Status: Active :)

Can't Be Without You

That's Not Vague At All

"With your partner," Alex read, "Find a common interest. Write an essay about what you discuss. What. The. Hell. How long has McCormick been teaching? Does she realize how stupid this topic is?"
"Do you understand why I hate her now? She's an idiot!" I said.
"Will you two shut up!" Jack yelled, "I am trying to write a masterpiece!"
"Keyword: trying," Alex laughed. I laughed along with him. Jack glared at us both and threw a wad paper at us.
The three of us were hanging out at Alex's. It was Friday night and, surprisingly none of us had plans. Jasper ditched me for some girl he's apparently been talking to. How I did not know this, I may never know. I called Alex to see if we could work on the project. He told me he was hanging with Jack and to come over. So here I am, lounging on Alex's bed, watching Jack write a song.
"Listen to this! Listen to this!" Jack exclaimed, "Inquisitive and thoughtful. She was the challenge he'd been waiting for. A reminder that creativity runs deep like secrets."
"Not bad Jack-O. What's it about?" Alex asked. Jack turned a little red. He looked everywhere but Alex's eyes.
"It's, uh... just about these two friends I have," he said absently.
"That's not vague at all," Alex chuckled, "How am I supposed to help if you don't give me anything to work with?"
"Cause you're not. I want to do this one myself."
"Okay then," Alex shrugged, "Hey Saylor, why don't we write about music." I nodded my head thoughtfully. I gues that would work. WE liked pretty much the same music. Plus, with the band, we've got another musical connection.
"Sounds good to me," I said.
"Am I gonna have to call you Tuesday to make sure you did it?" he smirked.
"No!" I scoffed. Alex chuckled.
I'm just a kid
And life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid
I know that it's not fair.

"Merrick! What is up?!" I giggled. Zack laughed, "Hey Blaise. So there's this party a few blocks from my place. You interested?"
"Can I bring Jack and Alex?"
"Bring us where?" Jack asked.
"Zack said there's a party near his place," I told him.
"Yes!" Alex exclaimed. He snatched my phone out my hand.
"Hey Zack," he said, "Where at? Yea? Sweet. We'll meet you there. Uh... no. Ri's with Kara and JAsper is busy too. See you in 15, man."
"You could've just asked for the phone," I mumbled. Alex looked me up and down. He tilted his head to the side. His look made me very uncomfortable.
"That'll do," he said finally. Huh?
"We're going to a Towson High party. You have to look somewhat attractive."
"Oh thanks," I said sarcastically, "So nice to know you care."
"Kiki, Lex is just messin'" Jack smiled, "You always look cute." I blushed. I was wearing black skinnies, a white tee and a black vest. My hair was hanging in it's natural waves. I would hardly call this cute.
"Whatever," Alex rolled his eyes, "Let's just go so we can show these Towson pricks how to party."


"You're trying to get me drunk!" I yelled.
"I am not!" Alex protested.
"Explain to me what this rum is doing in my coke then!"
"It makes it taste better!" That is the last time I ask ALex to get me a drink. I'm not much of a drinker. I'd like to keep my liver, thank you very much. Not to meantion, hangovers don't seem very fun.
"You're such a buzzkill," Alex said, "Loosen up and have some fun."
"I'd have more fun if you would get away from me."
"Gladly. I spy two twins that are calling my name. Later Saylor." Alex walked away. When is he not thinking with his penis? I pushed through the crowd to the kitchen. i put the red cup Alex gave me on the counter. I opened the fridge and pulled out an unopened can of coke.
"There you are, Rik!" I turned around and saw Zack smiling at me. I sighed in relief.
"I was just coming to find you," I told him.
"Not drinking, I see," he chuckled.
"You know how I am. Here's a rum and coke. Alex brought it to me."
"Don't mind if I do. Where are he and Jack, by the way?" He took a sip from the cup. If he gets drugged from the contents of that cup, it's not my fault.
"Alex saw some blondes and went elsewhere. Jack is on the dancefloor." Zack nodded. He drained the remains of the cup.
"Let's go dance. I'll be your wingman." I laughed and rolled my eyes at him. He grabbed my wrist and led me to the living room.
"Hey Zack!"
"Oh hey Aiden," Zack greeted. A tall guy with jet-black hair, bright green eyes and snake bites walked up to us. Damn he was hot.
"Glad you could make it, dude," hottie Aiden said. I poked Zack in his ribs.
"Aren't you going to introduce your best friend to your friend, Zackary," I said. Zack looked at me, then at Aiden, then back at me. He rose an eyebrow at me.
"Really?" he asked; I nodded, "Well... Aiden this is Rikki. Rik, this is Aiden. The host of this party."
"Hi," I smiled, "Great party." Why did I say that? 'Great party.' Who says that? Way to sound stupid in front of the hot guy, Rikki.
"Hey there. Zack, man, you should introduce me to your other friends more often. Dulaney has some cuties," he winked. I felt myself blush and a giggle escaped out of me. I looked down and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"Yo Zee!" Alex and Jack came running up to us. I stepped closer to Aiden.
"How long have you known Zack?" he asked. I shrugged, "Years. I think it's about 8 now. He tackled me to the ground and we've been best friends ever since."
"Really?" he laughed, "What happened?"
"He was skating, of course. Ran right into me. I cut my leg. While I was crying from the pain, I yelled about how much of an idiot he was and made him cry."
"Did you really?" I nodded proudly, "Would you like to dan---"
"Oh Sayyyylorrrr," Alex sang, "Dance with me, love." I frowned. Really, Gaskarth...really. Can't he see I'm talking to potential boyfriend material?
"Why in God's name would I want to dance with you?" I scoffed. Aiden put his arm around my waist.
"Cause I'm sexy," Alex winked, taking a sip of whatever was currently in his cup.
"Sorry mate," Aiden smiled, "I asked first." I saw Alex glare at Aiden before he led me away. I like this guy even more now.
"I don't like him," I heard Alex mumble.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! I wasn't planning on updating today. But, I got this awesome comment yesterday that actually made me laugh out loud, so I just had to comply.

So there you go, if you want more chapters, leave me entertaining comments.

Anywho, my 2nd graduation is tomorrow and I'm pissed. The Maine is in town tomorrow and I couldn't skip out on my graduation. Pissed, I tell you. P I S S E D
I mean, I already graduated once, from the school I actually like. I don't understand why I have to graduate from this piece of shit school that I haven't been to in two years, and where I literally hate 87% of everyone that goes there. Ugh. God, must hate me. No I was not listening to Simple Plan when I typed this....OKAY I WAS!!!

All dramatics aside... DIRTY WORK IN 6 DAYS!!!! I TURN 18 IN 22 DAYS!!!! YAY JUNE!!!! OMG OMG OMG and Blink-fucking-182 and My Chemical Romance in August!!! AAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Okay I'm done.
