Hand Up Your Soul To My Wrist

The Beach

I set Ty down in his crib, looking away as Matt answered the phone. He didn’t say much, but agreed a lot. He hung up and I looked at him. He sighed.

“I uh, I gotta go,” he said slowly saying goodbye to Ty before walking out into the living room expecting me to follow, but I didn’t.

He sighed, and I heard the door close. I felt tears in my eyes, but I couldn’t cry.

“I knew it, I knew he would always pick her over me, over us,” I muttered looking at Ty who seemed to be sad too.

***Three days later***

“What are you doing?“ Alex asked walking into the living room.

“Teaching Ty how to jump,” I said. “Jump Ty,” He did, but didn’t land falling on his butt, he didn’t cry, just stood, back up.

“He’s tough,” Alex commented, and I nodded. He walked over sitting next to me on the floor. “I’m sorry he hasn’t called,” Alex mumbled.

I opened my mouth to say something when the doorbell rang. I sighed standing up watching Ty run to the door knocking on it.

I laughed picking him up answering the door. I was surprised to find, Johnny, Lacey, Brian, Jimmy, Leana, Zacky, Gena, and Matt.

I wasn’t surprised that Michelle wasn’t standing there.

“Hey,” I said as Ty squirmed around in my arms.

“Oh let me see him,” Leana yelled running towards the door. I laughed giving her a hug before, turning him around in my arms so they could see his face.

They all gasped, looking from him to Matt. I rolled my eyes, but opened the door for them to come in. I gave each of them a hug, even Matt though I’m not sure why.

We all got drinks and laughed as Ty went around giving cheers to everyone.

“So you guys are really getting married?” I asked sitting next to Zacky looking at Leana and Jimmy, they excitedly nodded, and I laughed.

“Congratulations,” I said happily, realizing just how much I had missed all of them. Just then Ty began to cry. “I’ll be right back,” I said standing up taking him to his room, to change his diaper.

“Can I come in,” I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Matt. I nodded. He came in closing the door behind him.

“I’m really sorry about before,” he said. I nodded finishing Ty putting him down.

“You have to do what you have to do,” I said slowly.

“We are not getting back together,” He said putting his arms around my waist. I shrugged.

“I don’t care,” I lied. He turned me around in his arms, so I was facing him.

“Yes you do,” he said looking at me straight in the eyes, and I know he can see right through me.

I looked up at him nervously, as my body tensed up. He let go of me taking a step back. “I was thinking maybe we could take TJ to the beach tomorrow,” he said.

“Yeah he loves the beach,” I looked at Ty laughing, as he hugged his teddy bear.

I opened the door to walk out and Ty dropped the bear running ahead of me. I took a step into the hallway, and felt Matt grab my hand.

I didn’t let go as we walked back into the living room.

“Ty come here let me put your shirt on,” I yelled.

He was being more annoying and difficult than usual today. He ran around the house with just his shorts on. I sighed trying to grab him. Just then door opened, as Ty ran past.

“Grab him,” I yelled. Matt laughed, but did as Ty screamed and kicked in his arms.
“He is definitely your son,” I sighed taking him and slipping his shirt on.

“If I didn’t know any better I would say you meant that as an insult,” He said.

“Oh I did,” I said laughing. He hit me playfully in the arm.

“Bring it,” I replied making him pick me up. I screamed as he through me on the couch, coming on top of me.

“Mommy,” Ty yelled running over to me trying to get on the couch too. We both laughed and Matt got off me standing up.

“Ready to go,” he asked. I nodded picking up Ty and our beach bag. We began walking to the beach.

I sat in the sun watching Ty and Matt try to build a sand castle. I couldn’t help, but laugh as Ty jumped on it making it crumble to the ground.

“Fine by that way,” Matt said walking over to sit next to me. Ty continued to play in the sand. I looked at Matt.

“I want to be there for him,” he said.

“You can be, I’m not keeping him from you,” I said grabbing sunscreen to put on my arm.

“Here,” he said grabbing it so he could do it for me. I sighed at his touch. He laughed leaning in closer to me.

“I want to be there for you too,” he mumbled against my skin.

“Well who says I need someone to be there for me?” I asked. He looked at me raising his eyebrows.

“I know you want me,” He said looking smug.

“You don’t know that you think that,” I mumbled. Hell we all know it’s true.

he sighed laying in the sand. “You going to have to admit it sometime,” He mumbled. I mumbled something under my breath.

I stood up taking Ty over to the water. He jumped right in, and began splashing me. I laughed, and splashed back.

Looking over at Matt who was starring at us smiling. He ran over to play with us in the water. All three of us laughing.

I slipped on the sand and fell onto my back. Matt laughed leaning down to help me.

“Oh you think it’s funny,” I said grabbing his arm and pulling him on top of me.

“Hey,” he yelped, I laughed trying to keep an eye on Ty, which was becoming more difficult as Matt lay on top of me.

He smiled leaning down to kiss my lips. I smiled letting his tongue roam around in my mouth. He sighed pulling away, looking for Ty who had begun running down the beach.

“Fuck,” we yelled at the same time. Matt got up quickly and I smiled watching him run after Ty who was pretty fast for a two year old. I smiled still laying in the sand.

Maybe this could work.
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Thank you so much for reading hope you like it, please comment!!!!!!!!!!!!11