Hand Up Your Soul To My Wrist

The Car

I laughed as Zacky continued babbling on and on. That boy can talk!

I tried to pay attention, but my thought kept wondering back to Matt. I looked down placing a hand softly on my stomach which had unfortunately grown bigger.

I thought to six months ago when I last saw Matt. I sighed, promising myself I wouldn’t cry anymore. I was done crying over him. I was done with him, or at least wanted to be.

I had been living with Alex, who lived outside of Huntington Beach, which was good because I didn’t have to worry about running into Matt.

“Harley,” Zacky yelled, making me jump, my thoughts going back to him.

“Yeah I’m here,” I answered.

“Were you listening?” he asked. I sighed.

“Of course,”

“What was I talking about?” he asked.

“Uh Gena,” I guessed.

“No Matt,”

“Oh well then I’m glad I missed it,” I mumbled sitting up to see what mischief Ty was up too.

“I think he really misses you,” he whispered. I rolled my eyes.

“He’s had 6 moths to apologize, I’m pretty sure he’s moved on, I just wish Ty could,” I said sadly.

“He misses him?”

“Yeah he asks for him all the time, he cries sometimes too,” I informed him.

“I’m sorry,” Zacky muttered.

“It’s not your fault and Ty loves you,”

“Well can you blame him?” He asked. I laughed.

“No I love you too,” I said smiling.

“Right back atcha,” There was a long pause, and I slowly stood up looking around for Ty.

“I really think Matt will come around,” Zacky said breaking the silence. I snorted in disbelief.

“You actually think that?”

“Yes I do,” he said.

“Well I don’t and you’re his friend you have to say that.”

“I never said he was a good guy, but…” He started.

“But what?” I asked walking into the kitchen gasping.

“Well maybe you could make him better, I think he needs you and you need him, in a way you like complete him,” I sighed realizing I really didn’t want to finish this conversation.

“Look Zacky I really have to go, Ty got kitchen soap all over the kitchen,” I grumbled looking around seeing bubbles everywhere. Zacky started laughing hysterically.

“Are you serious?” He asked.

“Unfortun………….” I started but stopped taking a step slipping on the soap and falling to the ground with a thud.

“Harley are you ok?” Zacky asked hurriedly. I slowly got up in pain.

“I…..I think so,” I mumbled. Ty walked over to me grabbing my leg making me almost fall again. I sighed frustrated.

“Do you want me to come see you?” Zacky asked.

“Well as much as I would love to see you, you don’t have to I’ll be ok?”

Sure ill be ok now, but what’s going to happen when I get another baby?

I hugged Ty before walking out the door of his baby sitters house. I’m pretty sure she was going to quit soon with all the shit Ty puts her through.

I got in the car looking at the clock. I had a doctors appointment in an hour. I started driving deciding to go home and take a Ty free nap for a while.

With everything going on with the new baby, Ty, and work I was pretty tired. I pulled into my garage frowning seeing a car I didn’t recognize. It wasn’t Alex, besides he was at work too.

He has been an angel, helping me with Ty and even with money, I don’t know what I would do without him.

I walked around the corner almost having a heart attack at seeing who was sitting at the front porch of my house. I stood still totally shocked for a moment before coming to my senses.

“Matt,” I said in disbelief. He stood up looking me up and down before nodding. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“We need to talk,” He said quietly looking down. I could tell he was nervous.

“No we don’t need to do anything you need to leave,” I mumbled walking past him to open the door.

“I made a mistake, I’m sorry I’m trying to fix it,” He said taking a step to walk into the house, but I stood in the doorway.

“Look we work better if we don’t see each other,”

“No,” he yelled. “That’s not true I’ve missed you and Ty,”

“Yeah, but I’m sure spending every night with Val helped ease the pain,” I mumbled angrily.

“I’m not back with her,”

I sighed realizing I would rather sit in the doctors office than have to here anymore of this conversation.

“I love you,” he said smiling lightly at me. I looked up at him angrily.

“Not interested,” I mumbled closing the door and walking past him, heading to my car.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“Away from you,” I sighed turning the corner.

“What about our baby,” he said pointing to my stomach. “What about Ty, they need a father.”

“Not a fucked up one,” I mumbled angrily. “ Besides you don’t want to be a father,”

“I do, look I wasn’t ready for Ty and all that responsibility, but I am now,” he said. I rolled my eyes.

“What did you go to a ‘ how to be a daddy class’?” I mumbled angrily.

“No, but I thought a lot about what I want in life and I decided I want you and Ty and the baby,” He said.

“Look here’s an idea why don’t you come see me in 6 months after you have been to a ‘ how to stop being a fucking asshole class’” I said meanly turning around opening the car door.

Matt ran over jumping in the passenger seat. I sighed angrily.

“Get the fuck out Matt,” I yelled. He shook his head. “Matt get out of my car,” I screamed trying to push him which was stupid because there was no way I was going to move him.

“No I’m not leaving until we can talk some more,” he mumbled. I sighed.

“I have places to be,”

“Well then I’m coming with you,” he said.

“No your not.”

“Yes I am.”



“Matt you have no fucking right to sit here and want to talk to me. You lied to my the first time we went out, and then the second time you kicked me and Ty out of the house the second you found out I was pregnant,” I yelled angrily. “I hate you!”

He looked down sad, but shook his head.

“No you don’t,” he mumbled.

I sighed realizing it was true. Now I had the problem of getting him out of the car, which he clearly wasn’t going to do.

I definitely didn’t want him going to the doctors with me, but something told me he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

I sighed angrily starting the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok this whole part was really long so i cut it down, but I have the next part written so if enough people comment i'll post the rest soon since I really like what comes next.

So please comment, i love reading comments, so I know you like the story.

Anyway thanks for reading : )