Fake a Heartbreak

o15. Your Arms

Viktoria's POV

Why did you do that?! You ruined your only fucking chance with her! Why would you fucking do that?! You are so fucking stupid.

I laid face down in my bed, crying, screaming. I couldn't believe that I had done that. But she's gone now and it's all over, all my dreams gone. She hasn't been gone long but I can still feel her here. As my sobbing continues I heard someone walking up the stairs, probably mom returning from her "night job". I remained face down, crying for the loss of something that never was and now, never will be. I heard my bedroom door open and felt a weight at the end of my bed,

"Vik?" Lashawna's calm voice called. I pulled my pillow closer to my face, hoping to drown out any remaining sobs. She scooted even closer to my resting place, fiddling with the blanket below her.

"Please Viktoria, I didn't mean it." She told me truthfully. I squeezed my face tighter against my pillow, I felt the bed shift again and her soft lips press against my exposed neck. I rolled over enough to be able to look her in the eyes. She opened her arms, looking at me sympathetically. I sat up and leaned against her, she wrapped her comforting arms around me, automatically making me feel whole again. When we both pulled away all we could do was look into each others eyes.