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The Vampire Prince

In most vampire fiction, vampires tend to be filthy rich or at least comfortably loaded. It's presumed that over the years they've managed to save/squirrel away money so that they can have a comfortable lifestyle, plenty of security so nobody comes in and stakes them in their sleep, and a fabulous wardrobe. Some certainly look like the Rich Idiot with No Day Job, others may be Non-Idle Rich and manage to be financially enterprising. Generally justified in that the vamp is hundreds of years old, and thus has had plenty of time to accrue his wealth. Being technically dead also saves several bills, as there's no need to buy food, water, insurance, you get the idea.

Well, Corey Feldman himself is a vampire in this story, and he has money (meaning lots of it) to boot.
  1. At an Auction
    When vampire prince Corey Feldman and slave Nicole Eggert's paths cross at a slave auction, he buys her, intending to treat her well.