
Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning at about 6:00 to get ready for probably the worst day of my high school life. That morning felt like it went by so fast. Too fast. The next thing I knew I was waiting at the bus stop in my new neighborhood. It was then when I saw him. “Well, hello.” Said the skater I crashed into yesterday with a sly grin on his face. “Looks like we go to the same school.” ‘Great’ I thought. “Look,” I responded, “yesterday was an accident. Let’s just leave that in the past. I suggest we pretend we don’t know each other.” “Whoa! For something with a small body, you sure have a big mouth.” Responded the skater kid. We were the only ones at that stop. We both just stood there with out talking to each other but I could feel him looking at me. “Can I help you?!” I said turning my head to him catching him staring at me. “I’m sorry. It’s just that, you’re not like most girls around here. Ya know that?” he asked me. “Yea I noticed and that’s a good thing cause I don’t want to look like those loser girls.” I told him. He laughed a little and the said holding out his hand “I’m Jake by the way.” “Aura.” I responded shaking his hand. “That’s a nice name.” he said. I just stood there but I couldn’t help but smile a little.

The bus finally came. We both got on the bus and I sat in the first empty seat I could find and Jake decided on sitting right next to me. “I hope you don’t mind me sitting here. This is usually my seat anyways. I don’t like sitting in the back of the bus with the rest of the cowboys.” He said laughing. “Whatever.” I told him. “I’ve never seen you before, did you just move here?” asked Jake. “Yeah” I answered trying to avoid a conversation with him. All I wanted was to have a quiet bus right to school so I can prepare for the long awaiting day at the dreadful place. “Hm” said Jake, “where did you move from?” “New York” I answered. “Oh, so you’re a New Yorker” said Jake jokingly. “Mm, yeah” I said back. After that the two of us did not say a word until we got to school. Honestly, it was awkward. “So what grade are you in?” asked Jake innocently. I looked at him with that ‘why do you care’ look and then said “12th now bye I don’t want to be late.” I walked away.

I turned back around to see if he was still there and he was and he was just standing there like an idiot. Then I turned back around and kept walking till I go to my first class. I walked in and then all the eyes in the class landed on me. “You must be the new student, Aura right?” Mr. Smith, which is my teacher’s name, asked. “Yes sir” I answered back. While he was about to say something Jake came running in and all I thought was ‘Great I have a class with HIM!’ “Thanks for joining us today Jake.” Mr. Smith said. Jake walked to his seat in the back next to an empty seat. “Why don’t you have a seat next to Jake in the back?” Mr. Smith told me. So I walked back to the empty seat next to him. I was hoping he wouldn’t say anything to me but of course he did.

“Well, well, well” said Jake with a smirk, “guess you just can’t stay away from me.” “Oh shut it” I said back. “Alright I can clearly see that you have something against me, but why?” asked Jake seriously. I was taken aback, because this was the first time he spoke with me with such seriousness. It took me awhile to recover. “You don’t remember what happened the first day we met? I asked in response. “Yes I remember but it was an accident so I thought you’ be fine by now.” Jake said. “Well apparently I’m not. Maybe if you leave me alone today and tomorrow and let me settle in I’ll forgive you but if not it’s the silent treatment for you for the rest of the year.” I told him. “Ok fine I’ll leave you alone for 2 days.” Jake said. “Good” I said and then turned my head back to Mr. Smith to listen. A few minutes later the bell rang so I got up and went to my next classes. Turns out Jake is in pretty much all of my classes. The good thing was that he didn’t talk to me for the rest of the day.

I got home and my mom was home. “How was your first day honey?” she asked me. “It was fine I guess.” I responded. I ran upstairs, into my room and threw my bag on my bed. I grabbed my phone and called Cassandra, my best friend in the whole world, like I promised to do everyday.