Status: Active :)

Can't Be Without You

The Party Scene

I can't believe he did that. Was he really that insensitive? After I stormed off, I ran to the library. I couldn't think of anywhere else to go. I went to the farthest stacks in the room and sat down. I lifted my knees and put my head down. Fucking asshole. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and looked at the text I'd just received.
New Text Message: Jazz
Text: U ok?
I chuckled darkly before bluntly replying, No." Of course I"m not okay. No one mentioned my mom anymore. Everyone's just accepted the fact that I live with my dad and moved on. Leave it to Alex to be an insensitive jackass.
New Text Message: Jazz
Text: Where r u?


Jazz: Be there n 5.
Sure enough, 5 minutes later, Jasper was searching the stacks for me. He sighed in relief when he found me. I scooted over so he had room to sit next to me. He pulled me into a hug.
"In his defense, he didn't know," Jasper said quietly.
"Don't defend him!" I scolded, "That doesn't give him the right to be a jackass." Jasper sighed again. I could tel he didn't know what else to say. I was glad for the silence to be honest.
"So are we skipping the rest of the day?" he asked a while later.
"You don't have to. I wouldn't want you ruining your perfect record," I smirked.
"Rikki, you're practically my little sister. It's my job to look out for you."
"Too bad it's usually me looking out for you." He pushed me slightly. He had a smile on his face though. The 5-minute bell rang. I nudged Jasper.
"You should go. I'll be fine, I promise." Jasper hesitated before nodding. He kissed my temple then stood up.
"See you after school?" I nodded. He smiled at me then walked away. I'm so luck to have a friend like him.

Halfway through the lat bell of the day, I left the library and hid out in the restroom. I stared at myself through the cracked mirror. I tugged lightly on my auburn hair. I sighed and closed my eyes. I can't believe I let him get to me like that. I opened my eyes and just stared into the reflection of my light brown ones. Well, I couldn't stay in the restroom forever. I can't go to class either. I guess I could go to the nurse. Fake a sickness and wait for the bell. I nodded to myself. Sounds like a plan. I picked my bag up and exited. I also instantly ran into someone. God, I'm such a klutz.
"I'm so sorry!" I automatically apologized.
"No, it's..." I only then realized I had run into Alex Fucking Gaskarth. My eyes widened and I quickly started walking away.
"No, wait!" he grabbed my arm, "Rikki please... I'm sorry. I-I didn't know. I've known you all these years and... I'm sorry." I jerked my arm away from him.
"I only tell people who matter about myself, Gaskarth. You're only apologizing cause you feel you need to," I said. Alex looked down, frowning.
"I don't dish out apologies too often, Rikki. I meant what I said. Truce or not, I'm sorry. I'm not a complete asshole. I know my boundaries." He shook his head at me, still frowning. Then he turned around and walked down the empty hallway. I couldn't get over the fact that he'd called me Rikki. Twice. Even when we were kids it had always been Saylor.


