Status: Active :)

Can't Be Without You

No One Told You To Fall Off The Bed

I shut my locker then jumped 5 feet in the air. Alex was leaning against the locker next to mine. He was wearing his signature smirk.
"Jesus, Alex!" I said, catching my breath, "You almost gave me a heart attack!"
"Hello, love," his smirk deepened.
"What do you want?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"You." My eyebrow rose and I looked at him skeptically. Excuse me, what? I waited for him to continue. He chuckled at my reaction, "Are you busy today?" He was serious?!
"We need to work on our project, silly," he chuckled, "Or did you forget that essay #1 is due in two days?" My heart rate slowed down. Oh thank God. That could've ended badly.
"I figured you could just come to my place now and we'd finish the questionnaire."
"I have to let Jas---"
This is side one
Flip me over
I know I'm not your favorite record

I pulled my ringing phone out of my pocket. Speak of the Devil, eh?
"Hey Jazz," I answered," I was just about to call you."
"Where are you, dearest?" he asked.
"I'm, um, going home with Alex. God, that sound weird. We need to work on our project."
"Oh okay. I understand. Have fun. Don't kill him, Rik."
"No promises." I hung up and looked back at Alex.
"Fall Out Boy?" he asked.
"Don't hate. Come on. Before I change my mind." He smiled triumphantly and led me outside to his car. He started the car and Blink-182 started playing through the speakers. I looked at him and smirked.
"Blink?" I questioned. He looked at me and smiled, "I'm impressed. You actually have decent taste in music, Saylor." We drove in silence the rest of the way to his house. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was comfortable. Alex would occasionally sing along with the CD. It was nice.
We pulled up to a huge white house. Seriously, this place was massive. Did he really live here? Alex killed the engine and slid out the car. I quickly got out after him. He unlocked the door and led me inside. The inside was even better than the outside. I suddenly felt really small.
"You thirsty?" Alex asked as I followed him to the kitchen.
"Uhm... sure?" Alex looked back at me questioningly, then he smirked. I felt my face heat up and quickly looked away.
"Coke okay?" I nodded. He tossed me a can then I followed him upstairs. I glanced at the pictures hanging from the walls. I stopped when I saw a picture of a younger Alex and another boy.
"Hey Alex... who's this?" Alex stopped briefly to see what I was looking at. Something passed over his face, but it was gone in an instant. Was it pain? Sadness?
"No one," he mumbled, "Come on. My room's just ahead." I looked at the picture one more time before hurrying after him. Alex's room was huge. He had a fucking balcony off his window! His room was surprisingly tidy. It was decorated in soft tones of brown and gold. He had posters of various bands on the walls. He walked over to his stereo system and pressed play.
"Shall we?" Alex threw himself down on his king-sized bed. He opened up his bag and pulled out a paper.
"Yea. Let's get this over with." I sat down across from him.
"When's your birthday?" I asked.
"December 14, 1987. You?"
"Uhm..." I blushed, "February 14, 1988." Alex stopped writing. He looked at me with a smile on his face.
"You were born on Valentine's Day? That's awesome! Do you think if you were born on Christmas you'd get double presents?" Alex continued to ramble about Christmas birthday and other holiday birthdays. Damn, he talks a lot.
"Alex!" I interrupted, "It's not all that great. I don't get any extras stuff or special treatments."
"Why not?!" he demanded, "No one gives you an extra heart-shaped chocolate or---"
"No. No one's ever given me chocolates. Or valentines. I haven't gotten a valentine since like elementary." I looked down at my paper. I felt so embarrassed. Damn this project to hell.
"That's so... depressing," Alex laughed. I glared at him. I chucked my pen at him. It hit him square in the forehead. He frowned and threw it back at me. I dodged it, but ended up falling off the bed. Alex fell out laughing.
"Shut up!" I frowned, "That fucking hurt!" He peeked over the side.
"No one told you to fall off the bed," he pointed out.
"I can see you two are getting a lot of work done." I jumped at the sudden voice.
"Oh hey, Jack," Alex smiled. Jack walked in and looked down at me.
"Why are you on the floor, Kiki?" I pointed at Alex.
"He pushed me!"
"Bullshit! I didn't touch her! She threw her fucking pen at me!" Alex said. Jack rolled hjis eyes, "Children... children... can't leave you two alone at all." With Jack here, it was a little less awkward. Alex and I managed to get halfway through the questions. Jack helped us loosen up and we just ended up talking. I can't believe I'm about to say this. If any of you repeat it, I will hunt you down! Alex isn't that bad a guy. I mean, when he's not being an ass and acting like he's better than everyone, I might want to spend more time with him. As long as there are other people around.
I'm just a kid
And life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid
I know that it's not fair

"Simple Plan?" Jack asked, "Nice!" I smiled and answered the phone.
"Hey Zack. What's up?"
"I was wondering... do you want to go to our practice today?" I turned towards JAck and ALex.
"You guys have practice today?" I asked.
"Oh yea..." Jack said.
"It's here tonight. Wanna stay?" Alex asked.
"Rik?" Zack. Right.
"Well, I'm already at Alex's so... I guess I'll stay," I said.
"Wait...why are you at Alex's?!"
"We were working on our project. He practically kidnapped me."
"Out of everyone in the school," Alex said, "Why would I kidnap you?"
"You know what, Gaskank! you can take me home right now!"
"You can wait! I've got shit to do. You're on my time now, Saylor."
"I"ll, uh, see you in a bit, Rik." Zack hung up.
"Besides, it's not kidnapping if you're willing," Alex added.
"I thought that was rape," Jack said.
"That works too," Alex nodded thoughtfully. I tossed a pillow at Alex. Jack sghed, "And we were getting along so well." As much as I try, which I admit is very little, to get along with Alex, it's just too damn hard! We get along and then one of us says something and we both snap. Writing something nice about him is going to be difficult. There are some good things, but the bad tend to overrule them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! New chapter. Sorry this took so long. I have two more weeks until I graduate. I've been super busy.
So what do you think? Let me know! Or just comment and tell me to update haha. I'm cool with whatever.
Thanks for the comments!
