Hand Up Your Soul To My Wrist

The Phone Call

“Alright so we have two option‘s,” I said looking down at Ty before looking back up at Matt who was STILL passed out on my couch.

“We could drag him outside and leave him somewhere, or wait until he gets up and tell him the truth, in which he will probably get really mad,” I said. “My choice would be drag him outside,” I said standing up.

“No,” Ty said forcefully.

This no thing was getting kinda annoying.

“No what,” I heard Matt grumble, turning over to look at Ty.

He jumped up surprised. I ran over to grab Ty before he saw him.

“Am I looking into a mini mirror,?” he asked slowly, carefully getting up. I tried to hid my face.

“No……uh, your dreaming,” I muttered wishing I had just dragged his body outside.

“If I was dreaming I wouldn’t be feeling this fucking headache,” He said sitting up to look around the house.

“Where the fuck am I,” he asked in a low angry voice. Ty squirmed out of my grasp, letting out a scream.. Matt looked at him.

“Why the fuck does he look so much like me?” he asked looking up at me. I shrugged and he jumped up onto his feet standing on the couch.

“Oh my god, Harley?” he asked.
“In the flesh,” I said watching Ty grab something he was most likely going to throw.

“What am I doing in your house, when did you get back?” he asked totally forgetting about the two year old person in the room.

“I moved back, and Zacky dropped you off here passed out, I don’t know why,” I said slowly, as I watched him take a step towards me. He put his hand to his head.

“Oh my god I cant believe you moved back,” he said grabbing my arm pulling me towards him.

“Yeah well I missed Huntington,” I said slowly. I missed you to but I’m not going to admit that. He nodded leading me into towards him.

“I missed you,” he said pulling our lips together. No you miss the sex.

I’ll admit I loved kissing him though. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth. Just then I felt something collide with our heads.

“Ouch” I yelped pulling away from Matt. I looked at Ty he was laughing. I rolled my eyes, before looking at Matt who was looking at him. He looked from me to him, back and forth.

“Fuck,” He yelled. “Fucking hell no way is he…..” He pointed to himself. I nodded but didn’t say anything. He jumped back shocked as hell.

“You fucking bitch you didn’t tell me,” he screamed taking a step towards me, but I backed away.

“I couldn’t tell you,” I said angrily.

“Fuck you, how could you keep him from me?”

“Val” I answered.

“I cant fucking believe you, what you didn’t think I could be a father?”

“No” I answered.

“No,” TJ yelled from where he was sitting.

“How old is he?” Matt asked, still really mad.

“Two,” I said.

“Fuck I missed the first two years of my kids life, I cant fucking believe you,” He yelled to me. Ty began crying. He stumbled over to me. I looked up at Matt angrily.

“Great job dad,” I said picking Ty up and rocking him in my arms.

“Let me hold him,” he said walking towards us.

“He wont want to, he’s not good with strangers,” I said.

“I’m not a fucking stranger I’m his dad,” he yelled trying to take him. Ty cried more. I looked up at him.

“He doesn’t know that,” I answered.

“Yeah thanks to you,” he said.

“If you hadn’t lied to me about Val,” I began.

“Don’t fucking start that” he yelled reaching out for Ty. I handed him to Matt, to prove my point.

He instantly began kicking and screaming, trying to get away. Matt held on to him tight, but awkwardly, obviously not knowing what the hell to do. He sighed trying to calm him down.

“Told you,” I whispered. Matt glared at me.

“Here take YOUR fucking kid,” he yelled pushing him back to me before storming out. I rocked Ty back and forth.

“I’m so sorry baby,” I whispered in his ear.

“Mommy,” he whispered back. I sighed looking at the door.

Matt’s p.o.v

I sat their with my head in my hands.

“Fuck,” I looked up at Johnny.

“Is that all you can fucking say?” I asked.

“What are you going to do?” Jimmy asked looking at me. I lifted my head to looked at him, tears welling in my eyes, but I held them back.

“I don’t know,” I answered slowly, this was just to fucking much to handle.

“Is the kid cute?” Brian asked. I sighed thinking back to him.

“He looks exactly like me,” I mumbled leaning back, wishing I had a beer.

“Oh so no then,” Brian said as I glared at him.

“He’s two, two years old,” I mumbled. “I have a two year old son,” I heard the door open and Saw Zacky walking in with a cigarette in his mouth.

“What the fucks going on in here?” he asked looking at us.

“Harley‘s back, she‘s got a son, and it‘s mine too,” I answered.

“I know,” he replied coming to sit down.

“What?” we all said at once.

“Why the fuck do you think I brought you over there,” he answered standing up.

“Well what the fuck do I do?’ I asked looking at him. He shrugged.

“Be a dad, or at least learn how to be,” he answered before walking away.

“How the fuck does he know everything?” Brian asked. I ignored him and stood up.

“Where are you going?’ Jimmy asked standing up too. I didn’t answer, but AI think we all knew where I was going.

Harley’s p.o.v

I began making dinner when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Matt, this time no so drunk.

“Hey,” he said softly.

“Hi,” I said.

“Can I come in?” I nodded opening the door more for him to walk in. He walked over and sat on the couch, he was laying on before.

“I’m sorry,” he said looking up at me. I nodded sitting down. “For, for everything that happened three years ago,”

“I know,” I said taking hold of his hand. “So am I, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

I don’t um…..I don’t know if I can be a father,” He mumbled. I looked down. “but I’ll try,” he said grabbing my chin pulling me up to look at him.

He leaned in, but I pulled away. He nodded and smiled as soft giggles could be heard throughout the house.

“I have something for him,” he said.

“Ok, come on it’s time he knew his father,” I said pulling matt to his feet.

We walked together into Ty room. Ty and Alex were playing together and I smiled. Alex looked up at us surprised.

“Hey,” he said standing up. “I’ll leave you guys alone,” he said holding me hand for a moment smiling. “Bye TJ,” he said.

“Bye daddy,’ he mumbled. All of us looked down as an awkward silence fell. Matt didn’t say anything until he heard the door slam shut.

“I’m not going to be a good dad,” he whispered, but I heard him.

‘Ty come here,” I said bending down. He stood up and ran into my arms. I lifted him up high tickling him. He laughed. I looked up at Matt.

“Isn’t he cute?’ I asked.

“Well hell yeah he look’s like me,” He said taking something out of his pocket. I smiled when I saw they were mini sunglasses, just like the ones he always wears.

“Here kid, so ya always look good,” He said putting them on. Ty smiled reaching out his hand to high five. Matt laughed, giving him a high five.

“He doesn’t look anything like me,” I whined. Matt laughed raising his eyebrows.

“Yeah well he’s cute like you,” I smiled up at him, reaching over so he could hold him. Matt backed up.

“He two and I promise he’s not armed,” I said laughing at Matt’s scared face.

“Yeah well it’s not like it went so well last time,” He muttered. I lifted Ty over to him.

“No,“ he mumbled. Matt backed away again.

“Relax he always says that,” I informed. Matt held his arms out taking him in his arms. Ty moved around, but didn’t cry.

He looked up at Matt who was wearing the same sunglasses.

“You guys match,” I said smiling at how similar they looked.

“Come here,” He said reaching for me. I walked over hugging him, and Ty.

“Were like a family,” Matt mumbled probably more to himself than me, but I nodded.

“About time Tyler had one,” I said, he nodded whispering an “I’m sorry” His phone started vibrating, and I pulled away taking Ty who surprisingly didn’t seem to want to go.

I watched Matt take out his phone and leaned in the see who was calling. We both read the name at the same time.

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