Status: active

It's Been a While

Old spice and cigarettes

Noah was due to arrive in the next half an hour, his flight had been delayed. An hour of which Arya had been sat at her piano mindlessly playing. She found herself doing this daily since her last encounter with Brian. The same melody would be played each time, it was simple and elegant but Arya couldn't think of the lyrics to do it justice.
It was quiet out on the beach by the time she had given up. She slipped off her shoe and walked up and down, stopping every so often to throw a shell or stone back into the ocean.
The temperature drop forced Arya back to her little house. Approaching she noticed the lights on and music being played. She watched from the French windows as Noah placed the plates of food at the table and went back into the kitchen area, following she leant against the door frame as he searched through her cupboards. 'You know you could help me look instead of watching' Noah laughed turning around to face her. Arya didn’t move just pointed to the cupboard left of his head. Noah nodded and retrieved two glasses while Arya walked to the table and sat down. They ate in silence for awhile until Noah spoke, updating her on the boys. Ciaran had been to Scotland with his fiancé Bryony while James and Alex had been relaxing with their families in England. Deacon was apparently sleeping with a French model which didn't shock Arya. Many suspected that she and Deacon were an item; the media has printed many rumours that she was pregnant with his child or that they had married in secret, none of which were true. The truth was that Arya loved Deacon like a brother and while he loved her like a sister there was always a little unspoken truth that Deacon loved her just that little bit more. After an hour or so the plates were clean and Noah was on the phone talking to another manager Arya suspected, she caught odd bits of the conversation, according to Noah, himself and Arya were leaving for Europe in 2 days.
The next morning Arya had decided to take Noah to a little cafe she liked. They sat under an umbrella watching people walk past while Noah was briefing her on her schedule once they arrived back in Europe. He was interrupted occasionally as people would come and ask Arya for an autograph or a picture. She would always smile and sign their paper or pose with them. Some minutes after the last person asked for an autograph had left a shadow past over Arya. She looked up to the smiling face of Jimmy Sullivan. 'Hey sweetie can I have an autograph as well please' Arya laugh and got up to hug him.
Jimmy had been sat with them for some time when his phone had beeped. He said that it was a message from Matt asking him where he was.
Arya's stomach fluttered, did this mean that they were coming to the same cafe? Was Brian coming? Her questions were soon answered as the rest of the boys joined them.
Just like before in their company she sat quietly and laughed and smiled at the appropriate times, her gaze never flickered to Brian but she could feel his on her. Jimmy was telling some story about Johnny when the shouts of 'Arya' were heard around them. A hoard of paparazzi had surrounded the cafe. The sound of her name and the clicks of the cameras filled her head.
Noah grabbed her and pulled her behind him. He tried to push through the hoard but they wouldn’t move, he lost his grip on her hand and was pushed further away from her. It wasn’t until Matt, Zacky and Jimmy had pushed their way through that he was able to see that Brian had Arya and was making his way through with Johnny following behind. Together with the boys of Avenged Noah push back them back.
Arya was pushed from all sides as Brian pulled her through. She could feel him gripping her hand, squeezing it tighter as they made their way closer to her car. He put her into the car intending to step back and close the door but she pulled him in with her and gripped his hand has Noah sat in the front and drove. She didn't realise she was shaking until Brian pulled her into his chest to calm her. She squeezed her eyes shut and took deep breaths to calm down. She soon fell asleep with his smell surrounding her, his smell that calmed her , that she would forever associated with being safe, with being with Brian.....the smelled of Old Spice and cigarettes.