Status: actively updating

Lost in My Little Piece of Heaven

Matt Sanders was a sad child. he was abused, sexually, physically, emotionally, until he was too scarred to accept who he was any more. now, he's M. Shadows. the beast-man who kills for kicks and wrestles wild animals to keep in shape. he's a ruthless killer, knowing exactly how to kill certain prey and when to kill them to deliver the most pain. he doesn't care about the people he kills. he can look them straight in the eye and kill them without hesitation. but his next prey isn't so easy. something about his green eyes that shows Matt a different side of him, one he lost a long time ago....
  1. I Saw You
    he sees what he once was, but chooses to ignore it. he sees what he could become, but is too caught up in his addiction
  2. Resurrection
    memories fade as the days go by, leaving you empty... until something brings them back.