‹ Prequel: The More You Chase It
Status: active

Memories Are Wonderful


The stiff cardboard of the box crumpled in my attempts to fold it. I beat it and pushed it, and tried to get it into a manageable form so it could go in the recycling like all the others had. It was the last box I had to unpack, and after a week of being home my apartment still felt unnatural. I had become so used to living with Kate it felt weird being on my own again and the last time I had called these four walls home I had been in a very different mindset. England had done exactly what I had hoped. It got my mind off of James and renewed my previous passions. Once again my life was balanced and orderly, just the way I liked it.

Things were different now but it seemed all was for the better. Samantha had started spending a lot of time with Elizabeth while Kate and I were gone, meaning our trio had a new member. I didn’t mind. Elizabeth had always been gregarious and likable. Clara was engaged to Andrew finally and I would be the maid of honour in the spring. Her gallery had really taken off in the last 7 months because apparently James had told some of his scholar friends about her. I wondered if they had talked much while I was gone but she said a month after I left he stopped coming to the gallery.

As for Kate and I, England had been one of the best decisions either of us had ever made. There was so much to see and to take in. It was completely different from what I expected but at the same time it was probably better.

My hair was now dyed a lighter shade of brown than it used to be. It was a decision I made after Kate pointed out that dark hair didn’t really suit a Daisy but I didn’t go as far as going blonde because I could never pull that off. I had also lost a bit of weight from not having a car to drive around. Most of the 7 months I spent studying and visiting all the places around I had heard so much of, I even took summer classes with Kate, where both of us met a lot of friends that we would miss. We promised to keep in touch, although, after two weeks in England James and I had stopped communicating completely so I obviously wasn’t the best at it. But maybe this time I would feel more motivation. My friendship with these girls wasn’t decaying and crumbling before I left like it had been with James.

I tucked my hair behind my ears as I bent over the box and gave it one last crunch. The box was finally flattened when I picked it up and tossed it with the others. I wondered how long it would take for this to feel like home again as I looked at all the unpacked possessions, old and new mingling on the tables and shelves of my living room. I had spent most of the afternoon framing photographs from England. Pictures of my new friends and the places I had seen. It made me happy to have them out where I could see them and easily remember my time there.

As my eyes scanned over a week’s worth of unpacking, my new American cell phone vibrated in my pocket. It was a call from Kate.

“Hiya,” I greeted conventionally as I grabbed all the boxes under one arm to take them to the floors recycling.

“It’s so weird not having you a room away!” Kate didn’t bother with a greeting but I knew what she was feeling. It would take a while to get used to living alone again.

“I know. How’s the unpacking going?”

I manoeuvred the boxes through my apartment door and down the long carpeted hallway.

“I was finished days ago, class starts the day after tomorrow.”

“I know, I know. But I just finished today.”

“Yeah well you’re a perfectionist.”

I opened the room for with the garbage chute and slid the boxes into the recycling before heading back to my room. The hall was so quite and empty adding to the aloneness of my old apartment.

“I’m not a perfectionist.”

“Hah. That’s funny.”

I rolled my eyes even though she wouldn’t be able to see it. Only someone has whimsical as her would believe I was a perfectionist. There was nothing about me that was remotely perfectionist.

“So what do you want Kay?” Re-entering my apartment I threw my keys down on the coffee table.

“Right. Samantha called me and was wondering if you were free tonight.”

“Yeah, why? What’d she have in mind?”

“I think she wanted to go out for drinks so, no driving.”

“That’s fine with me. I’ve barely driven since I got home. I’m still not used to it yet.”

“I know. I’m the same way. And walking got us so fit I might just sell my car,” she joked.

“Sure ya will. Anyways, if we’re going out tonight I have to shower and change.”

“Alright, text me when you’re ready and we can meet on the corner of your street outside that small café.”

“Sounds good. See ya soon.”

“Bbbyyyyeee Daize!”

I laughed a nostalgic laugh, already missing my old roommate, “bye Kay.”

I got ready quickly and walked with Kate to the restaurant Samantha had requested we meet her at. When we got there she already had a high bar table with Elizabeth. Neither of them had changed much. I hadn’t seen Elizabeth since that party of hers I had been to over a year ago but even that much time hadn’t changed her appearance. Her hair was longer I suppose.

“Hey guys,” Kate greeted them as we slipped off our purses and hung them on our chairs before sitting down.

The place smelt like wings and beer despite the nice long marble tables and pretty décor. There were multiple TVs on the walls playing different sports games.

“Wow, Daisy, I haven’t seen you in forever. You look great.” Elizabeth smiled pleasantly. There was a reason we had gotten along at that career session.

“You too. Are you doing something different with your hair?” I asked as a way to reciprocate but like I said, she hadn’t really changed much.

“No. It’s probably grown a bit.”

“Yeah. I think that’s it. So how long have you guys been waiting?”

Samantha looked at her blackberry to check the time, “only about ten minutes. We thought we’d wait to get drinks until you guys got here.”

“Sounds good. I’m parched.” Kate enthusiastically grabbed the drinks menu and we all perused the wine and cocktails list. When the waiter came around Kate and I decided on a glass of their French red wine while Samantha and Elizabeth both got some fancy cocktails.

“You guys are so in sync!” Samantha seemed surprised even though we had seen her since we got back. There was a slight hint of jealousy in her voice that made me feel guilty.

“7 months of living with someone will do that to you.” I shrugged, playing with the coaster on the table in front of me.

“What about you guys? How did you start hanging out?” Kate asked.

“Well I don’t know. We’ve all kind of known each other for a few years so while you guys were gone Elizabeth kept inviting me to her parties and we found out we had a lot in common.”

I smiled, “still throwing a lot of parties?”

“Not recently. My boyfriend isn’t really the partying type.”

“That sucks,” Kate sounded sympathetic but she loved being single, like me. “You’re parties were the best. I remember the end of the year one you threw last year.”

I looked at her sceptically, “We were in England at the end of the last school year.”

“No, the year before that.”

I thought about it for a moment before I realized that I too had been at that party. “I think I was at that party.”

“Aww, we should have hung out.” Samantha voice came out in a fake whine just as the server approached our table and put our drinks down.

“Yeah that’s weird. I don’t think I stayed too long though.” Because James and I left together.

Kate sipped her wine, “were you there when Daniella got really sick?”

I shook my head, “I don’t think so.”

“Oh my god, that was a disaster. This girl named Daniela got some serious alcohol poisoning, and the weird thing is I didn’t even invite her, she just came with a group of my friends.” There was a hint of irritation in Elizabeth’s voice.

“That’s pretty lame.”

“Yeah, but then some guy tried to start barbequing food in the backyard but he was so trashed,” Samantha laughed as she spoke and we all joined in.

“That sounds like fun, I wish I had stayed.”

Elizabeth’s tone suddenly got serious, “it really wasn’t.”

For the rest of the night we caught up and talked about the last 7 months. It was a lot of fun being with friends and enjoying the night. Living alone again made me appreciate even more a simple thing such as going out for drinks with friends.

As the night was wrapping up I was warm and fuzzy with the alcohol and every comment seemed to make me laugh or smile.

“We should definitely do this again soon.” I put down my empty glass as I spoke.

Samantha’s hand came down on the table, “Yes! I missed you guys.”

“What’re your schedules like?” I asked.

“Classes packed all week except Friday and I work Sundays.” Kate frowned.

Then Samantha, “only three days of class, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and I work on weekends.”

Finally I turned to Elizabeth who seemed surprised to be included, “I’m actually done school so just work Monday to Friday 9-5.”

“Well I’m starting a new job in two days!” I was excited for it, “But my classes are pretty packed.”

“Whatever, we’ll figure something out roomie!”

I rolled my eyes, “Kate we’re not roomies anymore.”

She grumbled something under her breath that I could not comprehend.

“What about this Saturday? The record store down the road is having a street sale and then we could grab a coffee?” Elizabeth suggested.

We all nodded, it sounded like a good plan. I was starting to like her more and more as the night wore on.

“Saturday it is.”

It was then I felt truly happy and complete. I had great friends, a great new job, classes would be starting soon, and my big sis was getting married. Everything fixed itself while I was away. It was all perfect.
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I wasn't going to post the sequel so soon but it already had a subscriber so I felt like I should. This story isn't going to change up the perspective or time like the other one did but hopefully you guys will like it :)
I'm kind of unsure about it so feedback would be amazing!