
Chapter 3

“Hello?” Ask Cassandra answering her phone. “Hey, it’s me, Aura.” I said back. “Hey! Is something wrong? You usually call me with you cell phone.” She said. “Yeah, I know, but I get a little to no service out here. It’s a bummer, I know.” I told her. “Oh man that really is a let down. Well, other than that how is everything else?” she asked. “Well you know that jerk of a boy I was telling you about before?” I asked in response. “Yeah what of him?” she asked. “Well turns out he goes to my school and…” I said. “NO WAY?!?” she said interrupting me. “Yes way! AND he is in pretty much all of my classes!!” I told her. “Aw dude! That sucks!!” she said. “Yeah I know! And he wouldn’t leave me alone so I made a deal with him.” I said. “What kind of deal?” she asked curiously. “I told him if he leaves me alone for today and tomorrow then I’ll forgive him for crashing into me.” I told her. “Oh really? And did he agree?” she asked. “He sure did. So I’m going to be happy when he sees me and can’t talk to me.” I said. “Well that’s good!” she said. “Yeah it is!!” I said with a smile. “Well call me back tomorrow an tell me what happened cause I gotta go.” She said. “Aright bye.” I said. “Talk to ya later.” She said then we both hung up.

I layed in bed, looked at the clock and it was only 8 so I just layed there cause I was really tired. I had haven’t eaten dinner yet but I was really tired so I just layed there until I fell asleep. I don’t remember the exact time I fell asleep but it was that late. The next morning I woke up to a bright sunshine. ‘Today it going to be a good day’ I thought smiling. After I did of my morning routine I literally skipped to the bus stop. There I saw Jake. “Hey Jake!” I said. “What’s up? Oh, right. I forgot you can’t talk to me.” After a few laughs I decided to take a look at him. After seeing his face I felt a slight pain in my chest. Instead of saying anything to me Jake raised his left hand to me and gave a little wave then turned around searching for our bus. ‘Hmph’ I thought ‘this it exactly what he deserves, but why do I fell so badly?’ I decided not to think too thoroughly on this and waited silently for the bus to come.

The bus came a few minutes later. We got on and he sat in the seat behind me instead of next to me like before. We got to school, went to all of our classes and truthfully it was very awkward the whole day. I got home and ran upstairs and called Cassandra and told her about today and she said I should just take a nap and try to forget about it so I did. I took a 2 hour nap and I still didn’t forget about it because I had a dream about him and it was very weird because I don’t usually have dreams of people I don’t like. I tried to forget about the dream by going down stairs for dinner. “How was your day today?” my dad asked me. “It was ok.” I told him. “Anything exciting happen today?” my mom asked. “No nothing exciting.” I said. After that we just sat there eating in silence which made it a more awkward day for me and I hated it. After I was done eating I asked to be excused and just went upstairs and fell asleep because I wanted the day to be over with. The next morning I woke up and did my morning routine like every morning and then walked to the bus stop. Jake was there.

I had no idea if I should talk to him or not. Next thing I knew I said something I thought I'd never say. "Hey Jake. What's up?" I said. Jake looked up at me and gave me a very sad smile. ‘He must have thought I was rubbing in his face again.’ I thought. "Look, I've been thinking about how I treated you and I don't think that's what I want. How about we start over?" I asked. "That's what I've been waiting to hear!" exclaimed Jake. Jake ran over to me and gave me a big hug. He hugged me so hard that he lifted me up off the ground. "H-hey!" I started. "I'm Jake Wheaton. And you are?" I decided not to fight him on this and instead said, "I'm Aura Valentino it’s a pleasure to meet you." I smiled at him and started to blush a little. “That’s a nice name, first and last. What is your last name Spanish or Italian?” he asked. “I’m Italian so Italian last name” I said smiling. “That’s cool. I’m half Italian. From my mom’s side that’s why I don’t have an Italian last name.” he told me. “That’s cool” I said.

We sat at the bus stop for about another 5 minutes waiting for the bus to get there. We talked about our families’ history they whole time until we got to school and it turns out our grandparents live right next to each other in Italy. We got to school and went to our first class which was History class and we talked until Mr. Smith started talking. “Today I’m giving you your first project of the year.” “Ughh” the whole class said. Mr. Smith continued, “But you get to work with partners. So before you look to your friend and ask to be partners think if you want to work with them on this project. Its 80 points which is a lot. The project is on countries so you will pick your own country and make a poster on it.” I turned to Jake and asked him if he wanted to be my partner and he said yes. I raised my hand “yes Aura?” Mr. Smith asked. “Can me and Jake do Italy please?” I asked him. “Sure” he said. I turned to Jake again and smiled and so did he. All we did the rest of class is talked because Mr. Smith was asking other students what they wanted to do. “Do you wanna come over today to work on the project? You can have dinner with us too if you want.” I asked kind of shyly. “Sure. That would be cool.” He said excitedly. So at the end of the day we got on the bus and we to my house.