"Remind me again why I'm here?" I mumbled as Jasper rang the doorbell. We were at Rian's house. I do not want to be here. I do not want to see him.
"Because Zack is your best friend and you promised," Jasper said. I crossed my arms over my chest. I swear Merrick will be the death of me. Stupid pretty boy. The door opened and Rian was revealed.
"Hey guys," he smiled, "Come on in." Jasper was about to step in, but turned around to push me inside instead. Jackass.
"Everyone's here and downstairs," Rian said, "Um... can I get you something to drink?" I remained silent.
"Bottle water?" Jasper asked. Rian nodded before heading into the kitchen. He came back with the water and a plate of cookies. Chocolate chip cookies were one of my weaknesses. How did they know?! Rian noticed me practically drooling over the cookies.
"My mom made them," he beamed, "Follow me." He led us to the basement stairs. I could already hear the other guys.
"You're just mad 'cause I'm bigger than you!" Jack yelled.
"Bullshit, Barakat," Alex laughed, "There's no way in hell that's true."
"Zack! Grab a ruler. We'll figure this out now!"
"Jack, for the love of God, please keep your pants on," Rian said once we were fully in the basement. Jack had his hands on his belt buckle. He froze once he saw us. Then Jack's face broke into the widest grin.
"Kiki! Jazzy! You're here!" The lanky boy jumped up and tackled us both.
"Hey Jack Attack," I giggled. okay. I admit it! Jack and Rian are pretty cool once you get to know them. We've only been talking for 5 days and I feel like I've known them my whole life.
"Hey Rik," Zack said. He pulled me in for a hug after Jack released me from his death grip.
"I'm glad you two are here," my friend smiled.
"What else could I possibly have to do on a Saturday afternoon, Zack?" I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever Blaise," he smirked, "You know I've got you whipped." I crossed my arms and glared at him.
"There has never been a truer statement," Jasper chuckled. I growled at them both and pushed past them. I dropped down on a couch and pouted. Alex was sitting on a stool next me. We had not acknowledged the other's presence. We also hadn't talked to each other since that day he mentioned my mom.
"Kiki!" Jack whined, he laid across my lap, "Alex says he's bigger than me!"
"That can't possibly be true, Jack Jack," I scoffed, "Alex has to have a penis in order for that to occur." I could feel the glare Alex sent my way.
"So what exactly do you guys do?" I asked.
"Pretty much this," Rian shrugged, "Hang out for a few hours... then we practice." I laughed, "I repeat, why the hell am I here?"
"That's what I wanna know," Alex mumbled.
"Because you love me," Zack beamed.
"And I'm your ride home," Jasper added.
"Why are you two my friends?" I smirked.
Just like Rian said, we hung out for a few hours. Alex would contribute to the conversation, but neither of us would directly talk to each other. The guys noticed the tension, but said nothing of it.
"Alex has something he's been working on," Jack said, once they all decided it was time to practice. Alex blushed a little. This should be good.
"Let's hear it, man," Zack encouraged. Alex cleared his throat. He picked up an acoustic guitar and started strumming.
"I-I don't have much of it yet, but... this one's called The Party Scene."
Hey, kid you've got a lot of potential
But I think it's time to move up
So go on and blow us away with your sound
Now you're everything that we've come to love
You taught us to move
Now we'll show it off
Just drop us the beat

Here's to the fast times, the times we felt alive
To all the nights that we forgot to get back home

Stay seventeen
The party scene has got the best of me and you
We've got to let this go

Drink up, last call before the sunrise sets the scene
Of empty bottles, heavy hearts
The memories of broken dreams

"Uhm... That's all I got," Alex whispered. I was speechless. My jaw had literally dropped and everything. Who the hell was this man with the beautiful voice. Holy shit. Hearing him sing made him slightly attractive. My God... who is this?!
"You can sing?!" I exclaimed. Alex's eyes met mine. He shrugged nonchalantly.
"Don't act so surprised," he said, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me."
"I admit, one of the reasons I agreed to come is so that I could laugh at you guys. That obviously backfired since you can freaking sing!" I swear he blushed a little.
"You should hear us full band," Zack smiled.
"Then let's get to it," Jasper chuckled, "We're here to make sure you don't suck ass."
"We don't suck!" Jack gasped, "All Time Low is the best damn band ever! Besides Blink." Alex shook his head, laughing at his best friend.
"Alright," he smiled, "Let's set up and go through Hit The Lights." I saw Alex in a whole new light. I can't believe this silly bands actually sounded good. At least I had something for my paper now.
Who knew Alex Gaskarth was hiding a voice like that...
♠ ♠ ♠
I am aware The Party Scene didn't come til a little later, but all the songs on TTWIRTE are depressing haha. Plus I feel this fit the story. So... deal with it! COME AT ME BRO!

I haven't finished writing the next chapter. I've really been slacking :p but I can tell you one thing... Rikki is going to Alex's house :O!!!! GASP OH EM GEE WHAT?!?!?!

btw, I went to the Dirty Work Tour Sunday :) It was amazing. Oh! Go one youtube and search all time low dirty work tour Cincinnati. Look for a link that says something about Baywatch. That happened at the show in my city xD
