Status: It's a Big Time Rush thing.

Touch of Your Hand

Make it count, play it straight.

I'm not sure how it happened, but I found myself in an odd position. I never wanted to be here. I was only doing this for my little cousin, Aria. It was nothing more than that. Sadly, it was more than just that. My cousin was home sick with a cold, and here I was trying to win tickets for some boy band concert.

"Alright contestants. Let us bring out the band and have them tell you what happens next," the host introduced them as they walked out one by one.

I just couldn't stop cursing under my breath. Thankfully not loud enough for the mic to pick it up. I stood on a very small stool, waiting to take what comes at me.

"Alright, each contestant is standing on a stool. All they have to do is stay on for as long as they can. The last two still standing will be our finalist," the blond one named, Kendall said.

"Oh, but I hear there's going to be a hurricane," the one named Logan added.

"Oh no. I hope you guys don't mind getting wet," the over zealous host said.

I couldn't help but choke a laugh. Before I knew it, the guys started spraying water at us from water guns. It's a good thing I'm used to being hit by them from my childhood. I was always a tom-boy when I was younger, that was until I hit puberty.

"There are three contestants left," I heard the host.

I didn't even realize I was still standing. Two were already knocked down. One more person down and I'm golden. I was just glad it wasn't an eight year old I was going up against. The last two looked like they were in their early teens.

I could see from the corner of my left eye, a girl fumbled on the stool and fell to the cushion below. I felt my lips curl into a smile. I couldn't help but be happy. I had a lot riding on this. If I failed, I failed my baby cousin. That was just not acceptable.

"Let's introduce our last two contestants," the host smiled.

"Hi, I'm Amber," the brunette smiled nervously.

"Tell us about yourself Amber."

"Well, I just turned seventeen and I want to win these tickets."

"For yourself, I'm sure."

"Yeah," she giggled.

"Thank you Amber. Now our next contestant," the host eyed me. I walked over with my brows furrowed, "tell us about yourself."

"My names Daniella. I'm twenty and I need to win these tickets for my little cousin. Otherwise, I will never hear the end of it from her."

"Wow, you are really nice. Why didn't your cousin play the game? Why would she send you here?"

"For one, you had to be at least eight to enter. She's only six. Plus, she was sick."

"Nice, thank you, Daniella," he pushed me to go back stage where the rest of the people were. All the contestants gave me death stares. I saw the band there as well. I found a place to sit and sat.

"Why don't you just admit it and say you want the tickets? Are you too scared?" a girl that looked about fourteen said.

"That's right sweetie. I'm scared," I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, what a loser."

"Aw, you're so sweet."

"You dress weird."

"Thanks honey," I said then took a drink of water. Annoyed, she huffed and stomped away.

"Hey, you're Daniella? Right?" a guy that I recognized from the band asked.

"Yes, sir."

"I'm Logan."

"What do you want?"

"Where are you even from?"

"I am from Jersey. I'm sorry is my accent to thick?"

"No, it's not that. The band just has to get to know the contestants."


"So, you're twenty."

"Yep, since January."

"Do you even know who we are?"

"Yes, Big time rush. A boy band that hormonal preteens fan over."

"Well," he paused, "that's true," he nodded, "I'm just gonna go now," he walked over to another girl that almost fainted.

"Hey," I heard yet another voice.

I gave an annoyed breath, "yes, hello."

"I'm James," he smiled slowly, "Daniella, right?"

"At least that's what I've been told, yea," we shook hands.

Alright, I have to admit this one has the most gorgeous eyes I've seen in my life. I mean if brown eyes could ever look as sexy as his, I would go for brown eyed guys. His had a hazel glow to them. I had a feeling they would sparkle no matter where he was or in any lighting for that matter.

"So, how's the game so far?"

I thought for second, tilting my head, "honestly, easy," I smiled.

"Well, we never expected someone over the age of seventeen," he chuckled. Even that was adorable.

Whoa! Dani. Calm it down right there. This, you and him, not gonna work. You are from a completely different planet. He's a star that has an abundance of girlfriends. You? Well, you're just hopeless. I rolled my eyes at myself.

"Did I say something wrong?" he asked, making me look back at his burning eyes.

"No, of course not. It's just at times I have my random moments of thought. It happens quite sporadically."

He laughed, "Oh, okay then. The final challenge will be up soon. I'll see you later Daniella."

"Bye, James," as I waved goodbye to him another member came over.

This time I barely even took notice to the rest of the band. I didn't know what they were asking me. I knew it would never happen, not even in a million years. I was just far too different than what he would go for. Perhaps I'm a good judge, but it has to be true. I usually am right about these things.
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Daniella (Dani)

X Dani