The Key to the Joke Is the Slaughter


Vivid dreams had woken Doctor Matthew Reid every night for the past week. He pushed his brown hair out of his eyes and sat up. Stepping out of his bed, Matthew moved to the bathroom and turned the light on. Directly opposite the doorway, there was the bathroom mirror, and the sink. Matthew looked at the mirror, his reflection looked back at him. He noted how pale he was, along with the contrast between his pale skin and the black circles around his eyes. The circles were part of a medical condition, one that he couldn't remember.

A loud knock on his front door made Matthew jumped and he looked at the front door. He walked through the small hallway and opened the door.


"Matthew." A blond woman smiled. Alison. She was a fellow doctor at Arkham Asylum, though she was in the medical wing. "Hope I didn't scare you."

"Nope, not at all." Matthew lied, smiling softly. Alison looked at the floor and Matthew realised that he hadn't let her in. "Oh, um... Please, come in." He spoke softly, stepping aside so that Alison could come in. Alison shook her head.

"I'm fine, I was just walking around..."

"At 3 in the morning?"

There was silence.

"I have a strange... Like..." She mumbled, blushing, before the pair started laughing softly.

"Well... Have fun." Matthew smiled and Alison nodded.

"See you in Arkham." She grinned softly and turned to walk off. Matthew nodded and shut his front door before turning around and seeing the lit up bathroom. He walked back to his room, turning the light off as he did so...

Arkham Asylum, that was a trial and a half. The Joker was there... Matthew didn't like the Joker, but there was no one else who would take him, so he was stuck with the crazed loony...
