Fake a Heartbreak

oo2. Just A Taste

Lashawna's POV

I'm just gonna pretend that bitch did not say I was spending my weekend with a fucking queer, and think of something positive.

"Oh my fucking god, Greek Princess! You're gonna work with that fucking slime?!" Alainia said, pointing to that EMO chick, I think she's been around since I was in 8th grade...long damn time. I rubbed my forehead and took out my brush and make-up case.

Alainia, or Cocoa Puffs, has been one of my closest friends since High School started, but she's a senior and will be graduating soon, I am a Junior while my "Gay Partner" is a freshman. I relaxed as I ran the brush through my long hair. The brush running down my hair felt comforting somehow. Alainia sat back and took out her cell phone, playing a new some from Pretty Ricky, and talking to Shandaya across the room. Applying some eyeliner and lip gloss, I was able to see that EMO chick checking me out from behind my back. For a second, our eyes connected, her eyes widened, she blushed and looked away. I've noticed her looking at me for years, so this shit wasn't new to me.

With a smile on my face, a kick ass idea slowly pieced itself together in my mind. I was gonna have a little fun! I pulled my tight brown shirt down a little so my breasts were peeking from behind my sand colored top. Pushing my hands up with my breasts, I stood up and walked towards the back of the class where I was sitting earlier. All eyes were on me, except the teacher, who was typing behind her desk.

I smirked at the girl as her eyes looked away from me and her face flashed scarlet. Today I decided on wearing sand-colored, pants and shirt, with black high boots, my hair was down so it fell to the curve of my back, and golden earring hoops, rings, necklace, bracelets and my diamond nose piercing. I swayed my hips when I got to her table, placing both of my hands next to her black binders, I leaned over so my breasts where perfectly in her view.

"Hi...what's your name again?" I asked her. She didn't answer, her eyes were glued to my chest, and her tongue whipped across her pink lips. I smiled to myself...