Hand Up Your Soul To My Wrist

The Room

I lay wide awake in the middle of the night worrying about everything.

The baby was coming in less than 1 month and we didn’t have anything done. I was freaking out.

“Matt,” I mumbled shaking his shoulder. He grunted, but didn’t moved. I sighed.

“Matt,” I repeated, shaking his arm harder. He opened one eye, seeing it was still totally dark, and quickly closed it.

“What?” he grumbled angrily. I rolled my eyes.

“I’m worried,” I said sitting up. He shoved his face into a pillow, making a sound, before slowly getting up, so he was sitting.

“About what?” he asked rubbing his eyes.

“The baby is coming in one month and we don’t have anything done, we need to paint her room, buy her a crib, and diapers, and furniture, and clothes, and a changing table, I could go on and on,” I mumbled.

“Please don’t,” he muttered looking at the clock. “I thought of something we need to buy you,”

“What?” I asked.

“A watch so you fucking know what time it is,” he mumbled lying back in bed, rolling onto his side.

“Matt this is serious,” I said.

“I know it’s four in the morning and you wont shut up,” he mumbled.

“Matt,” I whined. He sighed sitting up in bed.

“Look we can go shopping tomorrow alright, I don’t have to go to the studio so we can spend the whole day getting her room ready,” He said kissing my check softly. I smiled.

“Promise?” I asked.

“Yes, now go to sleep,” he said pulling my back down, so we were both laying down.

I lay there for a moment.

“What color are we going to paint her room, I was thinking light green,” I said. Matt moaned.

“I don’t care,” He said, grabbing his pillow and putting it over his face so it was covering his ear.

“Light blue is nice to, but is that to boyish?” I asked.
“No,” he answered clearly annoyed.

“Or both colors, but I’m not sure if they will go good together, what do you think?” I asked.

“I think I want to go to bed,” he muttered angrily.

“Yeah, but………..” I started.

“And I think I want you to shut up,” he mumbled. I sighed.

“Pink is a nice color for a girl, but I know you don’t like pink,” I said sitting up again. He let out a long sigh.

“Paint it pink, paint it blue, or green, or black, or leave it white, I don’t fucking care I’m tired,” he mumbled.

“Yeah, but could you really live with a pink room in your house?” I asked.

“Paint the whole fucking house pink, I don’t care please just let me sleep,” he mumbled.

“Really even the outside of the house, I mean imagine what the guys would say I don’t think……..” I was cut off by Matt shoving his lips against mine.

“What are you doing?” I asked against his lips.

“Trying to get you to be quit,” he answered, shoving his tongue into my mouth.

“Yeah but…………..”

“That’s it,” he mumbled standing up. “I’m going downstairs to fucking sleep on the couch,” he said walking out of the room.

“What your abandoning me, how could you I thought you loved me,” I cried. He rolled his eyes walking back into the room.

“I fucking hate hormones,” he whispered. He crawled back into bed reluctantly.

“Besides you better get used to not sleeping, that’s what it’s going to be like when the baby is here,” I added. He groaned, and I laughed.

“I’m sorry I’ll let you sleep,” I finally said laying back down.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

I had just finished giving Ty lunch when Matt came walking downstairs fully dressed. I smirked.

“Your up late,” I noted. He laughed walking over to put his hands on my waist.

“Don’t start,” he mumbled kissing my neck.

“I love you,” I whispered. He nodded.

“I love you too,” he said smiling.

“Good then let’s go shopping,” I said picking Ty up and grabbing my purse. He moaned.

“Do I have to?” he asked.

“Yes you promised me last night,” I said grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the door.

“Yeah, but it was four in the morning, I didn’t know what I was promising to,” he mumbled as I opened the door. I shook my head.

He sighed getting into the drivers side.

“I feel like everyone’s staring at me,” he whispered in my ear. I looked around the baby store.

“That’s because everyone is,” I mumbled looking at all the different cribs they had.

“It’s because I’m out of place,” he said. I rolled my eyes.

“Why don’t you take Ty out then,” I mumbled realizing he was bored too.

“Alright,” he said grabbing Ty’s hand.

“Our you sure you don’t care what I pick out?” I asked.

“Baby, I’m a guy we don’t care about stuff like that,” he mumbled. I laughed kissing him on the lips.

“Alright, we can meet up later,” I said.

“Thank you, I love you,” he said.

“I love you too,” I answered, watching them walk out of the store, most likely to a music store.

Five hours later I was pretty sure I ad everything we would need.

I walked into what will be our daughters room. Jimmy and Zacky were helping Matt put all the furniture together, while, Leanna, Gena, and I, were painting the room, light green. Lacey was over to, but she had the job of occupying Ty while we worked.

“So do you know what you are going to name her?” Gena asked.

“No,” Matt said trying to put the crib together.

“I have some idea’s,” I said finishing one of the walls.

“Oh how come I have never heard of these ideas?” Matt asked, standing up and walking over to me.

“Because,” I said throwing my arms around his neck, “ You have never asked.” He laughed.

“Well let’s hear them then,” Zacky said.

“Ok well I like the name…….” I started, but was cut off when I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I moaned. “ugh”

“Yeah I don’t like that name very much,” Jimmy muttered.

“What’s wrong?” Matt asked. Everyone’s eyes were on me. I looked up at him to tell him when all of a sudden my water broke.

“Oh my god she is going into labor,” Leanna screamed.
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