Hand Up Your Soul To My Wrist

The Date

“This restaurant is so fancy, it’s probably really expensive,” I muttered sheepishly looking around.

“Relax I wanted to take you here,” Matt said as the waiter showed us to our seats. I sat down taking a menu and opening it up.

We ordered our food and drinks. I looked at Matt, as an awkward silence fell upon us. Matt sighed reaching over and taking my hand.

“I want us to start over,” he said slowly.

“Start over?” I asked confused.

“Yeah like forget about the past, and just start fresh,” he said, I sighed looking down.

“I don’t know if I can trust you,” I said looking up into his eyes.

“You can I really care about you, I wouldn’t mess this up again,” Matt said taking a sip of his drink. I sighed picking up mine.

“I like the idea of starting fresh, but why cant we be friends?” I asked.

“Because you want me and I want you, and we were a good couple before,” he mumbled.

“ I don’t know about that,” I said.

“Well we have to give us a chance, or else we will never know,” he urged.

“Yeah, but what if we become a couple and it doesn’t work out?” I asked thinking about what that would do to Ty.

He laughed slightly looking at me.

“It will work,” he answered.

We talked all through dinner, laughing a lot. All the feeling I once felt for him came rushing back, but I still wasn’t entirely sure I could trust him again.

He insisted on paying, and we walked out of the restaurant.

“So where now?” I asked looking up at the beautiful night sky. He leaned in kissing my neck.

‘Dessert,” he said. I sighed. All he cares about is sex.

What if he sleeps with me, get’s what he wants, and then leaves? I turned around in his arms.

“Only if it’s edible,” I answered. He rolled his eyes. I smiled cutely.

“Alright come on,” he said grabbing my hand and leading me to his car.

“A bar,’ I asked when we pulled up.

“Yep,” he answered parking.

“You just want to get me drunk so I’ll sleep with you,” I muttered. He smiled grabbing my chin.

“I’m a guy, give me a break,” He said kissing me lightly. “Plus I really do like this place,” he said stepping out of the car.

I followed him making a mental note to not get drunk. We walked into the bar and I had to admit it was a pretty nice place.

We walked over to the bar sitting down. It reminds me of the old days we would come out.

Back when we had no worries, no baby to take care of. I ordered a drink and laughed as Matt began talking to one of his friends. Apparently he is a regular here.

I had a beer. One became two. Two became three, three became four and so on. I haven’t been drunk in a long time and it feels good.

Three hours later I was pretty wasted. Matt was drunk to but he was more used to it. We took a cab home, since neither of us could drive.

We decided to go to my house. We walked up the steps and I stumbled with the key.

As soon as we were inside we closed the door and jumped on each other. I began furiously kissing Matt.

He lifted me up and headed own the hall towards my room. He stumbled and I was very thankful we had no stairs.

He took off my shirt, and I took off his. I stumbled with his belt, as he undid my jean button.

He lifted me up throwing me on the bed. He climbed on top of me, and I finished taking off his pants. He leaned down kissing my neck, taking my bra off.

He sighed looking down at me.

“Your so beautiful,” he mumbled taking off my underwear. I pulled off his boxers and smiled. Remembering how good he is at this.

“I missed you so much,” he mumbled pushing himself into me.

“Me too,” I gasped. “Me too,”

I woke up with a horrible headache.

I tried to remember something from last night, but couldn’t. I looked at the clock seeing it was 11. I gasped. Ty where was Ty.

I leaned back remembering he was with matt’s parents. That’s when it hit me. Everything that happened last night.

I hit my head realizing what we did last night. All my fears of not trusting Matt, and Matt leaving came rushing back. I turned over seeing an empty bed.

I sighed looking around the room.

Matt was gone.
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