Status: Still in the writing Process, so stay tuned.

Chemistry of a Car Crash

Who Says

“I take that everythin is alright with ye and Oli.”
I smiled as Tom let me into DD with a cheeky grin, as he took one of the three boxes of pastries I bought for everyone. One alone was for Matt K. for being the best crying hug buddy ever.
“What makes you say that?” I said walking into the shop, and smiling as Oskar began barking and jumping at my bare legs.
“Ye wouldn’t be showing ye face here if things weren’t.” he laughed and shut the door behind us, before he took the other boxes from me so I could lift up Oskar who immediately began licking my face.
“I would’ve dealt with it for you boys.” I laughed, as Tom gave me a doubtful look.
The back lounge was unusually quiet. They had, had a show two hours previous, and all five boys were sprawled on the couches.
“How bad was the signing?” I laughed softly as Oskar bounded out of my grasp, and ran towards Nicholl’s and Marie who were cuddled on one of the couches.
“It wasn’t bad, just a shit load of fans.” Tom laughed and placed the boxes on the middle of the table, and handed me Matt K.’s box.
“Any ruined clothes?” I laughed as I walked towards the dozing off bassist.
“Ask ye lover?” Tom laughed before he walked through a different door.
I took a seat next to Matt K. who gave me a tired look, but tried his hardest to look alive.
“I wanted to thank you, for helping me, the other night.” I smiled as I handed him the box.
He gave me a sweet eye roll, “Ye just needed a push, and Oli needed some sense. Worked out in the end right?”
“Eh,” I shrugged as I watched him open the box of sweets with a gleam in his eyes.
“Then it will work.” he smiled popping a treat into his mouth.
I shrugged again and laughed, “Where is this boy we speak of,”
Matt K. chuckled and motioned behind him, “In the back room.”
I smiled and greeted the others and walked towards the backroom that was Oli’s office, where I knew he had a large couch and he was probably sprawled across it.
“Thought ye weren’t gunna come ‘n see me.”
I rolled my eyes as Oli yawned in his sweaty state, “Of course I’d come to see you. You just need to change your shirt, or shower.”
He laughed and held up a finger as he walked across the room and stripped out of his soaked shirt and into a fresh one, and placed a towel over his head and tried drying off.
When he caught me smiling he smirked, sprayed some man spray and then opened his arms for a hug.
“Mmm, so sexy.” I laughed as he squeezed me tight and we fell to the couch.
“How was the show?” I sighed as he cuddled into my chest and I ran my hands through his moist hair.
“Fuckin’ sick as always,” he said tiredly, “Lee lost his shirt, was hilarious.”
I rolled my eyes, “And would it have been funny if you had lost it?”
He glanced up at me thoughtfully, “I wouldn’t find it funny.”
I rolled my eyes, “That’s my point,”
He shrugged in my grasp and closed his eyes as he breathed in and out slowly, relaxing, “When’s ye birthday?”
“What?” I asked starring down at him, as he talked softly, his eyes still closed.
“When’s ye birthday?” he repeated again, with a smile, and opened his eyes.
“May 14th?” I said unsure at his question.
“Just curious is all,” he shrugged, closing his eyes, and snuggling up, “Only asking.”
I glared at him, and raised his chin towards me, and he smirked as he opened his eyes, and blinked innocently.
“Why did you ask?” I rolled my eyes, as he stretched, and pulled the two of us into a laying position on the couch, his back pressed up against the cushions, as he laid on his side, hovering over me, as I laid flat.
“I can ask ye anything,” he replied smartly, and I glared harder as he chuckled and played aimlessly with a strand of my hair.
“You can’t just ask something so random, and not expect me to grow curious about it.” I laughed.
“Well it won’t be surpirse if ye keep asking,”
“It’s your fault for bringing it up!” I laughed, as he leaned his forehead against my own, with a cheeky grin.
“Well, I hope yer a patient gal, ‘cuz I”m not tellin’ anytime soon,” he laughed, as I let out a mocked enraged groan.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lack of updates readers! It's been a hectic month. Finals, My College Orientation, and I graduated on Thursday......... So that means I'm on Summer vacation, and will be updating regularly! :]
So have patience for a while, and comment!

and if you're a fan of john ohh:
My Only One
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