
Chapter 1

The worst day of my life is approaching fast and I am no where near ready. Transferring schools is incredibly frustrating to anyone, but my situation is worse then that.

Exactly two weeks ago from yesterday, my father dropped the bomb on me. Travel Agency We Are the company that my father works at announced that the company is losing business drastically; therefore all employees are required to continue work at one of the company’s branch store. My father, or course, picked a store located in Galesburg, Illinois. That is a huge difference from Manhattan, New York, where I currently live. Moving from downtown to a small town in the country. So I am packing really slowly just to waste time because I really don’t want to move away from my family and friends. And I also don’t want to move to the stupid county! This really sucks ya know!! Have you ever had to do this? If you haven’t your so lucky. I wish my father would just get a new job and somewhere in Manhattan or at least New York and not in some lame country town with a bunch of boring cowboys. I know, though, that packing slowly won’t stop the move, but I had to try something.

While in the middle of packing my varieties of tank tops, my dad came in the room. “Look I know you don’t want to move and I don’t want to move either but we have to” he said. “No we don’t have to move dad! You can get a job here in New York so we don’t have to move. Please dad I really don’t want to move.” Aura says while starting to cry a little. “Aw sweeties don’t cry please. Look at me,” he said while pushing her chin up so she is looking at him, “I did look for a job here but no one will hire me. That’s why we have to move.” He continued. ‘Stupid economy’ I thought.

The moving day fast approached, and before I knew it, I was in my family’s black Ford Explorer on our way to our new home with the moving truck trailing behind us. That was the longest 10 hour drive I’ve ever had. When we finally got to Illinois all I thought was ‘great I’m going to be stuck at some school in the middle of nowhere in the country with a bunch of loser cowboys.’ I sat in the back of the car just listening to my IPod the whole time and I looked out the window and I saw one of those tumble weed thing. I couldn’t believe this was where we were going to be living.

We got to the new house and it was a huge house but I still didn’t want to stay in this lame place. I got out of the car and while I was about to walk with one of my suitcases I heard a skateboard coming towards me. So I looked up and there was this boy with black shaggy hair with a hat on and a plain white shirt and skinny jeans with converse riding his skateboard so fast down the hill that we lived on. He was going so fast and he wasn’t paying any attention because he was looking down at his Iphone and he crashed right into me. We both fell and he fell onto of me and I screamed “get the heck off of me!! Are your freaking crazy?!” “Oh gosh! I’m so sorry!!! Are you ok?” he said. “What do you think?!?! You crashed into me and you fell on top of me on the street!” I said still yelling. “Ok so I’ll take that as a no *pauses for a few seconds* listen I’m really sorry about that. Can I make it up to you?” he says. “No you can! Just go and get away from me please.” I told him. “Ok fine” he said walking away.

I get up and grab my suitcase and walk in the house limping a little. “Sweetie are you ok?” my mom said dropping everything and coming to me. “Yea I'm fine I just had a little problem outside” I told her. “What kind of problem?” she asked me. “Nothing big just some random skateboarder crashed into me and knocked me to the ground and fell on me” I said. “Was he cute?” she asked me. “MOTHER!!” I yelled. “Sorry sorry. But are you ok?” she said laughing a little then getting more serious. “Yea I’m fine as long as I don’t see him again.” I told her.

After about two hours of unpacking I decided to call my best friend Cassandra from where I used to live. "Hey Cassandra, it's me Aura. Just wanted to let you know that I barely made it to my new house." I said. "Oh my god! Aura! How is it? Is it as bad as we thought it would be?" replied Cassandra. "Ugh, don't even go there." I told her. "Whoa! Sounds pretty bad. So, did you see any hot guys? Or are they all hicks?" she asked. "Well, I met this one guy, who's a skater and kind of hot, but a total jerk!" I said. "Interesting. Tell me all about it." She said. “Well first of all he crashed into me and fell on top of me” I said when she interrupted me saying “Rude much” she said. “Yea and then he has the nerve to ask me if I was ok after falling right on top of me” I said yelling a little. “Wow what a jerk!” she said. When I was about to say something back my parents walked in my room. “Hey Cassandra I gotta go ‘rents just walked in.” I told her. “Ok bye but you better call me back tomorrow after school and tell me all about it” she said to me. “Ok bye” I said. “Buh bye” she said and then hung up.

“Hey how is it going?” my mom ask me. “Fine I guess.” I said. I didn’t make eye contact with them because I was still mad at them for making me move. “we still really sorry we had to move you away from all of your friends and right before you were about to start you senior year of high school but I know that you will make new friends right away.” Dad said to me. “Yea ok sure.” I told him kind of with an attitude. “Well we wanted to just come up here to say good night. We think you should go to sleep a little earlier so you wake up on time and have enough time to get right for the first day of school.” Mom said. “Fine I’ll go to bed after I finish unpacking this bag.” I told them. “Alrighty and we are sorry.” Mom said. So I finished unpacking the bag and then I went to go turn my TV on because it is the only way I can go to sleep and then walked to my bed and went to sleep.