest one of the trio, sighed, "Obviously if we want this band thing to work, we're gonna need to be civil."
"If that's the case," Jasper added, "This truce has to apply inside and outside of school." Zack, Jack, and Rian nodded, "Agreed."
"If it involves her," Alex seethed, "Then I decline."
"The feeling's mutual, Gaskank." Zack touched my arm gently. I broke my glare-off with Alex to look into my friend's green eyes. Aw man... he had that look on his face. There's no way I can say no now.
"Please?" Zack pleaded, "Do this for me?" I sighed in defeat. A smile slowly grew on Zack's face. He knew he had me.
"Fine," I huffed, "But if he so much as looks at me, talks to me, or pushes Jasper or I into another locker... I swear to Bob, I will fucking kill him."
"Bring it on, sweetheart," Alex smirked. My agreement to this was quite possibly the worst decision I've ever made.
♠ ♠ ♠
So... this story already has 8subscribers. I guess that means I should keep posting huh?
Thank you to the following for your comments:

You all are awesome. :) I love you.
Check out my other ATL fanfic too!
