Status: It's a Big Time Rush thing.

Touch of Your Hand

Go on shake it up, what you gotta lose?

The lights went out and the big screen seemed brighter. The people around me also blended into one. My attention was focused on the screen the entire time. First the previews came on. There were five and nothing happened. No arm around me. No hand in mine. Nothing. Nothing even happened! Yet, there was something in the pit of my stomach that felt sorrow about this. It was like I actually wanted to feel his touch. I rolled my eyes to not make a move and grab his attention. The funny thing is I felt eyes on me. The shear force of them were intense. I looked to my right just to throw him off guard but, it didn't work. When I turned to look to the left of me, he was there, eyes pointed at me. I smiled and gave a little awkward laugh.

"You look nervous," James whispered in my ear. All I did was shake my head. "Are you sure? I can feel it."

"Mm, I'm fine. I swear," I gave a quick smile.

The beginning credits started just then. I was thankful that we didn't have to sit through a movie that forced people to be close and make-out. Then again, you can make any movie a make-out movie. It's been done before. I've seen it before. That thought only made me more nervous about this date.

Wait. Stop!

Did I just say date? Now I'm starting to think of this get together as a date. What in God's name am I thinking? This is not happening. Nope. It's my imagination. Well damn my imagination for making the hottest one, in my opinion, to ask me out. Of course Kendall wasn't all too shabby. I think I would have liked it either way. I smacked myself mentally. This is what happens when you go on a date with a person like this? You start to even think like a slutty pre-teen. Wow. Great job Dani. Wonderful. Now all I can think about is James and him without a shirt on.

"Excuse me," I said, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute," I then jogged away, not waiting for a response. I tried to get out of there fast but, not too fast to make him think I was ditching him.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I had on a thick layer of eye liner. I grabbed some paper towels and wet them. By adding a bit of soap I cleaned my face of any make-up. Four minutes and one eye full of soap later, my face was free of any cosmetic products.Thankfully I didn't like wearing any cosmetic, other then chapstick, or the occasional lip gloss. I was a girl but, I hated girl-ish things. I was wondering if James even minded this.

I decided to give up on trying. It didn't matter how I looked. At least that's what it seemed. I mean he did ask me out, even if I didn't look his type. Still a big shocker to me. Maybe I should ask him for a reason? Or just accept it it, get the tickets, and get on with my life.

When I got back the movie had already played for about ten minutes. I never realized how long girls take in the bathroom. I usually never do and it scared me to think I was actually caring about what this really was. A date? Alright, fine. It's a date but, it might be a pity date. People go on those all the time, right?

Before I knew it I saw a hand wave in my face, which brought me back to planet earth. I looked over to the owner of the hand. He looked at me with those deep brown eyes in worry.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded, "Yes, I'm fine," then he rose his eyebrows in question, "I am. I just think too much," I gave him my award winning fake smiles.

He just nodded it off, in a way of saying we'll talk later. Of course that makes me more nervous. Dammit!

I never even paid attention to the movie on the screen. All I heard was loud booms and revving engines. My mind was elsewhere. It seemed to happen at lot when I'm around James. I would loose track of time and just go off into deep thought about reasons why. I didn't know why I would continue to think about it. It never even thunk me as important. I was just thinking about anything that came to mind. Also pondering about each reason just brought it further.

"Daniella," James nudged me. I looked over at him, "The movie is over."

"Oh, okay," I nodded.

I got up and followed him to his car. Which was a short lived experience. We both got in and he drove as I just sat there. I knew he wanted to talk but, I didn't know when. Not to mention he didn't tell me where we were going. Perhaps dinner? Just like those typical dates.

Just to prove I was right, we stopped at a restaurant. I was nervous about this as well. Not just because it'll be time to talk but, I wasn't really dressed for it.


"Are we going in there? I mean it looks kind of fancy," I looked over at him and regretted it. His eyes sparkled under the light that poured into the car. His half smile also made me melt a little inside. I then tried to focus on the building.

"It's fine. I reserved the entire place for just the two of us, so there aren't any distractions."

"Oh," was all that would come out of my mouth.

James got out of the car and jogged over to my side before I even realized he was out of the car. He opened the door and I got out slowly.

"Seriously," he put out his hand, "don't be nervous," he then gave me one of his slow smiles. Not good on my part. I was in a daze within seconds of that smile. I took his hand and let him lead me to a table for two. He pulled out a chair for me and I sat down unknowingly. He waltzed over to the other chair and sat as well.

"Before you excuse yourself again, I have to be honest about something."

I wasn't going to excuse myself, thank you. What does he take me for? Ugh! What a prick. But his eyes are so gorgeous and his mouth... stop. Pay attention Dani!

"So, I wanted to tell you the truth about today's date," he paused and looked straight at me.

"Okay," I nodded him on.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry but, it was a test."

"A test? A test about what?" I rolled my eyes. It felt like every single nerve in my body escaped. I couldn't believe what he was saying. A fucking test?

"Please Daniella, let me explain," he rubbed the back of his neck, "okay so I usually take a girl out on a test date. I have to make sure she isn't a psycho fan."

"I think you could have figured out I wasn't one at the damn contest," I started to get defensive.

"I'm sorry."

"James you know I wanna be truthful as well. I went out on this date just to get tickets for one of your concerts. My cousin hates me now and my Aunt is always up my ass about shit that isn't even important. So, I really can't do this," I stood up.

"Dani, I like you. I really do. I'm also really sorry about this. I never know when girls are just pretending to not care."

"Oh you can say I am caring less and less by the minute James."

"Again I'm sorry."

"I don't like getting played and that's what you did to me. I should have known. I mean look at you! You're famous and ridiculously good looking. I never got why you even asked me out in the first place..."

But before I could even finish, James intervened, "I'm still sorry. Also I still want to go out with you. Perhaps on a better note?"

"How about no?" I spat then walked out of the building.

To be honest I had no idea why I got that upset. Not to mention I had no idea which way to go, to get home. Before I even realized it I was crying at the corner of the same block of the restaurant. It was strange to feel this way about a guy I never even cared about... or did I care about him?
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Thoughts, comments?

X Dani