Hand Up Your Soul To My Wrist

The Name

I opened the door seeing Ty come running at me.


“Hey baby,” I said tiredly. First day back at work is never fun. He reached his arms up and I picked him up.

“Hey,” Alex said walking around the corner. I gave him a hug, even though I had seen him this morning.

‘Thanks for watching him,” I said.

“No problem, but I really have to go I have a date,” he said. I raised my eyebrows.

“With who?”

“This girl I met Cam,” he replied giving Ty a hug before walking to the door. “Jealous?”

“No,” I mumbled.

“Good because there is something for you on the kitchen table,” He said.

“You didn’t try to make dinner again did you because I really don’t feel like getting food poisoning again?” I asked.

He glared at me.

“No it’s not from me,” he said walking out the door, closing it behind him. I shrugged putting Ty down, and walking to the kitchen.

I gasped looking at twelve long stem roses lying on the counter with a card next to them I walked over picking up the card.

Because I really do care,
Love Matt.

I sighed putting it down. I had to admit he could be romantic.

I looked for a vase to put the flowers in when I heard a knock at the door. I watched Ty run over and laughed opening the door. Looking at Matt.

“Hey,” he mumbled, looking down.

Ty recognized him and ran over lifting up his hand. Matt bent down giving him a high five, before picking him up. I didn’t say anything, but opened the door, watching him walk in.

“I wanted to say I’m really sorry, about what I said, I swear I didn’t mean it,” He said putting Ty on the couch.

“Ok,” I sighed not really believing him. I walked back in the kitchen to finish with the flowers.

“See,” he said picking up the flowers, “I told you I cared.”

“Well thank you,” I mumbled taking them from him to put them in a vase. He sat down at the counter looking at me.

“I miss us,” he said looking away. I walked over on the other side of the counter looking at him straight in the eyes.


“Yeah,” he answered. I nodded. Ty came running through the kitchen and Matt picked him up.

“Mommy,” he squealed looking at me.

“Hi baby,” I said sweetly.

“How come he never says daddy?” Matt asked. I shrugged. I reached out my arms, and Matt handed him to me.

“Ty look it’s daddy,” I said pointing to Matt. Matt smiled really big and I laughed.

“What?” he asked.

“You look weird when you smile like that,”

“Thanks love you too,” he mumbled wanting Ty back. I gave him Ty.

“Say daddy,” he commanded. Ty smiled, but didn’t say anything.

“He doesn’t listen well,” he said.

“Yeah that will great when he’s a teenager,” I mumbled turning away.

“He’s going to be a cool teenager getting all the girls,” He said looking at Ty.

“Well he is your son,” I said, he laughed.

“I was thinking maybe we could bring him to my parents, you know so they could see him, and learn they have a grandson,” he said, I laughed.

“Of course,” I said smiling at them.

“And then I was thinking we could leave him there and go out to dinner,” he said quietly, but I heard him.

“Like a date?” I asked suspiciously.

“Well yeah, but nothing serious, I just want to take you out to dinner,” he mumbled shyly. I sighed realizing I really did want to go.

He put Ty down and I went over and sat in his lap, he smiled, obviously liking it.

“When was the last time you went on a date that didn’t end in sex?” I asked. He paused for a second thinking.

“Never,” he said. I laughed.

“Well there’s a first time for everything,” I laughed getting off of him.

“Yeah we’ll see,” he said smugly. I laughed raising my eyebrows, trying to remember the last time we went on a date.

“Alright how does he look?” I asked holding his hand walking out into the living room.

“Cute,” Matt said standing up.

“Good, and how do I look?” I asked turning around so he could fully see me.

“Sexy,” he answered. He turned around to and I laughed.

“Hot,” I answered. “We are one good lucking family,”

“Hell yeah,” he said excitedly.

“Ready?” I asked.

“Yeah I got this,’ he said picking up Ty’s bag.

“Yeah and I got this,” I said picking up Ty. We walked out to Matt’s black car, and got in.

We arrived at his parents house, a half an hour later. He knocked on the door, and I looked a little nervous.

“Do they know about me and Ty?” I asked.

“Yeah, I told them last night,” he said laughing at how nervous I was.

“How did they take it?” I asked.

“Well we were surprised, but happy,” I turned to see Matt’s mom standing in the door. I smiled, as he leaned in to give her a hug. His dad walked to the door and he did the same.

“This is Harley, and this is TJ,” he said pointing to us.

“Hi nice to meet you,” I said, trying to turn Ty around so they could see him.

I pushed him towards them, and he went to his mom, she laughed.

“He is so cute,” she said.

“Thanks,” we both said at the same time.

“Why are you saying thanks he looks like me,” matt whispered in my eye. I leaned up and whispered back.

“Yeah, but I had him,” He nodded and we walked inside their house.

An hour later, I had learned many of Matt’s embarrassing kid stories, seen plenty of baby pictures, and gotten to know his parents, who were the coolest people.

“Well you two have fun,” his dad said looking back at Matt’s mom who was playing with Ty.

“Thanks so much for watching him,” I said, deciding not to tell them how difficult he would most likely be.

“Are you kidding we are happy to,” his mom said smiling. We walked out of the house, Matt saying goodbye to his parents.

“Bye a Ty,” I said.

“Bye mommy,” I smiled at his cute face.
“Bye TJ,” Matt said deciding on calling him TJ.

We paused, but nothing happened. Matt sighed and we began walking to the door.

“Bye daddy,” a small voice said from behind us. I looked up at Matt he was smiling.

He turned around looking at Ty and I could tell he really felt like a father now.

I know this is going to be a great date, but I am nervous about how it will end. I know Matt and he usually get what he wants.

I gulped knowing exactly what he wants.
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