Status: It's a Big Time Rush thing.

Touch of Your Hand

Hey, hey, don't you feel the rush?

I stared at my own reflection, wondering why he would ask me on a date. It's been four days and still no call. Come to think of it, he never did call me the day after the show. He did say he would call, but never told me a specific time. Maybe he was just too busy to call. That might be it, right? He is famous after all. I mean don't get me wrong, I could care less about this date. He was just a pretty boy in a band. I, on the other hand, was a rebellious looking girl that needs to get a life. Of course he would never know that with the whole ten minutes we conversed. Although he was nice to me, I still have my doubts.

My baby cousin took the news quite hard. I told her I tried my hardest in the challenges, but failed the last one. I also attempted to keep her from hating me forever. I even bribed her with a band shirt, too. To no avail she continued to ignore me. I was completely distraught as the day progressed. She wouldn't even look at me. I thought I made it clear I might be able to win, but her poor heart was set on those tickets. Which broke my heart in two. I wanted to win those tickets just as much as she did. I wanted to see her smile.

"Dani," I heard my aunt call from downstairs.

"What?" I called back down from my bedroom door.

"It's time for dinner."

I sighed, hoping she would have told me I had missed a phone call. Sadly, she did not. I shoved my phone in my jean pocket and walked down the stairs. I sat down at the dinner table. I sat and waited until my aunt got the dinner on the table, trying to ignore the death glares from my little cousin.

To put an even bigger damper on things, I lived here. My parents moved a lot and I wanted to finish high school without the stress of starting over too much. I also hated packing and unpacking all my junk. That would take too long. There were times where I wouldn't even take anything out of the boxes. Now that school is over and I actually can move, I still chose to stay. I was going to college now. I was still weighing my options for my future.

"I hate you," my little cousin seethed through her teeth.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? I'm sorry," I gritted my own teeth at her. I clenched my fist out of frustration with this whole situation. She was only a mere child. How can her hate be so pure and evil? I could feel it whipping at me like waves.

"Now, now girls. It's dinner time," my aunt Barbara tisked us.

We all ate dinner in silence. I barely ate. I played around with my food. I was trying to distract myself from the growling noises Aria was making.

"May I please be excused?" I asked, placing my fork down.

"Of course dear."

I half smiled at my aunt and went back up to my room. I grabbed my digital camera and went through some old photos. It was mostly of my my parents and I. I never got to make friends, on account of my moving habit. I only spent the last two years here, in California. I would accept friends. I did talk to some of the students, but never truly befriended them.

I felt a vibration in my pant pocket and the hum of my ring-tone. I slide off the bed and answered, "Hello?"

"Hey, it's James."

"Hi," I sighed.

"So, what are you up to now?" I heard the smile in his voice.

"Nothing really. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies? It's on me," he added quickly.

"Uh, it is almost six o'clock. Are you sure you can? You aren't busy," I hid my sarcasm.

"Nope, and no work tomorrow, so we can hang out."

"So, you just assume I'll drop all my plans and go out with you just because you're available?"

"uh, no," he made it sound like a question.

"Alright," I sighed, "When are you coming to get me?"

"Can you be ready in forty five minutes?"

"Sure thing."

"Great, text me your address and I'll be there. Bye."

"K, bye," I hung up, then sent him the address to the street.

For some odd reason, my heart jolted happily. Ouch. That has never happened to me before. All I know is, this better not be a habit. It's one thing to use him to get tickets for my cousin, so she'll stop hexing me. It's another thing, when you start to actually like the guy. Before I wasted anymore time, I jumped from the bed and changed as fast as I could.

I stopped myself in my tracks. What am I doing? I don't even care for this date. So, I decided to keep it super casual. I kept my gray jeans on and changed my white shirt for a black one with words on it. I threw on some eyeliner and looped a studded belt around me. For my hair, I did nothing. I let my long blond hair fall as is, bangs and all. I kept the accessories I already had on, which included a necklace and a couple jelly bracelets. Finally pleased at how carefree I looked, I grabbed my messenger bag and slid that over my shoulder. Just then I felt a buzz in my pants.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I'm outside."

"Alright. Be there in a minute," I hung up and waltzed downstairs.

"Where are you going?" I heard my aunt call from the kitchen.

"I'm going to the movies with James," I answered as I had my hand at the door.

"Who's James?"

"One of the guys from Big Time Rush."

"Wait," she rounded the corner and looked at me, "Why are you going with him, and how?"

"Well, he asked me out on the game show."


I just rolled my eyes, "I'm going."

"Wait, wearing that?"

"Yeah, bye!" I just laughed at her reaction. The look on her face was priceless. She couldn't even believe I was asked out.

I walked over to his silver Porsche. It was a small car. I knew it was him because it was the only car running on the block and he was leaning against it, staring at me walk over. It made me nervous as he stared at me. I didn't know what I was going to say and the butterflies came back. I didn't want this to happen. I was only going for one reason and that one reason alone, to get concert tickets.

"Hey," he smiled his award winning smile.

"Hi," I returned the greeting.

He came over and hugged me. I hugged back, not trying to make it awkward. He then opened the car door for me. I smiled and entered the car. Oh, God! I need to come up with a plan to get those tickets, fast.

"So," he then came in the car and buckled his seat belt. I did the same, "what movie do you wanna see?"

"Anything with action or gore. Gore is good. Let's do that," I nodded, trying to avoid any love movies.

"Awesome," he smiled, "How about we go see what's playing."

"Sure thing."

He changed the car into drive and we were off. The farther we got from my house, the more apprehensive I became. By the time we got to the theater it was already seven thirty. He parked and we both got out of the car. I was so nervous, I needed a cigarette. That is if I even smoked, but I don't. I just knew I need to do something to calm my nerves.

"Daniella," he called me.

"What?" I looked over at him. He was already starting to walk to the building. I was still at the car, "Oh."

I hustled myself over to him and we both walked, silently to the theater. We entered the building and got our tickets. He asked if I wanted anything to eat, and I decided to make him get popcorn. He also got a large drink to go with it. We went into the room where they played our movie. Thankfully, it was an action movie. I couldn't stand watching a romance with him in the condition I'm in currently. Just then the previews appeared on the screen.

I began to feel awkward sitting next to him. My palms started to sweat. I was just an ordinary person and he was a star. It just did not make sense, still. This should not be happening. It was all too surreal.
♠ ♠ ♠
It was hard to write the ending. I didn't know what was happening. ha-ha. Comment. <3


X Dani