Hand Up Your Soul To My Wrist

The Wake Up Call

***6 months later**

“Your so fucking stupid,” I yelled storming in the house.

I set Ty down and watched him run up the stairs to his room crying, because his parents were yelling at each other.

I turned around glaring at Matt. “Nice fucking job,” I sighed throwing my hands up in the air.

“Don’t fucking yell at me this whole fight is your fault,” he screamed.

“It is not it’s your fault,” I screamed back.

“It’s your fault,” Matt yelled.

“No it’s yours” I sighed angrily. I sat down on the couch tired of fighting. I looked up at him with sad eyes.

“Do you even remember what we were fighting about?” I asked.

“No,” he mumbled coming to sit down next to me. I sighed as he began kissing my neck.

“We fight too much,” I said as he pushed me down climbing on top of me.

“Yeah, but the make up sex is always great,” he said as he slowly began lifting my shirt up.

I glared at him and he smiled cutely.

“You know I love you,” He said bringing his lips down onto my own. I moaned, but pulled away.

“What about Ty?” I asked still hearing crying coming from his room. Matt groaned.

“He’ll be fine,” He mumbled kissing slowly down my neck.

“He’s crying and you’re his dad, you have to take care of him,” I urged. Matt lifted up starring down at me, with a sinister look on his face.

“Trust me when he’s older he’ll understand,” Matt said slowly beginning to unbutton my jeans.

“but………………..” I began.

“Fine,” he yelled getting off of my and heading towards the stairs. “I never get any fucking time alone with you,”

I heard him say before he climbed the rest of the stairs and entered Ty’s room. I sighed buttoning my jeans and getting up to answer the phone.

“Hello,” I asked into the phone.

“Hey it’s Leanna,” she said.

“Hey,” I mumbled.

“What’s wrong?” She asked sounding worried.

“Just matt trouble,” I said hopping onto the counter.

“Were you fighting again?” She asked. I nodded even though she couldn’t see me.

“Yeah,” I sighed.

“Well look, I know you guys fight a lot, but I know he loves you so much, and your just going through a rough patch in your relationship,” She said.

“Yeah I know, but,” I started.

“But what?” She asked.

“I don’t know sometimes I think, he thinks of Ty as a nuisance you know, like sometimes I think he wishes we never had him,” I said as a tear fell down my check.

“Oh honey I’m sure that’s not true, you know he loves him, he’s loves being a father,” She said sweetly.

“Maybe,” I sighed hearing Matt come down the stairs carrying Ty who’s eyes were bloodshot. Neither of them looked happy.

I turned away so Matt wouldn’t see that I was crying. “So what’s up with you?’ I asked changing the subject, since Matt was know in hearing distance.

I woke up to Ty screaming, I mumbled some incoherent words into my pillow before slowly getting up out of bed.

I heard Matt groan behind me and I rolled my eyes. I walked down the hall into his room.

“Mommy,” he screamed. I walked over picking him up out of his crib.

“Hi baby,” I said holding him in one arm and rubbing my eyes with the other.

“Hungry,” he screamed. I walked out of his room and down the staircase into the kitchen. I looked on the counter seeing a bouquet of flowers on the counter.

I looked at them for a second before walking over to them setting Ty in his high chair. I picked them up smiling.

There was no card, but I know who they were from. I jumped as I felt someone’s arms snake around my waist I turned around smiling at Matt.

“Morning,” I said kissing him softly. “When did you get these?”

“I woke up early this morning and drove out to get them,” he answered kissing me back.

“Why?” I asked pulling away. “ I mean I love them, but you didn‘t have to,”

“I know, but I wanted to, I‘m tired of us fighting, and I love you and wanted you to know,” he replied I smiled.

“I love you too,” He leaned in to kiss my rather passionately when all of a sudden Ty began screaming. I moaned pulling away. Matt glared at Ty.

“Kid you gotta give me a break here,” He said sitting down on the counter. “He wants you to himself,” Matt mumbled putting his head on the counter.

“Maybe,” I said walking over to the sink.

“She’s mine too,” matt said looking at Ty.

“No,” Ty screamed I laughed looking back at them. Matt stuck his tongue out at Ty, who in turn did the same to Matt.

“He loves you, you know,” I said to Matt walking over to sit in his lap.

“I know I love him to, I just want some time with just you,” He wined. I laughed.

“Well maybe we can ask if Leanna will watch him for the night,” I suggested. Matt’s face lit up.

“Yeah,” he said excitedly.

“Rev needs the practice anyway,” I said standing up. Matt stood up too.

“Why is Leanna uh…..” He began. I shook my head.

“Not that I know of, but she will be someday,” I said. Matt nodded and smiled.

“I have to go to the studio today,” matt informed me.

“Oh ok,” I said slowly. I watched him walk into the other room and up the stairs. Ty looked to whispering “daddy”. I sighed lifting him out of his chair to hug him.

At least me and Matt would have a romantic night tonight.

“Thank you so much Leanna,” I said handing Ty over to her.

“Are you kidding it’s no problem,” She said smiling looking from me to Matt.

“Have fun,” She winked before closing the door. Matt laughed.

“Oh we will,” he said. I looked up at him seductively.

I woke up the next morning with a horrible feeling in my stomach, and coming up my throat. I jerked out of Matt’s grasp and running to the bathroom, slamming the door.

Throwing up is never fun. Matt came in rubbing my back. I slowly stood up walking over to the sink to get a drink of water.

“Maybe you have food poisoning,” he suggested breaking the silence. I nodded slowly, not saying anything. He starred at me for a few moments before exiting the bathroom.

I stared at myself in the mirror. I don’t know how but I knew it wasn’t food poisoning.

I gulped starring at myself in the mirror. My eyes wandered down to my stomach, and I gently placed my hand on it.

“No,” I whispered, as I began shaking. “It couldn’t be,”
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