Status: Active :)

Can't Be Without You

I'm Not A Writer; I Draw

Alexander William Gaskarth, born on the 14th of December. He is usually seen as a conceited, arrogant jackass.


Alexander William Gaskarth was born on December 14, 1987. He's not a jock, but that natural British charm of his has somehow landed him the spot of the most popular guy in the school. Because of this, he tends to abuse the power and abuse his fellow---


What to say about Alex Gaskarth. Well first, his middle name is William. He was born December 14 in Essex, England. Thanks to that British charm, he is an asshole with style..................

I stared at the screen. Four sentences. That can pass as an essay, right?
"UGH! Shit! Bitch! Mother fucker!" I yelled in aggravation. This damn thing is due tomorrow. What am I going to do?
Hate the jocks, the preps, the hippies fuckin scumbags
Heavy metalers with their awful pussy hair bands
Counting seconds until we can get away
Ditching school almost every single day

"Why is it so hard to write a fucking essay about you?!" I said as I answered my phone. Alex laughed. How dare he laugh at me.
"You still haven't finished that? Wow. Jazz was right. You are the biggest procrastinator ever."
"I think you mean best."
"If you say so," he chuckled, "How far are you?"
"Four sentences..."
"You are hopeless."
"You're too kind. Why did you call me?"
"Oh,right. Jack and I were supposed to go to the movies, but he bailed. Ri and Zack are busy too, so I scrapped the movie idea. It's a fucking Tuesday. Who's busy on a Tuesday? Anyway, I'm bored, so I called you."
"So glad to know I'm your last resort."
"You should be glad you even made the cut." Do you see why it's so hard to write something good about him? Do you understand my pain yet?
"Well... I've got an essay to write. So by---"
"Can I just come over or something? I'm so fucking bored. I'll help you!" Alex Gaskarth in my house. Hell no. Nothing good can come out of that. It will just end in arguments and my dad will wake up. Then all hell will break loose.
"It's nine at night. Isn't that a little late?" I said uncertainly.
"Since I'm helping you with homework, I'm sure your dad won't mind."
"You thought of everything didn't you..."
"Of course," he chuckled, "So can I come over?"
"Fine..." I caved, "I'll warn my dad."
"Great! See ya in 10!" He hung up. I banged my head against my desk a couple times. Never did I ever think I would have Alex's number or letting him in my house. There are so many things wrong with this picture. I stood up and walked to my dad's room to let him know about my late-night guest.

"You can't write that..." Alex said.
"Why the hell not?!"
"It's mean! I was at least nice in my essay. Here." He handed me a piece of paper.

Rikki Blaise Saylor. A unique name for a unique girl. I've known her since we were little kids, and I never knew her birthday was on Valentine's Day. She lives with her dad, and as far as I know, no siblings. Well, not counting Jasper. Those two are practically related. They remind me of the friendship I have with Jack. He's like a brother to me. I imagine their relationship is similar.

I stopped reading. What. The. Hell.This actually sounded really good. He was actually nice. And a decent writer. If he can do this so easily, why can't I?
"H-how did you do this?" I exclaimed.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"This is really good. Why is it so easy for you? I can't get past four decent sentences about you."
"I was being honest," he shrugged, "You're really not all that bad. Once I looked past all the things I disliked about you, it all basically wrote itself. Plus, I've been writing forever. Mostly songs and poems, but that's still something." I turned around in my chair to look at the boy in my room. Alex was in gray sweatpants and a white tee. He had tucked his brown hair into a gray beanie. For whatever reason, he was sitting on my beanbag chair upside-down.

Alexander William Gaskarth. There are many things I still don't understand about him. Through this project, I will...


"Why did you delete that?" Alex was now standing behind me, reading over my shoulder, "It was a good start."
"I don't know," I sighed, "I'm not a writer; I draw."

Born December 14 in Essex, England is the boy we all now know as Alexander William Gaskarth. With his intelligence and natural British charm, he is easily one of the top students in our school. This past week, I have seen a side of him I didn't know existed. To be honset, I'd like to see this side more often.

"New paragraph," Alex said. It was very weird to be writing about him when he was so close.

Before this project started, I found I was going to be seeing a lot more f Alex anyway. ALex and I didn't get along very well, we still kinda don't. I got news from my friend, Zack, that he was going to be in a band. Imagine my surprise when I found out Alex was the frontman. I've been to a couple of their practices, and they're actually decent. Watching Alex perform, I was seriously convinced that he was a completely different person. There was no way that person was the same one I grew up with. He holds such a passion when he sings. You can literally feel every emotion he felt when he originally wrote the lyrics.

"By George, I think she's got it!" Alex exclaimed, letting his accent slidethrough. I felt myself smile. I guess he kinda did help. He annoyed the shit out of me for a few hours, but in the end it helped. Maybe this project wasn't going to be that bad.
"Oh shit! It's almost midnight. I gotta go. Think you can finish without me?" he winked. I nodded and smirked, "With or without your help, this would've been done."
"If you say so, Saylor," he chuckled, "See you at school tomorrow."
♠ ♠ ♠
New chapter. What did you think of the essay excerpts I included?
Next chapter is written up. I'll type it some time this week. It includes some more Rikki/Alex alone time. Ooh la la!
Anyway, leave me comments!
Thanks :)
Felicia_Selina & Gaskarth

You two are awesome :)
