‹ Prequel: A Beautiful Mistake
Status: Finished

Priceless & Broken

The Wreck

I climbed off the deck and stormed into the house. I grabbed my keys and threw the front door open.

"Aubrey, where are you going?" Miley's voice shouted at me as I rushed to my car.

"For a drive. I'll be back later."

I revved the engine and sped out of the driveway. I had no idea where I was going and what I was doing. My mind wasn't functioning right. My tears blurred my vision. I pushed the gas pedal flat on the floor and closed my eyes.

Everything happened so fast.

I felt the car spinning out of control. I heard the wheels screeching in protest. I threw my hands up in the air and screamed. Then, everything was black. I couldn't open my eyes; everything ached. I heard screaming and sirens, and then, I was gone.


I looked around me. I was sitting in a field full of beautiful flowers. Everything was so peaceful. I heard the birds chirping and singing. I looked down and saw that I was wearing this beautiful sun dress. I watched as the sun glimmered onto my skin.

There was giggling and laughing off in the distance. I turned my head in time to see Nick appearing in the meadow with Stormy on his shoulders. Nick showed his rare, all-teeth, smile. I couldn't help but smile back.

It felt as if we had been in the meadow all afternoon. There were clouds starting to take over the sky; dark clouds began rolling in. Before we knew it, it began raining. The soft rumble of thunder became roaring. The sky was lit up with lightning.

I turned my head at the sound of footsteps and saw a girl approaching. Nick sat Stormy in my lap and walked over to the girl as a brighter smile took over his face. The horror on my face was apparent as Nick kissed the girl with an amazing amount of passion. I looked around the field and saw the flowers that were so beautiful earlier wilt and die.

I felt my chest tighten and then it felt as if I were holding my breath...


I clutched the sheets as I let out a breath I felt like I had been holding for forever. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the white room. All the walls were white; the sheets were white. Also, there was this God-awful smell. I was in the hospital -- no doubt about it.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the dryness of my mouth and throat made me close it back. I looked around me to find something to throw. I stretched my arm out before crying out in pain, "Oww!"

I was completely shocked at the sound of my voice. It sounded nothing like me.

"Aubrey? Aubrey! You're awake! Oh, my God! I seriously thought you weren't going to wake up. I have to go tell everyone!" Miley shouted, overly excited.

I opened my mouth again, but shut it when she ran out of the room.

I looked down at my hands as I waited for someone to come in there and answer my questions. I realized for the first time since I woke up that I had a cast on my left arm. I had so many needles stuck in my arms. Also, I had this thing blowing air up my nose.

I slowly raised my right hand and wrapped my fingers around the tube. Right as I got ready to jerk it out, the door opened and a doctor came in with Miley following close behind.

"Whoa, there! What are you doing Ms. Johnson?"

I dropped my hand and tried my best to look innocent.

"Do you know where you're at?" The doctor tried again.

"I'm guessing the hospital because of all these needles."

The doctor chuckled. "I'm Doctor Morgan. Do you remember anything?"

I shook my head, instantly regretting it when I felt a migraine coming on.

"Well you were in a horrible car accident. You lost control of the car and were thrown through the windshield. You broke your arm, cracked five ribs, and cracked your skull. Also, there are a few cuts and scratches here and there. You're lucky you weren't killed. You were also in a coma for two weeks."

My eyes widened at the word 'coma'.

"You have a few visitors in the hallway. I'll be back later to talk some more. See you."

I watched him walk out the door. He wasn't bad looking; he was actually pretty yummy.

I turned to look at Miley. "Can I please get some water?" I complained.

She sheepishly grinned before running out of the room.

I looked around and tried to move without actually moving. I felt stiff and very uncomfortable. Miley was back within a few minutes with a big mug full of ice and water. Not long after I had taken my first sip, people started coming in.

My mom and dad were the first to walk through the door. Then, John, Stefanie, Jared, Pat, and Kennedy came in. I was utterly shocked when the last three people entered the room: Joe, Kevin, and Danielle. At that moment, I wanted to crawl underneath the sheets and hide from everyone.

"Can someone help me get resituated? I'm really uncomfortable."

Joe and Kevin were the first two to take a step forward. I tried not to flinch as they moved me, but found it almost impossible.

"What are you guys doing here?" I muttered so no one else could hear me.

"We'll talk about it later. Right now, you need to talk to everyone else."

I narrowed my eyes at Joe, but didn't argue.


Dr. Morgan came back about three hours later; therefore, everyone got the signal to leave except Joe, Kevin, Danielle, and Miley. He talked to me some more about the accident and told me I would be able to leave in about two days. I was excited about the idea of leaving that dreadful place.

Before leaving for the night, Dr. Morgan bent down next to me and got serious. "Get help as soon as you leave here."

He glanced at Miley and got up and left. I turned my gaze over to her.

"Why?" I questioned aloud.

"I was worried. Everything's not about you anymore. You have a daughter; you need to think before you make some of the decisions you make."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw confused looks on the three people who sat close together.

"Aubrey, what did you do?" Joe sternly asked.

"More like what has she been doing?" Miley muttered from beside me.

I glared at her before answering, "Nothing. I have been doing nothing."

Joe laughed dryly. "Quit being stubborn and tell me."

"She's been cutting herself. And on top of that, she's bulimic!" Miley answered again.

"Miley, I have a mouth, and I know how to use it. Quit answering for me," I growled.

"Then, quit beating around the bush and answer his questions," Miley snapped.

"Why?" Danielle sputtered from her seat beside Kevin.

My head jerked around to look at her. Her eyes were glistening with the tears that she was trying so hard to hold back.

"It made me feel better," I stammered.

I glanced at Kevin and immediately noticed at how tense he was.

"How?" Joe spoke, using the same tone as Danielle.

I simply shrugged.

"What were you doing when you wrecked?" Kevin forced himself to ask.

"Speeding. I was an emotional wreck, and I began speeding. As soon as I lost control of the car, I screamed and let go of the wheel. I don't remember anything after that."

My lip quivered as I held back the tears that begged to be freed.

I looked over at Miley. "I don't want to be here anymore."

"What do you mean?" She questioned back, confused written all over her face.

"I don't want to be in Arizona anymore. I want to move and start over."

"Move where?"

"Texas," I stated confidently.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aubrey's Outfit in the Meadow

It's a tad bit longer . Only a few hundred words longer . Haha . I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it . Do you guys think there's too much drama going on ? If so , I can tone it down . Let me know what you think in a comment . Oh and by the way , I made a 4 on my English exam , and I made a 96 on my Teen Living exam , which happened to be the second highest score in my class . I got my History exam tomorrow and I'm going to make a hundred on that because the teacher gave us a cheat sheet (it's a teacher made exam) . But I did make a 83 on my Principles of Business exam . Not so proud of that . Anywhoo...Please comment ! I reply to each and every one of them !(: