Status: It's a Big Time Rush thing.

Touch of Your Hand

It's the only life you got, So you gotta live it big time.

For the first time, in a long time, I actually woke up with a smile on my face. My head still felt light like it was full of air. I was still replaying the innocent kiss that happened between James and I. It made my stomach do flips of excitement. I couldn't believe that a guy like James actually wanted to be with me. It was hard for me to picture it still.

The clock to my right read seven in the morning. I stretched, sitting up from my bed. As my hands fell on the sheets, I yawned. Finally satisfied I pull the sheets off of me and grabbed a towel in the hall closet. I went into the bathroom and took an elastic hair band and pulled my hair up. Putting the shower on, I stripped quickly. I jumped into the tube and let the cool water slide down my body.

I knew that the kiss James and I shared wasn't an actual kiss. It was just a peck, an innocent peck. It was something you do when you're saying goodbye to a close friend or family member. Our lips met in an unimpeachable action. He turned to kiss my cheek, like I did. I replayed it over and over again in my mind.

I shut off the water and wrapped the towel around my body. Walking into my room, I released my hair and let it fall wildly. Just then I heard the riffs of my cellular device calling to me. I walked over to it to see who was calling. I saw the number and smiled instantly. I accepted the call.

"Hello?" I smirked.

"Hey Dani," James spoke softly.

"What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm just at the studio."

"Of course you are."

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come see me in action? Of course you could bring Aria."

"Hm, I may just consider that notion."

"May consider?"

"It all depends on when and do I have to find a way there?"

"Oh, no no. I will be happy to bring you two."

"Well, I have to ask Aria. I would also have to put on clothes, which I don't want to."

"Then don't put clothes on," he laughed.

"Oh," I giggled, "It'll take me at least a half hour to mustard up the energy to get ready."

"Okay, I'll come anyway. I don't mind waiting."

"Alright, I'll see you soon," I told him.

"See ya," he said then hung up.

As soon as I hung up, I raced against time to get ready. I threw off the towel and put on a bra and panties. After that I was stuck. I had nothing to wear. I never thought of my wardrobe as an issue until now. I rummaged through my closet and dresser until I found a pair of black shorts. I pulled those on and ran over to a pile of clothes that had been sitting on the floor next to my dresser. There I found a gray striped shirt and white studded belt.

"Daniella," I heard my aunt holler, "James is here."

My heart fluttered. I snatched black slip on shoes, star earrings and a star necklace. I ruffled my newly dye hair and added a line layer of black eyeliner. I grabbed my bag and slid it over my head. I went over to Aria's room.

"Hey Aria," I smiled.

"Do you want to come with James and I to the studio? Carlos will be there."

"Yes," her eyes grew.

"Are you ready?" I asked as she slipped on her pink flats.

"Yes, I am," she smiled. I looked her over. She was covered in pink, it was adorable.

"Alright, let's go. James is here."

She jogged out of her room and hopped down the stairs happily. I smiled at her youth. Seeing her happy makes me happy.

"It's about time," I heard my aunt whisper, "you can't make a guy wait forever," she pointed out.

"I'm sorry, but I had to make sure Aria was ready," I mentioned, "besides, I had nothing to wear."

I walked into the living room and saw James sitting on the couch. I walked around to see him face to face. The butterflies had returned tenfold.

"Hey James," I brushed hair behind one ear, "sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's fine," he hugged me, "it was worth the wait," he grabbed my hand, "Okay, Aria, are you ready?"

"Yes, for the last time today," she huffed, "let's go!"

"Bye Barbara," I waved at her and followed James out the door. Our hands were still intertwined, until we got to the car and held the door for Aria and I.

The ride to the studio was pleasant. Aria couldn't stop moving around in her seat. No matter how many times I told her to stay still, she wouldn't listen. It was already nine o'clock when we arrived at the studio. James, being a gentleman opened the door for Aria and I. The three of us walked into the studio. It was the studio he did for his show.

"Where is Carlos," Aria grumbled, "he owes me a piggy back ride."

Just then we heard Carlos yell, "Aria!"

"Carlos," Aria jumped when she saw him. She ran over to him and hopped on his back.

"Don't get lost Aria," I called after the duo as they ran around the studio.

"Dani," I heard James say my name. I turned to look at him. He took my hand into his and led me to his dressing room. He sat me down and turned to the desk across from the chair I sat in.

"James," I questioned, "what are you doing?" I started to get nervous.

"I want to give you something."

"Okay," I gripped the edge of the chair.

He faced me with a box in his hand. He walked over and sat next to me, "I got this for you."

I looked at the small box. My hand grazed the velvety material. He opened it slowly and the contents in the box was a copper toned necklace with two charms on it. One was square and the other oval. They had a different engraving on it. One was a red heart and the smaller one was a music note.

"Wow, it's," I stopped.

James then looked me in the eyes. I looked back. His gaze intensified when he spoke, "I wanted to give you something in hopes of starting a relationship with me."

"A relationship?" I spoke softly, "with me?"

"Yeah," he sounded crushed.

I closed the box, "you know," I took the necklace, "you really didn't have to get me something. It feels like I'm being bribed to go out with you. I would have easily said yes with no gift necessary."

"I understand, but I felt like I had to."

"Well, stop that," I laughed, "so, what? Am I your girlfriend now? Is this official?"

"Yes," he swallowed.

"You look so hurt," I went to hug him. As I wrapped my arms around him, I whispered in his ear, "I accept."

He lifted me off the ground and swung me around. I heard clapping from behind the closed door. As soon as James let me go I went to open the door. There I saw the other three boys and Aria.

"Awesome," I looked back at James, "awesome. Now get back to work guys."

They all laughed and walked back into the studio where all the sets were. Aria followed the boys cheering.

"You too Mr.," I pointed at James, "you really couldn't wait, huh?"

"I really couldn't," he picked me up again, "you just made me the happiest guy alive."

"Yeah, yeah," I slid down his body as he placed me back on the floor, "I tend to make people happy. It's like a specialty of mine," I hugged him close to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so, very sorry about the super slow update. I just had so much on my plate I didn't have a lot of free time. I just hope this was worth the wait.


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X Dani