Fake a Heartbreak

o18. Assholes Like You

Lashawna's POV

"Lashawna, run this over to Mrs.Kindly's room, please." The teacher asked me from across the room. I let out a sigh and cat walked over to the teachers desk, and snatched the book from under a folder.

"Fine." I snapped, striding out of the class and down the hallway. Being popular has it's bitchy moments. The hallways were empty by this time and the only sound that could be heard was my high heels connecting to the hard tile in a loud echoing click.

"What the fuck are you looking at, pussy sucker?!" I heard in the distant hallway. What the fuck? I wondered to myself. I made my way down the hall, setting the book on the ground, I didn't really feel like carrying the piece of shit anyway. I carefully made my way to the end of the hall, listening intently to the voices...

"Oh my god, are you bleeding?" The voice asked sarcastically. Alainia?! Dang, what sorry son of a bitch is she beating up now? I smirked as I turned the corner to see six girls with Alainia pointing and laughing. I grinned as I saw the excitement in their eyes, but that soon changed when I saw their victim. A pale girl was sitting against the wall, her black hair like a curtain over her face, hiding her identity from me.

"Alainia..." I whispered quietly, more to myself than her. With a single kick in the ghosts face, the curtains parted and flash of Vikkies face scrunched in pain was shown in a split second.

"Vikki..." I breathed out. The most infuriating anger I've ever felt took over, kicking and screaming it's way through my veins.

"Alainia!" Her name erupted from my throat. My loud outburst caused the kicking to stop and the spotlight to shine on me. Alainia looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey Greek Princess! Wassup?" She asked like nothing was wrong. Vikki glanced at me through her hair, a look of pain and relief met my eyes...unfortunately I didn't have time for that. With a hardened expression, I walked over to Alainia, glanced at Vikki and then at the rest of them.

"What the fuck are you doin, huh?" I asked with anger. Alainia looked at her friends in confusion and then looked at me.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She asked like it was no big fucking deal. I looked down at Viktoria and gestured to her with a bend of my head to slip into the bathroom across the hall from us. In a split second Vikki stood up shakily and ran into the bathroom. As soon as I heard the bathroom door shut and one of the stall doors slam I turned to Alainia.

"Dammit Lania! Don't you ever pull a fucking stunt like this shit again! Just in case you don't remember, I AM WITH HER." I whispered harshly. ''Which means I have to protect her from assholes like you, and if that's all I have to do to earn my respect from Andre then I sure as hell will! Do you understand?!" I told her venomously. Alainia merely nodded.

"Get the hell outta here." I growled and turned to the bathroom.