Hand Up Your Soul To My Wrist

The Ex

I sighed, looking up at Zacky. I was expecting him to yell or scream. His mouth was wide open, and he wasn’t blinking.

“Zacky,” I mumbled. “Say something,”

‘What……I…….mean how……..well………I mean….what the fuck?” he finally said.

“Surprised?” I asked.

“Surprised that you and Matt secretly have a son, uh hell yeah I am surprised,” He said.

“How do you know he’s Matt’s?” I asked.

“Oh I don’t know Harley, because he looks fucking exactly like him,” he yelled, making Ty scared.

He dug his head into my neck letting out a small cry. I decided not to say anything, it’s not like I could deny it.

“How could you not tell me, how could you not tell Matt?” he asked raising his voice.

“I couldn’t tell Matt,” I said angrily.

“Why I mean I know he fucked up, but that’s pretty shitty keeping him from his own child,” he said.

“I didn’t have a choice alright, you think it made me happy, you think I liked having to leave, you think I didn’t fucking miss Matt like crazy when I left.

I spent every fucking night wishing Matt was with me,” I yelled making Ty begin to cry. I sighed trying to pull him away from me, but he held on tighter.

“Why, why the fuck didn’t you tell him?” He yelled, both of us getting angry.

“What do you fucking think Zacky it’s pretty obvious,” I yelled.

“You were mad at him so you decided to just fuck with him and leave without telling him,” He guessed screaming at me. Ty began screaming too.

“You don’t know me at all,” I mumbled tears falling down my eyes, as well as Tyler’s. “I cant believe you would think I would do that,” I whispered turning around.

Moving back here was a mistake. I held on to Tyler as everyone starred at us, we were making a scene.

“Well then what the fuck is the reason?” he asked. I turned around to look at him, tears easily falling from my eyes now.

“Because if I told him Val would have found out and they would have broken up,” I said.

“And I knew that would kill Matt, so I left, left the man I loved so he could go be with the real love of his life,” I sighed. “I did what I had to do,”

I was completely crying at this point and Ty was still upset too. I ran home as fast as I could. Alex who had witnessed the whole thing came running after me.

I looked at Ty in black pants and a black shirt.

“You really do look like your daddy,” I said to him. He lifted his brown eyes to mine.

“Daddy?” He asked cutely. I sighed.

“You don’t know him,” I said looking around his blue room. I looked back at him a tear rolling down my cheek. “I know he would love you,” I said, as Ty looked up at me.

“Yeah he would,” I jumped up looking at Zacky. I was about to ask him a question.

“Alex let me in,” he explained. I nodded as Ty stood up backing away from Zacky. Zacky bent down looking at Ty.

”It’s ok buddy I wont hurt you,” he said sweetly. Ty looked up at me, and I nodded.

He waddled over to Zacky. Zacky put his hand up and Ty smiled giving him a high five. I laughed.

“He loves to do that,” I said bending down to be with them. Ty came over to me hugging me.

“Give Matt a chance, to prove it,” Zacky said standing up. I sighed putting Ty down, before standing up too.

“I don’t know Zacky,” I said reluctantly.

“Why, he may not be a good boyfriend, but he could be a good father,” he said.

“He’s not ready to be a dad,” I said, picking up one of Ty’s toys and putting it in his crib.

“You weren’t ready to be a mom, but you did it, he can learn, and I know he would want to if he knew,” he said. I shook my head watching Ty run around the room, pulling everything he could reach on the floor.

“Ty, no” I yelled to him.

“No” he yelled, back continuing making a mess.

“He’s a lot of work, Matt couldn’t handle it,” I said.

“Wow he’s a lot like his dad,” Zacky said laughing.

“I know” I grumbled. I chased Ty around his room until I finally caught him.

The moment I picked him off the ground, he started screaming and kicking. I picked him up putting him in his crib, where he began crying, and screaming as loud as he could.

“Yeah, I’m sure Matt’s ready for this,” I sighed trying to get Ty to calm down. He didn’t. “Matt’s a big rock star, he doesn’t want to deal, with a baby,”

“Why do you think he wouldn’t love his own son?’ He asked me, walking over to help with Ty.

“Because I knew him for a year, he’s not exactly the father type,” I answered looking up at Zack.

“Only because he has never had the chance to be, please tell him, I know he would want to be here,” he said. I rolled my eyes, looking at Ty throwing a fit in his crib.

Yeah I’m sure Matt would want to be here.

“All I would do is burden his life, I’m not telling him and you cant either,” I said pointing a finger at Zacky.

“One of us should tell him and it should be you,” He said sternly.

“What the fuck am I supposed to do call him up, Hey Matt haven’t seen you in three years sorry to hear about you and Val oh yeah and I had your baby three years ago,” I mumbled.

“He has to know,” Zacky said grabbing my hand, and pulling me into a hug. I put my arms around him. I pulled away smiling.

“I’m still not telling him,” I said walking out of the room. Zacky moaned, but followed.

“I have to go,” He said once we were in the living room.
“Your not telling him,” I said.

“Me or you take your pick,” he muttered.

“We could wait till Ty is eighteen, and then he can tell him,” I suggested, but Zacky shook his head.

“You or me,” He mumbled.

“I’ll do it,’ I mumbled giving up. “But not today,” I said walking over to the door pulling Zacky with me.

“What, wait no why not today?” Zacky asked. I pushed him out the door.

“Bye Zacky,” I said closing the door. “Don’t fucking tell him.”

Zacky’s p.o.v

I sighed walking into Brian’s house, I walked in the living room seeing Brian and Jimmy,

“Where the hell were you,” Brian asked throwing a pillow at my head I dodged it.

“Out,” I answered, not sure if I should tell them.

“You missed band practice because you were out” Jimmy asked me, I nodded.

“Where’s Matt?” I asked looking around the room. They pointed to a door across the hall, I sighed going over to it. I opened it seeing a very drunk Matt trying to stand up.

“Matt” I yelled at him, he turned his head losing his balance, and falling on his ass.

I rolled my eyes, making Harley was right about him not being ready.

“Get the fuck up Matt,” I yelled, I watched him try but fail. I moaned helping him stand up.

“Thhankss,” he slurred. I dragged him out into the living room.

“Where are you taking him?’ Jimmy asked.

“Out,” I answered dragging him out the door and shoving him into my car.

I drove as fast as I could.

Harley’s p.o.v

I walked into the living room collapsing on the couch. Ty had finally fallen asleep. All of a sudden I heard a huge knock on the door, then a scream from Ty’s room.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I mumbled deciding to get the door first. I opened it to see Zacky holding a very drunk passed out Matt.

“Here,” me mumbled handing his passed out body to me. I reluctantly held him. “ You take him, I promise I didn’t tell,” he said turning around.

“Zack Baker, get your ass back here right now you are not leaving him with me,” I mumbled having trouble holding him up.

“Oh hell yes I am have fun,” he said getting in his car and driving away. I moaned looking down at him.

This being the first time I have seen him in three years. I dragged his body over to the couch pushing him on it.

He stirred slightly, but didn’t wake up. I starred at him. He looked about the same, still hot as ever. I thought back to Ty still screaming in his room.

I looked back at Matt wondering what the hell I am going to do when he wakes up. I sighed going to take care of OUR son.
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