Status: foREVer


BBQ Part 2

Shadows’ POV

I sensed her discomfort. I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable in any way; I didn’t want her to feel pain anymore either.

“Jasey do you want to meet the girls?” She cocked a brow and everyone looked at me questioningly.

“They are in the kitchen; we told them we wanted to meet you first. Do you want to meet them?” She thought for a moment before slowly nodding and looking at Max.

He nodded once and I could tell she wanted him to come.

“Come on I’ll introduce you to them.” She stood up and her, Max, and I started to walk towards the door when I seen a look of jealousy cross Johnny’s features, I could tell Jasey saw it too.

She paused and turned towards him as if to say ‘are you coming’; a look of confusion crossed his face and I sighed. Was it really that hard to understand her? It didn’t seem like it. Max opened his mouth but I beat him to it.

“She wants to know if you’re coming or not,” I sighed and Jasey looked at me in shock.

“Oh… um sure,” Johnny got up smiling and she returned it before following me.

I walked through the living room and into the kitchen.

“Girls,” they looked at me. “She’s ready to meet you now but… don’t do that overly excited girly crap please. She’s scared,” I whispered the last part and they rolled their eyes before agreeing.

Jasey walked in clinging to Max's arm and I had to hold back a glare as she looked down.

“Ladies this is Jasey; Johnny’s daughter,” I smiled wide and the girls returned it while looking at the girl.

Val stepped up and offered her hand.

“Hi Jasey, I’m Val; Matt’s wife,” I smiled at her as they shook hands.

She waited for Jasey to say something and I cursed myself for not telling them first.

“Um girls…” I looked at them. “Jasey doesn’t speak…” I start to explain to them what they told me earlier.

Sympathy crossed their features and Jasey looked down again.

“I’m Michelle,” she offered her hand like her sister did and Jasey’s eyes widened at her.

“Yeah, they are twins,” I explained and she nodded at me.

“Yeah and I’m married to Brian,” she nodded and smiled.

“I’m Gene, I date Zacky,” they shook hands.

“I’m Leana and I’m married to Jimmy,” she stepped up and just like Jimmy pulled her into a hug.

Her eyes widened and I panicked.

“Um… Lee I don’t think she likes to be hugged very much.” She quickly pulled away.

“Oh,” she chuckled. “I’m sorry.”

Jasey looked down with a blush and nodded as if to say ‘it’s okay’.

“Okay now that everyone’s introduced, let’s eat!”

Jasey giggled lightly making me smile wide; she can laugh.

The girls turned to grab the side foods and stuff while I directed Jasey back outside.

Time for some fun.