In the Blink of an Eye


When your children are small, everything is different. A sweet air of innocence envelops your home. Everything is kisses and small frogs brought in from outside and the scent of peanut butter and jelly smeared across tiny chubby cheeks. When your sweet girl grows into an awkward, gawky teenager, desperately searching for her place in the world, you can't help but close your eyes and remember when the only place in the world that they longed to be was curled up in your lap, looking up at you with big round eyes, pleading for another story or episode of Reading Rainbow.

Before sex was a taboo topic or an awkwardly phrased discussion of the 'facts of life'. When swear words consisted of halfway formed "Craps!" or "Darns!", quickly cut off by little hands clasped over mouths, eyes wide with a mix of horror and delight. Back when sleepovers meant nights spent hovering by the phone, waiting for a ring and a small quivery voice on the other end pleading mama, mama, please come get me.

I look back on the days when boys had cooties and playground jungle gyms were the largest obstacles to be conquered and sigh.

Sometimes I think that the people who gripe and moan and spend their days wishing that yesterday was here again are right.